

天津科技大学 免费考研网/2018-04-23




主讲题目:Retail Competition and Product Variety Decisions

主 讲 人:万翔,美国俄亥俄州立大学教授

时 间:2018年4月20日(星期五)上午10:00

地 点:河西校区主楼第一会议室

报告内容:We examine how retailers make product variety decisions when facing competition. Results are estimated using order records from 10,620 retailers supplied by a distributor of consumer packaged goods. Our results show that competition affects product variety at retailers. However, the response to competition may not always be increases in product variety. These impacts vary across retail types. Within- and Across-Type competitions have different influences on product variety. Our results suggest that, when make product variety decisions, firms need to consider intense of competition (the number of competitors) as well as types of competition (competitor types).

专家简介:万翔,美国俄亥俄州立大学费雪商学院(Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University)教授。曾先后在田纳西大学(University of Tennessee )和马里兰大学(Marquette University)任教。

万教授的科研领域包括产品和服务多样化管理,库存管理, 供应链中的协调合作。他的科研成果发表在Strategic Management Journal, Production and Operations Management,Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences and Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Production Economics, Transportation Research 等国际知名学术期刊。

万教授的科研论文“Too Much of a Good Thing? The Impact of Product Variety on Operations and Sales Performance”被世界 四大会计师事务所之一德勤 (Deloitte)引用并讨论。被华尔街日报(Wall Street Journal)报道为12个供应链大数据应用的专家之一 ("12 Academic Experts [Who] Make Sense of Consumer-Centric Big Data with Adaptive Analytics.”)。兼任Journal of Business Logistics 编辑评审委员会委员,Production and Operations Management (POM), Decision Sciences Journal(DSJ),Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM) 等国际知名学术期刊特邀审稿人。


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