Professor, Department of Biological SciencesProfessor, Department of Systems Biology (in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
Department of Biological SciencesDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Department of Systems Biology
Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
(212) 851-5166Website
Tavazoie LabSaeed Tavazoie is a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. He was a professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and the Institute for Integrative Genomics at Princeton before joining the faculty at Columbia in 2011. His research is focused on understanding cellular adaptation—in particular how cells achieve adaptive gene-expression states, both during short-term physiological adaptation and long-term adaptive evolution. Over the years his laboratory has made important contributions to decoding the genomic elements that drive adaptive transcriptional responses and revealing the genetic basis of adaptation to extreme environments. His laboratory has taken a systems-level approach to understanding cellular behavior by making large-scale global observations and using computational approaches to infer the key underlying components and their organization into regulatory and genetic networks. This strategy has revealed important new phenomena; for example, that microbial organisms can predict changes in their external environments. His research group has made significant headway in tackling these problems through the development of experimental and computational methods that both generate and utilize high-dimensional genomic and phenotypic observations. The long-term goal of his research is to achieve a predictive understanding of biological systems in terms of the structural and dynamical properties of the underlying molecular networks. Professor Tavazoie is the recipient of the 2008 NIH Director's Pioneer Award.
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Awards and Grants
Saeed Tavazoie Wins Transformative Research Award With the support of the NIH’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research program, Tavazoie will develop a new technology combining experimental and computational methods to map all pairwise molecular interactions in the cell.
Research News
Protein Found that Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis Saeed Tavazoie and researchers at Rockefeller University have discovered that the RNA binding protein TARBP2 drives metastasis and identified tantalizing connections between cancer and two neurodegenerative diseases.
Systems Biology Throws You Out of the Box: An Interview with Saeed Tavazoie Dr. Tavazoie discusses his research in the areas of gene transcription, post-transcriptional regulation, and molecular evolution, and how novel technologies coming out of systems biology push scientists to think in new ways.
Synthetic and Systems Biology: Reinventing the Code of Life In video of this roundtable discussion at the Helix Center, professors Saeed Tavazoie and Andrea Califano join a panel of experts in discussing the intersection of systems and synthetic biology, and the role these two disciplines will play in the biological sciences.
In the Press
The Rise of Systems Biology "'Science is more than a body of knowledge, it's a way of thinking,' remarked Carl Sagan, and probably his words were never more powerfully relevant than for portraying one of the newest biomedical fields, systems biology."