加州大学伯克利分校统计系导师教师师资介绍简介-Iain Carmichael

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-08-28

Iain Carmichael

Neyman Visiting Assistant Professor


Office / Location
313 Evans Hall


I’m broadly interested in developing statistical/machine learning algorithms for data with a complex structure such as networks, images, and multi-view/modal data. My research aims to solve challenging computational and data analytic problems in biomedical sciences such as the analysis of very large scale medical images like?whole slide images?from Pathology. The computational arm of my work weaves together statistics/probability, optimization, deep learning, and software engineering. The scientific arm of my work investigates both basic science questions and clinical translational problems through intensive collaborations with doctors and domain scientists.
Research Areas
Statistical Computing
Applications in Biology and Medicine
High Dimensional Data Analysis
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning