加州大学伯克利分校西班牙和葡萄牙语系导师教师师资介绍简介-Nathaniel Wolfson

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-09-03

Nathaniel Wolfson

Assistant Professor

5219 Dwinelle Hall
OH: W 2-4 & by appointment
Nathaniel Wolfson is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Affiliated Faculty of the Program in Critical Theory. He teaches Brazilian literature and visual culture in a comparative mode, including exchanges between Latin America, the Lusophone world, Europe and the United States. His research interests include critical theory, literary history and criticism, visual arts and cultures, and media studies.
He is currently working on a book provisionally entitled Versions of the Concrete: Writing under the Sign of Dictatorship in Postwar Brazil on literary and artistic networks and cultural politics in the second half of the twentieth-century in Brazil, focusing on the work of Haroldo de Campos, Max Bense, Jo?o Cabral de Melo Neto, Mira Schendel and Aloísio Magalh?es.? He is the editor of a special issue on the “Legacies of Concrete Aesthetics” in the Journal of Lusophone Studies?(2020) and the author of various articles. Ph.D, Princeton, 2017.