

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-01

韩晓光,男,1984年6月生,汉族,黑龙江省海伦市人,天津科技大学电子信息与自动化学院讲师,硕士生导师,南开大学控制科学与工程专业毕业,获工学博士学位。当前研究方向包括: 离散事件系统监督控制 (Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems);信息物理系统 (Cyber-Physical Systems);网络安全 (Cyber-Security);矩阵半张量积 (Semi-Tensor Product of Matrices);形式化方法 (Formal Methods)等。截至目前,在国内外学术期刊和会议上累计发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI检索论文10余篇,EI检索论文10余篇。部分成果发表在 Systems & Control Letters、IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems、IEEE Control Systems Magazine、International Journal of Control、Journal of the Franklin Institute、IET Control Theory & Applications、SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences、Future Generation Computer Systems、International Journal of Systems Science 等本领域国际知名SCI期刊上。
1. 天津市自然科学基金青年项目(主持,在研),项目名称:基于代数状态空间方法的非确定型离散事件系统建模、验证与综合,项目编号:18JCQNJC74000,起始时间:2018年10月至2021年9月,项目经费:6万元。
2. 南开大学2016年博士研究生科研创新计划立项资助项目(主持,已结题), 项目名称: 基于逻辑层次的代数状态空间方法的离散事件动态系统控制问题研究, 项目编号: **, 起止时间: 2016年1月至2016年12月,项目经费:0.7万元。
3. 国家自然科学基金(参与,在研), 项目名称: 基于逻辑动态系统的代数状态空间理论的Petri 网系统建模及分析, 项目编号: **, 起止时间: 2016年1月至2019年12月,项目经费:65万元。
1. 中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会离散事件动态系统学组委员。
2. 中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会逻辑系统控制学组委员。
3. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC)、Automatica、Systems & Control Letters(SCLs)、IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems、 International Journal of Control (IJC)、Information Sciences、Asian Journal of Control (AJC)、控制理论与应用、IEEE-CASE、中国控制会议(CCC) 等学术期刊与学术会议论文审稿人。
J-1 X. G. Han, Z. Q. Chen, R. Su. Synthesis of minimally-restrictive optimal stability-enforcing supervisors for nondeterministic discrete-event systems. Systems & Control Letters, 2019, 123: 33-39. (SCI,IF: 2.656)
J-2 X. G. Han, Z. Q. Chen, Z. X. Liu, Q. Zhang. Calculation of siphons and minimal siphons in Petri nets based on semi-tensor product of matrices. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2017,47(3): 531-536. (SCI,IF: 5.135)
J-3 X. G. Han, Z. Q. Chen, Z. X. Liu, Q. Zhang. The detection and stabilisation of limit cycle for deterministic finite automata. International Journal of Control, 2018, 91(4): 874-886. (SCI,IF: 2.101)
J-4 X. G. Han and Z. Q. Chen. A matrix-based approach to verifying stability and synthesizing optimal stabilizing controllers of finite-state automata. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018, 355(17): 8642-8663. (SCI,IF: 3.576)
J-5 X. G. Han, P. F. Wang, Z. Q. Chen, Matrix approach to non-blockingness verification and enforcement for modular discrete-event systems, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Published online at: http://engine.scichina.com/doi/10.1007 /s11432-018-9676-7 (SCI,IF: 2.188)
J-6 X. G. Han, Z. Q. Chen, K. Z. Zhang, Z. X. Liu, Q. Zhang. Modeling, reachability and controllability of bounded Petri nets based on semi-tensor product of matrices. Asian Journal of Control, Published online at: https://doi.org/10.1002/asjc.1915, (SCI,IF: 1.528)
J-7 X. G. Han. Formal Methods for Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems (BOOK REVIEW). IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2018, 38(6):116-118. (SCI,IF: 5.060)
J-8 J. J. Wang, X. G. Han, Z. Q. Chen, Q. Zhang. Model matching of input-output asynchronous sequential machines based on the semi-tensor product of matrices. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 83: 468-475. (SCI,IF: 4.639)
J-9 J. J. Wang, X. G. Han, Z. Q. Chen, Q. Zhang. Calculating skeleton matrix of asynchronous sequential machines based on the semi-tensor product of matrices. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2017, 11(13): 2131-2139. (SCI,IF: 2.536)
J-10 N. Gao, X. G. Han, Z. Q. Chen, Q. Zhang. A novel matrix approach to observability analysis of finite automata. International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48(16): 3558-3568. (SCI,IF: 2.285)
J-11 Z. P. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen, X. G. Han, Z. X. Liu. On the static output feedback stabilisation of discrete event dynamic systems based upon the approach of semi- tensor product of matrices. International Journal of Systems Science,Published online at: https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2019.**(SCI,IF: 2.185)
J-12 Z. P. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen, X. G. Han, Z. X. Liu. On the static output feedback stabilization of deterministic finite automata based upon the approach of semi-tensor product of matrices. Kybernetika, 2018, 54(1): 41-60. (SCI,IF: 0.632)

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