Eric Leung, MD
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative MedicineThis provider accepts new patients
Appointment Phone Number: (212) 305-3535
With extensive experience in physical medicine and rehabilitation and pain medicine, Eric Leung, MD provides the highest quality, comprehensive care for a wide range of disabling conditions. As a physiatrist, Dr. Leung specializes in spine and nerve disorders. With a special interest in cancer management and rehabilitation, Dr. Leung provides the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic technologies and continuity of care within the framework of Columbia University Iriving Medical Center and NewYork-Presbyterian. He is devoted to expert diagnosis and treatment for improved patient outcomes and is committed to delivering state-of-the-art neurological care with compassion and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families.
Board Certifications
Pain MedicinePhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Areas of Expertise
ArthritisArthritis of Spine
Arthritis of the Back
Cervical Disc Herniations
Cervical Herniated Disc
Cervical Neck Pain
Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Cervical Spine Disease
Degenerative Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disorders
Degenerative Spinal Disorder
Degenerative Spine Disease
Disorder of Intervertebral Disc
Epidural Injection into Lumbar Spine
Herniated Cervical Disc
Herniated Disc
Herniated Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
Hip Pain
Image Guided Musculoskeletal Proc
Interventional Spine Procedures
Joint Injections
Knee Pain
Knee Problem
Low Back & Neck Pain
Low Back and Neck Pain
Low Back Pain
Lower Back Pain
Lumbar Disc Herniation
Lumbar Herniated Disc
Muscle Strain
Musculoskeletal Disease
Musculoskeletal Disorder
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Musculoskeletal Pain
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Neck and Back Pain
Neck and Lumbar Spine Problems
Neck Pain
Neck Pain, Acute
Nerve Blocks
Nerve Pain Due to Spinal Stenosis
Non-operative Sports Medicine
Pain Medicine/Pain Management
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
Radiofrequency Ablation
Rotator Cuff Injury
Rotator Cuff Tear
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
Runner's Knee
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Shoulder Arthritis
Shoulder Pain
Spinal Arthritis
Spinal Disorders
Spinal Injections
Spinal Nerve Root Block
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis of Lumbar Region
Spine & Nerve Blocks
Spine Rehabilitation
Sports Injuries
Sports Injury
Sports Injury Rehabilitation
Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Rehabilitation
Sprains and Strains
Torn Rotator Cuff
Trigger Point Injections
CUIMC/Harkness Pavilion
180 Fort Washington Avenue199
New York, NY 10032For new and current patient appointments, call: (212) 305-3535
ColumbiaDoctors - Midtown
51 West 51st Street375
New York, NY 10019For new and current patient appointments, call: (212) 305-3535
ColumbiaDoctors - Tarrytown
155 White Plains Road192
Tarrytown, NY 10591For new and current patient appointments, call: (212) 305-3535
Provider Affiliations
NewYork-Presbyterian / Weill Cornell Medical CenterNewYork-Presbyterian / Columbia University Irving Medical Center
NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital
Insurance Programs
Please contact the provider's office directly to verify that your particular insurance is accepted.AETNA [Aetna Signature Administrators, EPO, HMO, Medicare Managed Care, NYP Employee Plan, NY Signature, POS, PPO, Student Health]
Affinity Health Plan [Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care]
AgeWell [Medicare Managed Care, Special Needs]
Amida Care [Special Needs]
CIGNA [EPO, Great West (National), HMO, POS, PPO]
Emblem/GHI [Medicare Managed Care, PPO]
Emblem/HIP [ConnectiCare, EPO, Essential Plan, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care, POS, PPO, Select Care (Exchange), Vytra]
Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield [EPO, HMO, Medicare Managed Care, PPO]
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthPlus [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care]
Fidelis Care [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Healthfirst [Child/Family Health Plus, Leaf (Exchange), Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Local 1199 [Local 1199]
MagnaCare (National) [MagnaCare]
Medicare [Railroad, Traditional Medicare]
Multiplan [Multiplan]
MVP Health Care [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care]
Oxford Health Plans [Freedom, Liberty]
RiverSpring [Special Needs]
UnitedHealthcare [Compass (Exchange), Empire Plan, HMO, Medicaid (Community Plan), Medicare Managed Care, POS, PPO]
VNSNY CHOICE [Medicare Managed Care, SelectHealth, Special Needs]
WellCare [Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]