Andrés Cediel
Faculty – Visual Journalism
Office: Room 120
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-5pm
Andrés Cediel is a documentary filmmaker and Professor of Visual Journalism. He produced “Rape in the Fields” and was a writer and producer of “Rape on the Night Shift” which brought to light rampant sexual assault of immigrant women in the agricultural and janitorial industries. The two films, which aired in both English and Spanish, were produced at the Investigative Reporting Program (IRP) and were part of a multi-media collaboration with FRONTLINE, Univision, the Center for Investigative Reporting and KQED. The films combined to win a duPont-Columbia Journalism Award, the RFK Grand Prize for Journalism, and were nominated for four national Emmys. He was a writer and producer of “Trafficked in America,” which exposed the government’s role in the labor trafficking of Guatemalan teenagers at an Ohio egg farm. The piece was produced out of Investigative Studios, and was a finalist for the Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting. Cediel’s previous work with FRONTLINE included a series on death investigation with ProPublica, and a series on climate change for the international magazine show FRONTLINE World. Previously, he co-produced “The Judge and the General,” a dupont-Columbia Journalism winner and Emmy nominated film which chronicled human rights cases against former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Cediel graduated from Brown University and received a master’s degree in journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.