哥伦比亚大学精神病学系导师教师师资介绍简介-Maureen O'Reilly-Landry, PhD

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Maureen O'Reilly-Landry, PhD

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Dr. O'Reilly-Landry works with people with medical illnesses, their families and caregivers (including medical practitioners) to help them adjust to the traumatic stress of living with a serious chronic medical illness. She studies the interplay between physical, psychological and social factors involved in being sick. Her main research focus is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and dialysis. Her recent professional presentations involve the psychological impact on the medical staff and other patients when a patient on a chronic dialysis unit dies. At Columbia, she is part of the treatment team in the Home Hemodialysis Program.
Dr. O'Reilly-Landry is former Director of Psychological Services for Apollo Healthcare and has taught and trained doctoral students and psychology interns at Roosevelt/St. Luke's Hospital,Columbia Teachers College, Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Bronx Lebanon Hospital and Cambridge Hospital.
She is trained as a Relational-Interpersonal psychoanalyst and is interested in the application of psychoanalytic thinking to current real world problems. She is co-author (with Ellen Luborsky and Jacob Arlow) of the revised chapter on modern psychoanalysis in the current edition of the classic psychotherapy textbook Current Psychotherapies by Corsini and Wedding.
She has an extensive background in cognitive and personality assessment and has taught the integration of the Rorschach Inkblot Method with the MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multi-phasic Inventory) to advanced doctoral students. She performs psychological evaluations for various Catholic religious orders and is consultant to Marykoll Lay Missioners a group of Catholic missionaries.
She is on the Board of the Psychoanalytic Society of the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, and the Editorial Board for PsychMatters.org of the New York State Psychological Association's Division of Psychoanalysis.
She was the recipient of the Jeanne H Block Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Murray Research Center at Radcliffe College and received an NIMH Training Grant for her doctoral studies.

Academic Appointments

Assistant Clinical Professor




Psychological Aspects of Chronic Dialysis, Including the Impact on Patient, Family and Caregivers of Those Having the Illness
Dr. O'Reilly-Landry studies psychological adaptation to illness, with emphasis on both patient and caregivers as well as the medical care providers. She is interested in the interplay between biological, psychological and social factors in chronic medical illness, particularly chronic diallysis.

Selected Publications

O'Reilly-Landry M (Ed): A Psychodynamic Understanding of Modern Medicine:Placing the person at the center of care, Radcliffe Publishing, London/New York, , 2012
O'Reilly-Landry M: The empty chair: A psychodynamic formulation of a dialysis unit death In: Souza M Staudt C The Many Ways We Talk About Death in Contemporary Society , Edwin Mellen Press, New York, NY, USA, 2009
Luborsky E, O'Reilly-Landry M, Arlow J: Psychoanalysis In: Current Psychotherapies (Eds Corsini R and Wedding D) , Wadsworth, CA, 2008