加州大学伯克利分校计算机学院EECS导师教师师资介绍简介-Grigory Tikhomirov

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-09-12

Assistant Professor

Division of Computer Science/EECS

Faculty URL

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Research Expertise and Interest
bioengineering, nanofabrication, nanorobotics, biosystems and computational biology, energy, integrated circuits, micro/nano electro mechanical systems, physical electronics

Research Description
Greg Tikhomirov is an assistant professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, with a background in chemistry, bioengineering, medicine, and nanotechnology. He has a longstanding dream to engineer life-like artificial systems, motivated by the realization that incomprehensible natural complexity arises from comprehensible fundamental laws. Ti Lab at Berkeley is pursuing the?design and fabrication of devices with atomic precision by combining the strengths of rational top-down engineering and bottom-up biomolecular assembly. A key goal is to adopt the powerful but still proof-of-concept self-assembly approaches of DNA nanotechnology to engineer new, useful devices.