加州大学伯克利分校社会学系导师教师师资介绍简介-G. Cristina Mora

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-09-12

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Dept of Sociology

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Research Expertise and Interest
classification, organizations, race and ethnicity, Latino Migration

Research Description
Professor Mora’s research focuses mainly on questions of racial and ethnic categorization, organizations, and culture. Her dissertation, De Muchos, Uno: the Institutionalization of Latino Panethnicity, won the 2010 ASA Distinguished Dissertation Award, and provides a socio-historical account of the emergence and diffusion of a “Hispanic/Latino” panethnic category in the United States. She is currently developing this project into a book manuscript, and plans to use some of the insight gleaned on racial/ethnic classification to shed new light on the production of medical and scientific knowledge. In addition, Professor Mora’s research on culture focuses on immigrant religion, as well as on the diffusion of Pentecostalism in Latin America.