加州大学伯克利分校西班牙和葡萄牙语系导师教师师资介绍简介-Estelle Tarica

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Estelle Tarica

Department Chair, Professor

5214 Dwinelle Hall
OH: T 3:35-4:35, F 11:30-12:30, Email me to receive a link to sign up for zoom office hour slots
Department Chair Estelle Tarica (PhD Comparative Literature, Cornell, 2000) is Professor of Latin American Literatures and Cultures in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and a former Chair of the Latin American Studies Program at UC Berkeley. She is the author of The Inner Life of Mestizo Nationalism?(University of Minnesota Press, 2008),?concerning?the discourse of indigenismo and mestizaje in Mexico, Peru and Bolivia and focusing on the work of José María Arguedas, Rosario Castellanos and Jesús Lara. Her current book?manuscript examines the circulation and reception of Holocaust testimony in Latin America during the Cold War. Her research areas include the study of racial ideologies and how these are linked to discourses of cultural decolonization, especially in Mexico, the Andes and the French Caribbean. Her work is particularly engaged with questions of novelistic form and language as a means to approach the dynamics of modern subjectivity in highly racialized societies. She served as the co-founder and co-director, with Ivonne del Valle, of the Berkeley research group “Mexico and the Rule of Law” (events). Her articles have appeared in edited volumes and in?the journals Chasqui, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, Latin American Literary Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Política Común and Yale French Studies, among others.
Selected Publications
The Inner Life of Mestizo Nationalism, University of Minnesota Press, 2008.
“Indigenismo.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia: Latin American History. Ed. William H. Beezely. March 2016. latinamericanhistory.oxfordre.com
Co-editor, with Ivonne del Valle, Radical Politics and/or The Rule of Law in Mexico, Special Issue of?Política Común, 7 (2015).
Victims and Counter-Victims in Contemporary Mexico,?Política Común 7 (2015).
“Pacheco, el Holocausto, y la memoria del ’68.” Sitios de la memoria: México Post 68. Eds. Mónica Szurmuk and Maricruz Castro Ricalde. Santiago: Editorial Cuarto Propio, 2014. 127-160.
“Arguedas durante y después de la violencia: cuatro hipótesis y algunas preguntas.” Arguedas: La dinámica de los encuentros culturales. Tomo III. Eds. Cecilia Esparza, Miguel Giusti, Gabriela Nú?ez, Carmen María Pinilla, et al. Lima: Fondo Editorial Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013. 233-251.
“La ‘mariposa negra’ de Arguedas: figuras afro-peruanas en los Zorros.” Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana. XXXIX.75 (2012): 113-130.
“The Holocaust Again? Dispatches from the Jewish ‘internal front’ in Dictatorship Argentina.” Journal of Jewish Identities. 5.1 (2012): 89-110.
“Jewish Mysticism and the Ethics of Decolonization in André Schwarz-Bart.” Yale French Studies. 118-119 (2010): 75-90.
“Patrick Chamoiseau’s Creole Conteur and the Ethics of Survival.” International Journal of Francophone Studies. 13.1 (2010): 39-56.
“El indigenismo de Jesús Lara: entre el campo y la ciudad letrada.” Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 67 (2008): 237-254.
“Where You Don’t Belong: On the Construction of Cultural ‘Otherness’ in Leo Spitzer’s Hotel Bolivia.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 15.1 (2006): 17-37.
“El ‘decir limpio’ de Arguedas: la voz bilingüe, 1940-1958.” José María Arguedas: hacia una poética migrante. Ed. Sergio R. Franco. Pittsburgh: IILI, 2006. 23-38.
“Fragments of a Dream: Che’s Image in Contemporary Bolivian Narrative.” Chasqui. 32.2 (2003): 96-114.
“In the Land of Broken Jugs: Francisco Rojas González and Mexican Indigenismo at Mid-twentieth Century.” Latin American Literary Review 59 (2002): 100-121.