本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-03
1989年毕业于武汉大学生物化学专业,2000年获得比利时根特大学水产养殖硕士学位,2008年取得比利时根特大学应用生物科学博士学位。承担多项科技部、国家自然基金和省部级项目。以第一作者或通讯作者发表文章40余篇,其中SCI 收录文章30余篇。
1. 项目
(3)2018-2019,菌体PHB 提高半滑舌鳎抗病力的中试应用(天津市企业科技特派员项目),主持
(4)2018,行业标准《SC/T 2001-2006卤虫卵》修订(农业农村部资助项目),主持
(6)2018,Provision of case studies in support of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture(联合国粮农组织FAO资助项目),主持
2. 论文(2008年核心期刊及SCI收录论文)
(1)Van Stappen G, Sui LY, Hoa NV, Tamtin M, Nyonje B, Renato de Medeiros Rocha Sorgeloos P, Gajardo G. 2020. Review on integrated production of the brine shrimp Artemia in solar salt ponds. Review in Aquaculture, 12:154-1071.
(2)Wang SY, Cui XP, Xu RY, Gao MR, Sui LY*. 2019. Effect of carbon and nitrogen ratio control on Artemia growth, water quality, biofloc microbial diversity under high salinity and zero-water exchange culture condition。Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,37(5):1768-1776.
(3)Han XK, Xu RY, Zheng YY, Gao MR, Sui LY*. 2019. Development of EST-SSR markers and genetic diversity analysis among three Artemia species from different geographic populations. Crustaceana, 96(7):841-851.
(4)Lopes-dos-Santosa RMA, Groota R, Sui LY, Bossier P and Van Stappen G. 2019. Halophilic bacteria as a food source for the brine shrimp Artemia. Aquaculture, 500:631-639.
(5)Gao MR, Du DD, Bo AX, Sui LY*. 2019. Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB)-accumulating Halomonas improves the survival, growth, robustness and modifies the gut microbial composition of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae. Aquaculture, 500: 607-632.
(6)Xin NH, Zhang SS, Yang YH, Sui LY, Xing KZ and Sorgeloos P. 2018. A simple recirculating aquaculture system for marine fish grow-out in the Bohai Bay area of China. World Aquaculture, 2018 (3):306-308.
(7)Li RC, Cui XP, Zhang L, Zhang B, Wang XK, Sui LY*. 2018. Brine characterization and Artemia population dynamics in Bohai Bay Solar Saltworks, China. Crustaceana, 91(8):1013-1025.
(8)Lu WL, Xu Q, Li RC, Liang XJ, Wang ZQ, Sui LY*. 2017. Growth and pigmentation of halophilic archaea Haloarcula isolated from saltponds. Chinese Journal of Marine Science Bulletin, 19(1): 76-84 (in English).
(9)Gao MR, Wang J, Ma GN, Van Stappen G, Sui LY*. Carbon supplementation and microbial management to stimulate Artemia biomass production in hypersaline culture conditions. Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48(3):1240-1250.
(10)Sui LY*, Ma GN, Lu WL, Deng YG, Bossier P, De Schryver P. 2016. Effect of poly-?-hydroxybutyrate on growth, enzyme activity and intestinal microbial community of Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis juveniles. Aquaculture Research. 47(11):3644-3652.
(11)Zhang JJ, Ma GN, Deng YG, Dong JG, Van Stappen G, Sui LY*. 2016. Bacterial Diversity in Bobai Bay Solar Saltworks, China. Current Microbiology, 72: 55-63.
(12)Sui LY*, Ma G N, Deng Y G. 2015. Effect of dietary protein level and salinity on growth, survival, enzymatic activities and amino acid composition of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles. Crustaceana, 88 (1): 82-95.
(13)Deng YG, Xu GC, Sui LY*. 2015. Isolation and characterization of halophilic bacteria and archaea from salt ponds in Hangu Saltworks, Tianjin, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology. 33(4): 862-868.
(14)Sui LY*, Liu LS, Deng YG. 2014. Characterization of halophilic C50 carotenoid-producing archaea isolated from Chinese solar saltworks. Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology. 32(6): 1280-1289.
(15)Sui LY*, Deng YG, Wang J, Sorgeloos P, Van Stappen G. 2014. Impact of brine acidification on hatchability, survival and reproductive performance of Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana in saltponds, Bohai Bay, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology. 32(1): 81-87.
(16)Sui LY*, Liu Y, Sun HX, Wille M, Bossier P, De Schryver P. 2014. The effect of poly-?-hydroxybutyrate on the performance of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis Milne-Edwards) zoea larvae. Aquaculture Research. 45(3): 558-565.
(17)Sui LY*, Wang J, Nguyen VH, Sorgeloos P, Bossier P, Van Stappen G. 2013. Increased carbon and nitrogen supplementation in Artemia culture ponds results in higher cyst yields. Aquaculture International, 21(6):1343-1354.
(18)Sui LY*, Sun HX, Cai JL, Wille M, Bossier P. 2012. Effect of Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate on Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis larvae challenged with pathogenic Vibrio anguillarum. Journal of Fish Diseases, 35(5): 359-364.
(19)Sui LY*, Zhang Q, Wang J, He H, Sorgeloos P, Van Stappen G. 2012. High-temperature adapted Artemia franciscana (Kellogg, 1906) from Vietnam is a suitable strain for inoculation in temperate conditions of Bohai Bay saltworks, China. Crustaceana, 85(14): 1709-1723.
(20)Sui LY*, Wille M, Cheng YX, Wu XG, Sorgeloos P. 2011. Larviculture techniques of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 315(1-2): 16-19.
(21)Sui LY*, Sun HX, Wu XG, Wille M, Cheng YX, Sorgeloos P. 2011. Effect of dietary HUFA on tissue fatty acid composition and reproductive performance of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards) broodstock. Aquaculture International, 19(2): 269-282.
(22)Sui LY*, Zhang FM, Wang XM, Bossier P, Sorgeloos P, Hanfling B. 2009a. Genetic diversity and population structure of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in its native range. Marine Biology, 156(8): 1573-1583.
(23)Sui LY*, Wille M, Wu XG, Cheng YX, Sorgeloos P. 2009b. Ingestion of Artemia nauplii by Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis zoea larvae. Aquaculture Research, 40 (8): 950-954.
(24)Sui LY*, Wu XG, Cheng YX, Sorgeloos P. 2009c. Effect of dietary soybean lecithin on reproductive performance of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards) broodstock. Aquaculture International, 17(1): 45-56.
(25)Sui LY*, Wille M, Wu XG, Cheng YX, Sorgeloos P. 2008. Effect of feeding scheme and prey density on survival and development of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis zoea larvae. Aquaculture Research, 39(6): 568-576.
(26)Sui LY*, Wille M, Cheng YX, Sorgeloos P. 2007. The effect of dietary n-3 HUFA levels and DHA/EPA ratios on growth, survival and osmotic stress tolerance of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis larvae. Aquaculture, 273(1): 139-150.
(27)Van Stappen G, Sui LY, Xin NH, Sorgeloos P. 2003. Characterization of high-altitude Artemia populations from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, P.R. China. Hydrobiologia, 171: 179-192.
(28)Ji Y, Sui LY*, Wu X.G., Cheng Y.X., Wille M., Sorgeloos P. 2006. Effects of different diets on reproductive performance and HUFA composition of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) broodstock during second spawning.中国水产科学, 13(1): 93-99.
(29)Wu XG, Cheng YX, Sui LY, Yang XZ, Nan TZ, Wang JQ. 2007a. Biochemical composition of pond-reared and lake-stocked Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards) broodstock. Aquaculture Research, 38: 1459-1467.
(30)Wu XG, Cheng YX, Sui LY, Zeng CS, Southgate PC, Yang XZ. 2007b. Effect of dietary supplementation of phospholipids and highly unsaturated fatty acids on reproductive performance and offspring quality of Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne-Edwards), female broodstock. Aquaculture, 273: 602-613.
(31)薄振兴,高美荣,邓元告,隋丽英,王振乾,隋丽英*. 2019. 渤海湾盐场细菌菌群分析和结构多样性. 海洋与湖沼通报,2019(1):95-101.
(32)王栅月, 练秀文, 那婧阳, 孙培淇, 韩学凯, 隋丽英*. 2018. 悉生条件下3株嗜盐古菌对卤虫生长及其抗弧菌感染的影响. 中国水产科学,2018(3): 512-519.
(33)李荣超,隋丽英,张 波,张心禄,王学魁. 天津塘沽盐场卤虫种群生态调查. 2018. 天津科技大学学报,2018,33(5):57-62.
(34)黄琼叶, 马灌楠, 邓元告, 王晓梅, 隋丽英*. PHB投喂策略对中华绒螯蟹肝胰腺酶活力和肠道菌群多样性的影响. 中国水产科学,2016, 23(1): 138-145.
(35)隋丽英*, 王娇, 高美荣, 曾衍, 2015. 添加碳源提高卤虫生物量和改善水质. 天津科技大学学报, 2015(6): 38-43.
(36)王娇, 马灌楠, 邓元告, 隋丽英*. 2015. 添加碳源和不同盐度对卤虫生长、养殖系统生物絮团形成及其微生物多样性的影响. 海洋与湖沼, 46(2): 372-379.
(37)隋丽英*, 张娇娇, 马灌楠, 许高超, 邓元告. 2015. 盐田嗜盐单胞杆菌Halomonas sp.的分离鉴定及其PHB积累的研究. 海洋科学, 39(5): 16-20.
(38)刘良森, 隋丽英*, 邓元告. 2014. 一株产C50类胡萝卜素极端嗜盐古菌的筛选鉴定及特性分析. 海洋与湖沼通报, 141(2): 141-146.
(39)邓元告, 董景岗, 黄琼叶, 隋丽英*. 2014. 汉沽盐场浮游植物生态特征. 生态学杂志. 33(4): 959-965.
(40)隋丽英*, 王娇. 2014. 不同品系卤虫的生物学测定值和营养组成分析. 天津科技大学学报. 29(1): 46-50.
(41)刘玉, 隋丽英*, 邓元告, 常国亮. 2013. 聚羟基丁酸酯对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹生长和肝胰腺酶活力的影响. 海洋与湖沼.44(5): 1333-1338.
(42)隋丽英*, 王婧, 贺华. 2013. 盐度对孤雌生殖和两性生殖卤虫存活和生殖性能的影响. 海洋科学. 37(11): 41-47.
(43)王婧, 隋丽英*, 贺华, 刘文岭, 高德涛, 孙传伟,张荣岐. 2012. 山东埕口盐场海欣分场卤虫种群生态调查. 生态学杂志, 31(11): 2848-2854.
(44)殷为, 隋丽英*. 2012. 盐度对凡纳滨对虾、中国明对虾和斑节对虾仔虾生长和存活的影响. 天津科技大学学报, 27(1): 23-26.
(45)孙慧贤,隋丽英*. 2011. 聚?-羟基丁酸酯(PHB)对卤虫幼体的强化作用:PHB在水产育苗中应用方法的探究. 上海海洋大学学报, 20(3): 392-398.
3. 论著
(1)《Introduction to Salt Lake Science》(中英文),科学出版社,2018,ISBN978-7-03-058409-0,参编
(2)《Report of the FAO Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use and Management of Artemia Resources in Asia》, FAO,2017,ISSN 2070-6987,参编
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