Rami Said, PT
Academic Appointments
Instructor in Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Physical Therapy)Current Administrative Positions
Director of Columbia Physical Therapy - Tarrytown (Faculty Practice)This provider accepts new patients
Rami M. Said, PT, DPT, MEng is the Director of the Columbia University Physical Therapy Faculty Practice in Tarrytown and an Instructor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. As a Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, he specializes in delivering individualized physical therapy treatment to patients of all ages with a wide range of musculoskeletal, sports, and spine injuries in order to maximize function, improve quality of life, and restore the participation of recreational, functional, or professional activities. As an Instructor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine for the Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy, he participates in the instruction of Gross Anatomy, Kinesiology, Biomechanics, Orthopedics, and Sports Rehabilitation. His areas of interests include creating a movement-based injury risk profile for athletes of different sports, the utilization of technology to assess biomechanical forces and stress applied to the body during therapeutic exercise, and the delivery of physical therapy education.
Dr. Said received his Bachelor & Master of Engineering degrees from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art, with a focus in Biomechanics. He received his Doctoral Degree in Physical Therapy from Columbia University, where he was awarded the Mary Callahan Award for Academic and Clinical Excellence in Physical Therapy. While attending Columbia University, Dr. Said was the recipient of the coveted Mary McMillan Award, which is awarded by the American Physical Therapy Association to the most promising physical therapy students in the nation. He currently maintains membership in the American Physical Therapy Association and the Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy Sections.
Areas of Expertise
Physical TherapyElbow Pain
Foot and Ankle Injuries
Hip Injuries
Knee Injuries
Neck and Back Pain
Shoulder Injury
ColumbiaDoctors - Tarrytown
155 White Plains RoadEast Building
Tarrytown, NY 10591For new and current patient appointments, call: (914) 333-2404
Phone: (914) 333-2404
Fax: (914) 333-2402
Email: rs2376@cumc.columbia.edu
Insurance Programs
Please contact the provider's office directly to verify that your particular insurance is accepted.AETNA [Aetna Signature Administrators, EPO, HMO, Medicare Managed Care, NYP Employee Plan, NY Signature, POS, PPO, Student Health]
Affinity Health Plan [Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care]
AgeWell [Medicare Managed Care, Special Needs]
CIGNA [EPO, Great West (National), HMO, POS, PPO]
Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield [EPO, HMO, Medicare Managed Care, PPO]
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthPlus [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care]
Fidelis Care [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Healthfirst [Child/Family Health Plus, Leaf (Exchange), Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Local 1199 [Local 1199]
Medicare [Railroad, Traditional Medicare]
Multiplan [Multiplan]
MVP Health Care [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care]
Oxford Health Plans [Freedom, Liberty]
RiverSpring [Special Needs]
UnitedHealthcare [Compass (Exchange), HMO, Medicaid (Community Plan), Medicare Managed Care, POS, PPO]
VNSNY CHOICE [Medicare Managed Care, SelectHealth, Special Needs]
WellCare [Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Past Positions
Since graduating the Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy from Columbia University in 2007, Dr. Said went on to work as a staff physical therapist at Excel Orthopedic Rehabilitation in New Jersey working with patients with a wide array of orthopedic, sports, and spine injuries. In 2008, he was promoted to Clinic Manager of the Hackensack location, where he led a team of 8 employees. In 2011, Dr. Said joined the physical therapy staff at Columbia University in the Dept. of Neurological Surgery as the Senior Physical Therapist of The Spine Center at The Neurological Institute, where he focused his patient care toward spine-specific orthopedic injuries and conditions. During his time at The Spine Center, he had the privilege of working with many of the physicians, nurses, staff, undergraduate and graduate students of the University.Presentations
Platform Presentation. Said RM. "Lumbar Instability in Runners: What Tissue is the Issue?" Presented at Columbia University Running Symposium (June 2019). New York, NYPlatform Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Cutler E, Gross KJ, Hayek TM, Maye TT, Sinodinos J. Comparison of Hip ROM and Strength in Injured versus Non-Injured Adolescent Baseball Pitchers. Presented at – Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association (January 2019). Washington, D.C.
Poster Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Burnett CA, Churchill CA, Gross KJ, Oh JY, Vithoontien P. The Relationship between Functional Movement Assessments and Injury Risk in Division I Male Soccer Players. Presented at – Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association (January 2019). Washington, D.C.
Poster Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Cutler E, Gross KJ, Hayek TM, Maye TT, Sinodinos J. Comparison of Hip ROM and Strength in Injured versus Non-Injured Adolescent Baseball Pitchers. Presented at – Weill Cornell Rehabilitation Research Day (September 2018). New York, NY
Poster Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Burnett CA, Churchill CA, Gross KJ, Oh JY, Vithoontien P. The Relationship between Functional Movement Assessments and Injury Risk in Division I Male Soccer Players. Presented at – Weill Cornell Rehabilitation Research Day (September 2018). New York, NY
Platform Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Maguffin C, Prominski K, Tan D, Lynch TS. Evolution of Hip Range of Motion in Adolescent Baseball Pitchers. Presented at – Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association (February 2018). New Orleans, LA
Poster Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Lynch TS. The Impact of Patient Positioning When Assessing Hip Rotation Range of Motion in Adolescent Baseball Pitchers. Presented at – Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association (February 2018). New Orleans, LA
Poster Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Crossan T, Lloyd S, Naftilan M, Schlobach N, Omofuma I, Agrawal S, Lynch TS. Use of Inertial Motion Capture System to Assess Kinematics in Adolescent Baseball Pitchers: Pilot Study. Presented at – Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association (February 2018). New Orleans, LA
Poster Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Salituro AL, Hasselbrock-Shanley L, Pleus M, Roach S, Lynch TS, Ahmad C. Hip Range of Motion in Adolescent Baseball Pitchers: A Comparison between Stance and Stride Leg as well as the Impact Patient Position has on Rotational Motion Assessed. Presented at – Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association (February 2017). San Antonio, T
Poster Presentation. Timmerberg J, Said RM, Bordlee R, Cavaleri P, Russell H. The Validity of the Functional Movement Screen to Identify Impaired Range of Motion and Strength at the Hip. Presented at – Combined Sections Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association (February 2016). Anaheim, CA
Poster Presentation. Johnson EK, Said RM. The Effects of Hip Manipulation Force, Velocity, and Limb Position on Three-Dimensional Hip Joint Reaction Forces. Presented at – International Federation of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Meeting (October 2012). Quebec City, Canada
NoneTeaching Responsibilities
Course Coordinator - Sports Rehabilitation ElectiveCourse Co-Coordinator - Concepts in Therapeutic Exercise
Course Lab Instructor - Management of Orthopedic Conditions I, II, & III
Course Teaching Assistant - Gross Anatomy Teaching Practicum: Small Groups
Course Teaching Assistant - Kinesiology and Biomechanics II: Tutorials
Committees / Societies / Memberships
American Physical Therapy AssociationAmerican Physical Therapy Association, Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy
American Physical Therapy Association, Academy of Sports Physical Therapy
North American Spine Society
Global Health Activities
NoneHonors and Awards
Marquis Who’s Who in America (2013)American Physical Therapy Association, Mary McMillan Scholarship Award (2007)
Columbia University, Mary E. Callaghan Award (2007)
New York Physical Therapy Association, Participation Award (2007)
Said RM, Bevelaqua AC. Benign Vascular Malformation at the Ischial Tuberosity. JOSPT. 2016;46(7):607.Said RM, Johnson EK, Roh EY. The Relationship Between Golf Swing Trunk Rotation Biomechanics and Low Back Pain in Golfers. Spine Line. 2013;14(5):21-26.