Tey Meadow
Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology
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Tey Meadow
Research Interest
Gender & Sexuality Bio
?Tey Meadow is an assistant professor of sociology, where she teaches courses on gender and sexuality, queer theory, qualitative methodology, law, and the analytics of risk and uncertainty.?
Meadow’s published work focuses on a broad range of issues, including the emergence of the transgender child as a social category, the international politics of family diversity, the creation and maintenance of legal gender classifications, and newer work on the ways individuals negotiate risk in intimate relationships.
Meadow is the author of?Trans Kids: Being Gendered in the Twenty-First Century?(University of California Press, 2018), and the co-editor of the volume,?Other Please Specify: Queer Methods in Sociology?(University of California Press, 2018). She has published essays in academic journals like?Gender & Society, Politics & Society, Sexualities, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Transgender Studies Quarterly?and multiple edited volumes.
July 10, 2018Professor Tey Meadow's Article on Desistance featured on The Atlantic
Tey Meadow, Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, wrote an article featured on The Atlantic that explores "desistance" and other loaded language commonly used when discussing the experiences of trans teens. Click here?to read the full article.Selected Publications
Other, Please Specify: Queer Methods in Sociology.
Tey MeadowD'Lane R. Compton
Kristen Schilt
Trans Kids: Being Gendered in the Twenty-First Century
Tey MeadowPubMed
“Whose Chosenness Counts? The Always-Already Racialized Discourse of Trans*”
Tey MeadowPubMed