加州大学伯克利分校计算机学院EECS导师教师师资介绍简介-Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-09-12

Assistant Professor

Division of Computer Science/EECS

Faculty URL


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Research Expertise and Interest
biosystems and computational biology, artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems and design automation, human-computer interaction, signal processing, intelligent systems and robotics

Research Description
Gopala Anumanchipalli received a B.Tech and MS in Computer Science from IIIT Hyderabad in 2008, and a Ph.D in Language and Information Technologies from Carnegie Mellon University, and a Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from IST, Lisbon. After Postdoctoral training and being a Full Researcher at Dept. of Neurosurgery at UCSF, he joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley in Spring 2021 and continues to hold an adjunct position at Dept. of Neurosurgery at UC San Francisco. He works at the intersection of Speech Processing, Neuroscience, and Artificial Intelligence with an emphasis on human-centered speech and Assistive technologies, including new paradigms for bio-inspired spoken language technologies, automated methods for early diagnosis, characterizing and rehabilitating disordered speech. With colleagues at UCSF, he also develops methods to advance our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying speech/ language function in healthy people and Brain-Computer Interfaces to externally decode speech and language directly from the brain to augment lost function in paralyzed patients.