加州大学伯克利分校意大利语系导师教师师资介绍简介-Giuliana Perco

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-09-03

Giuliana Perco

Continuing Lecturer

6312 Dwinelle
Giuliana Perco (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Pennsylvania State University) is? Lecturer and Italian Language Program Coordinator at the UC Berkeley. Before teaching at Berkeley, she taught Italian culture, literature and language at various universities such as Duke, the College of William and Mary, Penn State and Bryn Mawr College.
Aside from all levels of language courses in Italian, Dr. Perco has taught courses on detective fiction, women’s writing, history of Italian cinema, on contemporary social phenomena like immigration, as well as on various aspects of Italian culture and society, from food to fashion, from music to pop culture. In Spring 2015, she taught a course on literary interpretations of World War I at UC Berkeley and, in Summer 2016, a course on Italy and the Mediterranean for the new Summer Study Abroad in Trieste, Italy.
Her main literary field of interest is in 20th- and 21st- century narrative from a comparative perspective; she has worked on the role of the reader, metafiction, parody, and intertextuality. She is also interested in ecocricitism and animal studies.