加州大学伯克利分校经济系导师教师师资介绍简介-Jesse Rothstein

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-09-11


Dept of Economics
Goldman School of Public Policy

Faculty URL


(510) 495-0646

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Research Expertise and Interest
labor economics, inequality, education policy, unemployment, tax policy, local public finance, teacher quality, segregation, economics of education, labor market

Research Description
Jesse Rothstein is a professor in the Department of Economics and the Goldman School of Public Policy.? Much of his work is in two areas: The economics of education, and labor markets. In education, he has studied the identification of teacher quality, school choice, affirmative action, student loans, and college admissions. His labor markets research includes studies of unemployment insurance, of Universal Basic Income. and of the labor market effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit.
He has also worked on local public finance and urban economics, with studies on residential segregation and the housing market valuation of school quality and of school facilities. Finally, he has worked on tax and transfer policy.
He directs the California Policy Lab, which pairs experts from the University with policymakers to solve public problems via research using administrative data.