Profile of Guo Yi
郭 义 男,1965.10生人,教授(二级),研究员,博士,博士生导师,天津中医药大学滨海学者、针灸学院院长、实验针灸学研究中心主任,中国中医科学院首批客座研究员。1996-1999年间每半年在日本从事教学科研工作,被聘为日本东京卫生学园专门学校客座教授,1999-2001在日本铃鹿医疗科学大学东洋医学研究所从事科学研究工作,聘为主任研究员。多年来从事经络腧穴的科学基础、针灸作用原理、刺络放血、针灸标准化的研究。曾主持、承担和参加国家部、市级课题50余项,获得科技成果20项,发表论文300余篇,SCI、EI收录12篇。新世纪全国中医药院校创新教材《实验针灸学》主编,全国中医院校精编教材《实验针灸学》主编,全国中医药行业“十二五”规划教材《实验针灸学》主编,高等教育国家“十一五”规划教材《针灸学》(对外教育)副主编。
Profile of Guo Yi
Guo Yi, male, was born in Oct, 1965. He is a professor of second grade, research fellow, doctor, doctoral supervisor,“Coastal Scholars” of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dean of Acupuncture Academyin Tianjin University of TCM, director of experimental acupuncture research center, one of first batch of visiting researchers in China's Traditional Chinese Medicine Academy.
During 1996-1999, he was engaged inteaching and research work for six month every year in Japan and was appointed as a visiting researcher in Tokyo Eisei Gakuen College. During 1999-2001, he worked on scientific research work in the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Suzuka University of Medical Science and was appointed as ChiefResearch Fellow.
For years, he has been working on the research of the meridians basis, acupuncture principle, bloodletting and the acupuncture standardization. He has presided overand participated in more than 50 projects atnational or municipal level, won 20 scientific and technical achievements and published more than 300 papers, 12 articles of which are included in SCI, and EI. He is chief editor of Experimental Acupuncture which is the latest innovative teaching materials of Chinese medicine colleges, chief editor of Experimental Acupuncture which is the refined textbooks of national TCM colleges, chief editor of Experimental Acupuncture which is the textbook of national Chinese traditional medicine in the “12th Five-Year Plan ”, sub-editor of Acupuncture (foreign education) which is Higher Education National “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” textbook.
He is the incumbent executive director of the China Acupuncture Association, vice-chairman of China Association of Research & Development on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chairman of pricking and cupping Professional Committee of China Acupuncture Association, Vice-chairman of the Experimental Acupuncture Science Branch, the Acupuncture Education branch and Popular Science Working Committee of China Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, the Committee member and deputy secretary-general of the National Acupuncture Standardization Technical Committee, member of Acupuncture Standardization Committee of China Acupuncture Association, director of Acupuncture Experimental Teaching Center which is the National Experimental Teaching Center, person in charge of developing Acupuncture and Massage to a high standard in China , person in charge of the National Teaching Team and Acupuncture Teaching team, director of Medical Chemical sensors laboratory which is Research Laboratory III of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(SATCM), Director of Pilot development organization of Research Center of Acupuncture Standardization of SATCM, director of Demonstration based development organization of Acupuncture Standardization Acupuncture Association of China.
天津中医药大学针灸推拿学院研究生导师简介-郭义简介 Profile of Guo Yi
天津中医药大学 免费考研网/2016-02-09
一、基本情况 针灸学教学团队的历史可追溯到1958年天津中医学院建立时的针灸学教研室。1980年,天津中医学院在针灸学教研室的基础上在全国首先建立了针灸学院,开创了系统培养针灸学专业本科人才的先河;首先制定了针灸学专业的课程体系,全国采用;首先编写了针灸学专业的试用教材(蓝皮教 ...天津中医药大学师资导师 天津中医药大学 免费考研网 2016-02-09天津中医药大学针灸推拿学院研究生导师简介-陈爽白个人简介
陈爽白,男,1953年10月生,党员,1969年10月参加工作,1983年毕业于天津 中医学院 中医系,学士学位。现任针灸学院刺法灸法学教研室教授,针灸学院副主任(分管教学)、党总支书记,中国针灸学会理事、中国针灸学会刺法灸法学分会副理事长、全国高等中医院校针灸教育研究会常务理事,中国针灸学 ...天津中医药大学师资导师 天津中医药大学 免费考研网 2016-02-09天津中医药大学针灸学院介绍
天津中医药大学针灸学院于1980年在全国率先成立,1982年,第一套全国高等中医药针灸专业教学大纲及六门专业课程教材编写成功,为全国统编教材的编写奠定了基础;1983年,首创实验针灸学,1989年 ...天津中医药大学通知公告 天津中医药大学 考研网 2016-02-092011年天津中医药大学考研问答:针灸推拿专业
问:考天津中医药大学的针灸推拿专业有什么要求吗? 答:招生简章上有报考要求的哈 ...天津中医药大学通知公告 天津中医药大学 考研网 2016-02-09