Guy Garty, PhD
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OverviewCredentials & Experience
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology (in the Center for Radiological Research) at CUMCAdministrative Titles
Associate Director, Radiological Research Accelerator Facility (RARAF)Gender
MaleCredentials & Experience
Education & Training
BS, 1995 Physics, Tel Aviv University (Israel)MSc, 1998 Particle Physics, Weitzmann Institute of Science (Israel)
PhD, 2004 Particle Physics, Weitzmann Institute of Science (Israel)
Honors & Awards
Young Investigator award, awarded at the 11th ICRR, Dublin, Ireland, 1999Young Investigator award, awarded at the 13th Symposium on Microdosimetry, Italy, 2001
Feinberg graduate school travel award, 2001
Young Investigator award, awarded at the 14th Symposium on Microdosimetry, Italy, 2005
Scholar in training award, awarded at the 55th annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society Savannah, GA, 2009
Research interests-Radiation Physics
-Detector Physics
-Automated imaging/image analysis
-Microbeam technology and applications
I am particularly interested in the development of precise instrumentation for measurement of radiation effects in physical and biological systems.
Selected Publications
Lyulko OV, Garty G, Randers-Pehrson G, Turner HC and Brenner DJ. Fast image analysis for the micronucleus assay in a fully automated high throughput biodosimetry system. Radiation Research, 181:146-161 (2014).Brenner DJ, Vazquez M, Buonanno M, Amundson SA, Bigelow AW, Garty G, Harken AD, Hei TK, Marino SA, Ponnaiya B, Randers-Pehrson G and Xu Y. Integrated interdisciplinary training in the radiological sciences. British Journal of Radiology 87:20130779 (2014).
Turner HC, Sharma P, Perrier JR, Bertucci A, Smilenov L, Johnson G, Taveras M, Brenner DJ and Garty G. The RABiT: high-throughput technology for assessing global DSB repair. Radiat Environ Biophys, 53:265-272 (2014).
Repin M, Turner HC, Garty G and Brenner DJ. Next generation platforms for high-throughput biodosimetry. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 159:105-110 (2014).
Garty G, Ehsan MU, Buonanno M, Yang Z, Sweedler JV and Brenner DJ. Microbeam Coupled Capillary Electrophoresis. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 166:188-191 (2015).
Garty G, Bigelow AW, Repin M, Turner HC, Bian D, Balajee AS, Lyulko OV, Taveras M, Yao YL and Brenner DJ. An automated imaging system for radiation biodosimetry. Microscopy Research and Technique 78:587-598 (2015).
Xu Y, Randers-Pehrson G, Marino SA, Garty G, Harken A and Brenner DJ. Broad energy range neutron spectroscopy using a liquid scintillator and a proportional counter: Application to a neutron spectrum similar to that from an improvised nuclear device. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 794:234-239 (2015).
Xu Yanping, Randers-Pehrson G, Turner HC, Marino SA, Geard CR, Brenner DJ and Garty G, Accelerator-based biological irradiation facility simulating neutron exposure from an improvised nuclear device. Radiation Research, 184:401-410 (2015).
Garty G, Turner HC, Salerno A, Bertucci A, Zhang J, Chen Y, Dutta A, Sharma P, Bian D, Taveras M, Wang H, Bhatla A, Balajee A, Bigelow AW, Repin M, Lyulko OV, Simaan N, Yao YL, Brenner DJ, The decade of the RABiT (2005-2015). Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 172:201-206 (2016).
Bian D, Tsui JC, Repin M, Garty G, Turner H, Lawrence Yao Y, Brenner DJ, Liquid Handling Optimization in High-Throughput Biodosimetry Tool. J. Med. Device 10: 0410071- 04100710 (2016).
Broustas CG, Xu Y, Harken AD, Garty G, Amundson SA., Comparison of gene expression response to neutron and x-ray irradiation using mouse blood. BMC genomics 18:2 (2017)
Garty G, Xu Y, Elliston C, Marino SA, Randers-Pehrson G, Brenner DJ, Mice and the A-Bomb: Irradiation Systems for Realistic Exposure Scenarios. Radiation Research. 187:465-475 (2017).
Broustas CG, Xu Y, Harken AD, Chowdhury M, Garty G, Amundson SA, Impact of Neutron Exposure on Global Gene Expression in a Human Peripheral Blood Model. Radiation Research.187:433-440 (2017).
Repin M, Pampou S, Karan C, Brenner DJ, Garty G, RABiT-II: Implementation of a High-Throughput Micronucleus Biodosimetry Assay on Commercial Biotech Robotic Systems. Radiation Research. 187:492-498 (2017).
Laiakis EC, Wang YW, Young EF, Harken AD, Xu Y, Smilenov L, Garty G, Brenner DJ, Fornace AJ Jr., Metabolic Dysregulation after Neutron Exposures Expected from an Improvised Nuclear Device, Radiation Research. 188:21-34 (2017).
Xu Y, Randers-Pehrson G, Marino SA, Garty G, Harken A, Brenner DJ., A Horizontal Multi-Purpose Microbeam System. Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res A. 888: 18-21 (2018).