Lisa Yoon, PT, DPT, PCS
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine (Physical Therapy) at CUMCThis provider does not accept new patients
Dr. Yoon is a board-certified physical therapist with over 25 years of clinical experience treating infants and young children with developmental, neuromotor and neuromuscular disabilities in community-based settings. She has a special clinical interest in early detection, evaluation, and treatment of medically fragile infants, and individuals with cerebral palsy and pediatric cancer. Dr. Yoon collaborates with the Department of Pediatrics and Division of Neonatology, and the Weinberg Family Cerebral Palsy Center to bridge the early identification of infants to the evidence-based multidisciplinary care of children throughout their life. Her current research interest is in characterizing muscle quality and architecture using ultrasound in individuals with ambulatory Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
Dr. Yoon's clinical and research interests include neuro developmental disabilities, and pediatric cancer.
Board Certifications
Physical TherapyAreas of Expertise
Cerebral PalsyPediatric Cerebral Palsy
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Education and Training
EdD, Movement Science - Applied Physiology, Teacher's College/Columbia University Programs in Physical TherapyBS, 1993 Exercise Science, University of Southern California
MS, 1995 Physical Therapy, Columbia University
DPT, 2015 Physical Therapy, Utica College
Provider Affiliations
NewYork-Presbyterian / Columbia University Irving Medical CenterInsurance Programs
Please contact the provider's office directly to verify that your particular insurance is accepted.AETNA [Aetna Signature Administrators, EPO, HMO, Medicare Managed Care, NYP Employee Plan, NY Signature, POS, PPO, Student Health]
Affinity Health Plan [Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care]
AgeWell [Medicare Managed Care, Special Needs]
Amida Care [Special Needs]
CIGNA [EPO, Great West (National), HMO, POS, PPO]
Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield [EPO, HMO, Medicare Managed Care, PPO]
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthPlus [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care]
Fidelis Care [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Healthfirst [Child/Family Health Plus, Leaf (Exchange), Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Local 1199 [Local 1199]
Medicare [Railroad, Traditional Medicare]
Multiplan [Multiplan]
MVP Health Care [Child/Family Health Plus, Essential Plan, HMO, Medicaid Managed Care]
Oxford Health Plans [Freedom, Liberty]
RiverSpring [Special Needs]
UnitedHealthcare [Compass (Exchange), HMO, Medicaid (Community Plan), Medicare Managed Care, POS, PPO]
VNSNY CHOICE [Medicare Managed Care, SelectHealth, Special Needs]
WellCare [Medicaid Managed Care, Medicare Managed Care]
Contact Info
Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual ConferenceAmerican Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Conference
American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
International Society of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress
Teaching Responsibilities
PHYT M8630 Physical Therapy Management of Pediatric ConditionsPHYT M9035 Advanced Seminar in Pediatrics
PHYT M8860 CanWarriors Independent Study
Committees / Societies / Memberships
International Society of Early InterventionNew York Physical Therapy Association
American Physical Therapy Association
Academy of Oncologic Physical Therapy
Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy
Global Health Countries
GuatemalaGlobal Health Activities
Service Learning in GuatemalaHonors and Awards
Clinical Specialist in Pediatric Physical Therapy, American Board of Physical Therapy SpecialtiesResearch Interests
Neurodevelopmental Disabilitiespediatric cancer
Physical Activity
Yoon L, Brough C, Fu W, Johnson M. Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and education in oncology: Practical applications and experiences, from physical therapy classroom to clinic.?Rehabilitation Oncology.?2022;40(1):24-31. doi:10.1097/01.reo.0000000000000280Johnson M, Fu W, Brough C,?Yoon L. Integrating oncology education into an entry-level doctor of physical therapy program using a systematic and comprehensive approach.?Rehabilitation Oncology.?2022;40(1):38-46. doi:10.1097/01.reo.0000000000000279
Drumm, Fabiano J, Lee E, Jezequel J, Rao AK,?Yoon L. Effects of power training on gait, power, and function in children with cerebral palsy.?Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics.?2021:1-15. doi:10.1080/01942638.2021.1995098
Montes J,?Yoon L. Commentary on "Stander Use in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Results from a Large Natural History Database".?Pediatric Physical Therapy,?2020. doi:10.1097/pep.0000000000000722
Yoon L, Montes J. What System Controls Balance in Children with Carcot-Marie-Tooth Disease??Muscle Nerve?2019;60(3):219-221. doi: 10.1002/mus.26612
Runco DV, Yoon L, Grooss SA, Wong CK. Nutrition and Exercise Interventions in Pediatric Patients with Brain Tumors: A Narrative Review.?J Natl Inst Monogr?2019(54): lgz025 doi:10:1093/jncimonographs/lgz025.