哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院西班牙语系导师教师师资介绍简介-Jesús Suárez-García

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-10-01

Jesús Suárez-García

Senior Associate in Spanish and Latin American CulturesLanguage Program Director




212-854 8713


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Jesus Suarez-Garcia joined the Barnard faculty in 2002.
Jesús Suárez-García received a BA in Hispanic Philology from the University of León (Spain). Before joining the Barnard College faculty he worked at Moscow State University (Russia), the University of Wales at Swansea (UK), the University of León (Spain) and Duke University (USA).
At the above mentioned institutions, he taught courses in Spanish language and literature, language teaching methodology, and on the use of the new technologies in language teaching. He also held the positions of Course Coordinator and Instructional Technology Coordinator.
At Barnard College, he has taught courses at the intermediate and advanced levels and for heritage speakers, and has participated in the development of new courses. In addition, he has acted as Study Abroad Advisor, Language Coordinator, and Instructional Technology Coordinator and has developed the web site for the Spanish Department, and a web site for advanced courses.
He has done research on vocabulary acquisition, and his current field of interest is the use of new technologies, and in particular, the use of the tools of the Web 2.0 for language learning.
He is the creator and administrator Todoele (http://todoele.es/)?a web site?for teachers of Spanish as a foreign language.
He is one of the founding editors of the?Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, the first peer-reviewed journal on the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language.

BA, University of Leon, Spain
Masters degree on ICT and e-learning, Open University of Catalunya, Spain

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