

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-06

Name: De-ning Jiang sex:male Title of profession: Vice professor
Education background:
I received master degree in Tianjin university in 1991 ,the major is signal processing.
Now I am studding in Nankai university for doctor degree, the major is optics.Work experience:
I have been researching in signal and information processing, especially in optical engineering and completed many researching tasks for nation and education administration. Many paper were published in international magazine.
Researching directions :
1. Image processing and cotemporary digital signal processing.
2. Design of optical crystal for THZ wave signal processing
(THZ is terahertz which is between infrared and visible light)
办公室:综合楼 422 联系方式:**

相关话题/天津职业技术师范大学 电子工程学院