

天津理工大学 免费考研网/2016-02-05



研究生 博士
职 称教授所属学院
所属学科081203 计算机应用技术
083500 软件工程研究方向
人才称号天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第一层次人选 ;

学术兼职国际学术刊物PLoS ONE编委(学术编辑);国家自然科学基金、广西自治区自然科学基金通讯评议专家;国际SCI刊物审稿人



【1】“耦合多片段网络的结构及其上传染与合作动力学研究”,国家自然科学基金(**),主持人,2014/1- 2017/12

【2】“多重多片段复杂网络结构分析及其演化动力学研究”,教育部归国留学人员科研启动基金, 主持人, 2014/1-2015/12

【3】“下一代互联网DDOS防御关键技术研究”,国家自然科学基金项目(**),排名第2, 2013/1-2016/12


【5】 基于复杂网络建模的传染动力学及其应用研究,天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究一般项目(11JCYBJC06600),主持人,


【6】“基于复杂网络理论的病毒传播与控制策略研究”,天津市高等学校科技发展基金(**),主持人, 2007/11-2009/11






【1】Xia CY, Meloni S, Matjaz Perc and Moreno Y. Dynamic instability of cooperation due to diverse

activity patterns in evolutionary social dilemmas. Europhysics Letters, 2015, 109: 58002.

【2】Ding S, Wang J, Ruan SM and Xia CY. Inferring to individual diversity promotes the cooperation in the

spatial prisoner's dilemma game. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2015: 71: 91-99.

【3】Sun SW, Li RQ, Wang L and Xia CY. Reduced synchronizability of dynamical scale-free networks with onion-like

topologies. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 252: 249-256.

【4】Meng XK, Xia CY, Wang L and Sun SW. Spatial prisoner's dilemma games with increasing neighborhood

size and individual diversity on two interdependent lattices. Phys Lett A, 2015, 379: 767-773.

【5】Chen MH, Wang L, Wang J, Sun SW andXia CY. Impact of individual response strategy on the spatial public

goods game within mobile agents. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 251: 192-202.

【6】Xia CY, Meng XK and Wang Z. Heterogeneous coupling between interdependent lattices promotes the cooperation

in the prisoner’s dilemma game. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10: e**. (SCI:CL4DD)

【7】Xia CY and Wang L.Is the universal scaling for the dilemma strength still available in populations with

heterogeneous connectivity or activities? Comment on “Universal scaling for the dilemma strength in

evolutionary games”. Physics of Life Review, 2015, 14: 43-44 (doi: 10.1016/j.plrev.2015.07.002).

【8】Xia CY, Miao Q, Wang J and Ding S. Evolution of cooperation in the traveler’s dilemma game on two coupled

lattices. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 246: 389-398.

【9】Xia CY, Miao Q, Wang J and Ding S. Evolution of cooperation in the traveler’s dilemma game on two coupled

lattices. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 246: 389-398.

【10】Ding S, Xia CY, Zhou KL, Yang SL and Sang JS. Decision support for personalized cloud service selection

through multi-attribute trustworthiness. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(6): e97762.

【11】Yuan WJ and Xia CY. Role of investment heterogeneity in the cooperation on spatial public goods game.

PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(3): e91012.

【12】Miao Q, Wang J, Hu ML, Zhang F, Zhang QS and Xia CY. Promotion of cooperation induced by a self-questioning

update rule in the spatial traveler's dilemma game. The European Physical Journal-Plus, 2014, 129: 8.

【13】Zhu CJ, Sun SW, Wang L and Xia CY. Role of population density and increasing neighborhood in the evolution

of cooperationon diluted lattices. Physica A, 2013, 392: 6353-6360.

【14】Wang L, Wang J, Guo BH, Ding S, Li YK and Xia CY. Effects of benefit-inspired network coevolution on

spatial reciprocity in the prisoner’s dilemma game. Chaos, Solitions & Fractals, 2014, 66: 9-16.

【15】Sanz J,Xia CY, Meloni S and Moreno Y. Dynamics of interacting epidemics. 2014, 4: 041005 (Arxiv: 1402.4523)

【16】Yuan WJ and Xia CY. Role of investment heterogeneity in the cooperation on spatial public goods game.

PLoS ONE,9(3): e91012.

【17】Zhu CJ , Sun SW, Wang L, Ding S, Wang J and Xia CY. Promotion of cooperation due to diversity of players

the spatial public goods game with increasing neighborhood size. Physic A (Accepted)

【18】Jin Q, Wang L, Xia CY and Wang Z. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in interdependent networked game.

ScientificReports, 2014, 4: 4095.

【19】Ding S, Yang SL, Zhang YT, Liang CY and Xia CY. Combining QoS prediction and customer satisfaction estimation

to solve cloud service trustworthiness evaluation problems. Knowledge-based Systems, 2014, 56: 216-225.

【20】Wang Z,Xia CY, Meloni S, Zhou CS and Moreno Y. Impact of social punishment on cooperative behavior

in complex networks. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3: 3055.

【21】Xia CY, Miao Q and Zhang JJ. Impact of neighborhood separation on the spatialreciprocity

in the prisoner’s dilemma game.Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.2013, 51: 22-30. (SCI:151UN)

【22】Wang L,Xia CY and Wang J. Coevolution of network structure and cooperation in the public goods game.

Physica Scripta, 2013, 87: 055001. (SCI:135FT)

【23Xia CY,WangZ, Sanz J, Meloni S and Moreno Y. Effects of delayed recovery and nonuniform transmission

on the spreading of diseases in complex networks. Physica A, 2013, 392, 1577-1585 (SCI:087CL)

【24】Xia CY,Ma ZQ,Wang Z,Wang J.Evaluating fitness by integrating the highest payoff within the neighborhood

promotes the cooperation in social dilemmas. Physica A, 2012,391(24):6440-6447(SCI:017YK)

【25】Wang Z, Yin ZY,Wang L and Xia CY. Inferring reputation promotes the evolution of cooperation in spatial .

social dilemma games PLoS ONE, 2012,7(7):e40218(SCI:973IV)

【26】Xia CY,Wang L,Wang J,Wang JS.Behavior of collective cooperation yielded by the two updaterules in

the social dilemmas: Combining Fermi and Moran rules.Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2012,

58(3): 343-348(SCI:007UO)

【27】Xia CY,Wang J,Wang L,Sun SW and Wang JS.Role of update dynamics in the collective cooperation on

the spatial snowdrift games: Beyond unconditional imitation and replicator dynamics.Chaos, Solitons &

Fractals. 2012,45:1239-1245(SCI:013OX)

【28】Zhang JJ,Ning HY,Yin ZY,Sun SW,Wang L,Sun JQ and Xia CY.A novel snowdrift game model with edge weighting

mechanism on the square lattice. Frontiers of Physics,2012, 7(3):366-372.(SCI:936JP)

【29】Zhang JJ,Wang J,Sun SW,Wang L and Xia CY.Effect of growing size of interaction neighbors on the evolution

of cooperation in spatial snowdrift game. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2012,57(4): 541-546


【30】Xia CY,Meloni S and Moren Y. Effects of environmental knowledge on cooperation and agglomeration in spatial

PGG games.Advances in Complex Systems,2012, 15:**(SCI:959CA)

【31】Wang J,Xia CY,Wang YL,Ding S and Sun JQ. Spatial prisoner's dilemma games with increasing size of the

interaction neighborhood on regular lattices. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(7): 724-728.(SCI:898VT)

【32】Xia CY,Wang L,Sun SW and Wang J.An SIR model with infection delay and propagation vector in complex

networks.Nonlinear Dynamics,2012, 69: 927-934.(SCI:952OI)

【33】Wang L,Sun SW and Xia CY.Finite-time stability of multi-agent system in disturbed environment.Nonlinear


【34】Xia CY,Ma JH, Fang Y, Sun SW,Wang L and Chen ZQ.An SIS epidemic model with distributed infection rate in

complex network. Proc. Of 30th Chinese Control Conference, 937-942, Yantai,July,2011(EI:**019)

【35】Sun SW, Xia CY and Wang L. Modeling and Analysis of Collaboration network in Large-scale Software Systems.

Proc. Of 30th Chinese Control Conference, 864-869, Yantai, July, 2011 (EI:**480)


2011, 48(4): 647-655.(EI:**136)

【37】赵敬,方义,夏承遗.考虑个体移动和局域控制的SIR传染模型. 智能系统学报,2011, 6(6): 515-519.

【38】方义,夏承遗,刘子超,孙世温,王莉.闪烁小世界网络上疾病传播的动态行为研究.复杂系统与复杂性科学,2011,8(3): 34-37.

【39】L.Wang,S.W.Sun and C.Y. Xia.Finite Time Cluster Agreement of Multi-agent System without Time Delays.

ICIC-Express Letters, 2011,5(9):3573-3578.(EI: **686)

【40】Xia CY,Liu ZC, Sun SW, Wang L, Chen ZQ.An SIR epidemic model with cleared state in complex networks.

ICIC-Express Letters, 2011, 5(9):3053-3058 (EI:**700)

【41】Ma ZQ,Xia CY,Sun SW, Wang L,Wang HB, Wang J. Heterogeneous link weight promotes cooperation in spatial

prisoner’s dilemma. International Journal of Modern Physics C,2011,22(11):1257-1268 (SCI:874BS)

【42】Xia CY, Zhang JJ, Wang YL, Wang JS. Evolution of cooperation in public goods games.Commun. Theor. Phys.,

2011, 56:638 - 644 (SCI:838IA)

【43】Xia CY, Zhao J, Wang J, Wang YL, Zhang H. Influence of vertex weight on cooperative behavior in a spatial

snowdrift game. Physcia Scripta, 2011: 84: 025802(SCI:818CR)

【44】Xia CY, Ma ZQ, Wang YL, Wang JS, Chen ZQ. Enhancement of cooperation in Prisoner's dilemma game on weighted

lattices. Physica A, 2011, 390:4602-4609(SCI:829RP)

【45】Xia CY, Sun SW, Liu ZX and Chen ZQ. Influence of mobile agents on the spreading behavior of SIS

model.Physics Procedia, 2010, 3: 1825-1830,(EI: **105)

【46】夏承遗,马军海,陈增强. 复杂网络上考虑感染媒介的SIR传播模型研究. 系统工程学报,2010,25(6):818-823.

【47】Xia CY, Ma JH and Chen ZQ. A novel epidemic model with transmission medium on complex networks.

ICIC Express Letters, 2010, 4(5): 1785-1790. (EI: **700)

【48】Xia CY, Liu ZX, Chen ZQ and Yuan ZZ. Spreading behavior of SIS epidemic model on networks with dynamical

topology.Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series),2010, 16(6):766-770.(EI:**870)

【49】夏承遗,刘忠信,陈增强,袁著祉.复杂网络上的传播动力学及其新进展. 智能系统学报,2011, 6(6): 515-519.

【50】夏承遗,刘忠信,陈增强,袁著祉.动态网络中基于SIS模型疾病传播的建模与仿真研究. 系统仿真学报, 2009,21(15):



【52】夏承遗,刘忠信,陈增强,袁著祉. 移动群体中基于SIR模型的疾病传播行为. 吉林大学学报(工学版),


【53】Xia Chengyi, Liu Zhongxin, Chen Zengqiang and Yuan zhuzhi. Spreading behavior of SIS model with

non-uniform transmission on scale-free networks. The Journal of China Universities of Posts and

Telecommunications. 2009, 16(1):27-31(EI: **219)

【54】Sun SW, Xia CY, Chen ZH, Sun JQ and Chen ZQ. Generalized collaboration networks in software systems: a case

study of Linux kernels. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2009, 3(3): 421-426. (SCI: V17XY)

【55】Xia CY, Sun SW, Rao F, Wang JS, Sun JQ and Chen ZQ. SIS model of epidemic spreading on dynamical networks

with community. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2009, 3(3): 361-365(SCI: V17XY)

【56】Xia CY, Sun SW, Liu ZX, Chen ZQ and Yuan ZZ. Epidemics of SIRS model with non-uniform transmission on

scale-free networks. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2009, 23(9): 2303-2313. (SCI: 438GJ)

【57】夏承遗, 刘忠信, 陈增强, 袁著祉. 复杂网络上带有直接免疫的SIRS类传染模型研究. 控制与决策,

2008,23(4): 468-472 (EI: **)

【58】Xia CY, Sun SW, Liu ZX, Chen ZQ and Yuan ZZ. Behavior of epidemic spreading with distributed infection rate

on complex networks. 中国科技大学学报, 2008, 38(12): 1444-1450.

【59】Xia CY, Liu ZX, Chen ZQ, Sun SW and Yuan ZZ. Epidemic spreading behavior on local-world evolving networks.

Progress in Natural Science, 2008, 18(6): 763-768(SCI: 300XQ)

【60】Xia CY, Liu ZX, Chen ZQ and Yuan ZZ. A new multistage epidemiological model on complex networks. Dynamics

of Continuous, Discrete, Impulsive System-Series B, 2007, 14(s6): 160-165.

【61】Xia CY, Liu ZX, Chen ZQ and Yuan ZZ. Dynamic spreading behavior of homogeneous and heterogeneous networks.

Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 17(3): 358-365(SCI: 163WM)

【62】夏承遗, 杨愚, 高翔, 辜学茂. HT-7托卡马克弹丸注入实验研究. 真空科学与技术学报. 2001 21(1) 43-46l

【63】Xia CY, Gao X, Yang Y and Gu XM. Control system of pellet injector on the HT-7 Tokmak,Plasma science and

technology, 2001, 3(3): 803-812.

【64】Gao X, Jie YX, Xia CY and Yang Y. High density operation on the HT-7 superconducting tokamak. Nuclear

Fusion, 2000, 40(11): 1875-1883.(SCI: 374JX)

【65】Gao X, Jie YX, Yang Y, Xia CY, et al. Plasma density behavior in the Hefei tokamak-7.Physics of Plasmas,

1999, 7(7): 2933-2938. (SCI: 326TG)


【1】Sun SW, Li RQ, Wang L and Xia CY. Optimization of network resilience under attacks based on simulated

annealing. Proc. Of 33th Chinese Control Conference 2014 (Accepted).

【2】Xia CY, Ma JH, Fang Y, Sun SW, Wang L and Chen ZQ. An SIS epidemic model with distributed infection rate

in complex network. Proc. Of 30th Chinese Control Conference, 937-942, Yantai, July, 2011

【3】Sun SW, Xia CY and Wang L. Modeling and Analysis of Collaboration network in Large-scale Software Systems.

Proc. Of 30th Chinese Control Conference, 864-869, Yantai, July, 2011.

【4】Wang J, Xia CY and Liu QF. A novel model for the Internet worm propagation. Proc. of the 6th International

Conference on Natural Computation, July 21-23, 2885-2888, Yantai, China, 2010.

【5】Xia CY. Epidemic dynamics of multiple spreading behaviors and multiple diseases on complex networks. The

10th Chinese Conference on Complex Networks, 2014, Hunan Changsha.(邀请报告)


【1】夏承遗. HT-7托卡马克弹丸注入实验研究. 2002年度中国真空学会优秀硕士论文奖

【2】宁红云,王鹏涛,张友光,樊建华,夏承遗.基于多维空间的智能化多极物流体系的研究. 2007年天津市科技进步三等奖


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    天津理工大学 免费考研网 2016-02-05
  • 天津理工大学研究生导师简介-石凯
    石凯简介姓名石凯性别男出生年月1981年4月 学历学位研究生 博士职 称副教授所属学院计算机与通信工程学院是否博硕导硕导联系电话E_mail所属学科081203 计算机应用技术研究方向 人才称号学术兼职讲授课程主要科研项目及代表性成果(包括鉴定项目、论文、专著、获奖、专利等):   ...
    天津理工大学 免费考研网 2016-02-05
  • 天津理工大学研究生导师简介-罗训
    罗训简介姓名罗训性别男出生年月1977年9月 学历学位研究生 博士职 称教授所属学院计算机与通信工程学院是否博硕导硕导联系电话**E_mailxun.luo@ieee.org所属学科081280 软件工程研究方向 虚拟现实,增强现实,移动多媒体,普适计算人才称号天津市青年千人计划 ;学术兼职IEEE ...
    天津理工大学 免费考研网 2016-02-05
  • 天津理工大学研究生导师简介-张桦
    张桦简介姓名张桦性别女出生年月1962年6月 学历学位研究生 博士职 称教授所属学院计算机与通信工程学院是否博硕导博导硕导联系电话**E_mailhzhang@tjut.edu.cn所属学科081203 计算机应用技术083500 软件工程研究方向图像绘制;可视化技术;基于网络的信息处理 人才称号天 ...
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  • 天津理工大学研究生导师简介-徐光平
    徐光平简介姓名徐光平性别男出生年月1977年12月 学历学位研究生 博士职 称副教授所属学院计算机与通信工程学院是否博硕导硕导联系电话**E_mailxugp@tjut.edu.cn所属学科077403 计算机应用技术081203 计算机应用技术研究方向 分布式存储系统,网络优化及其算法;计算机视觉 ...
    天津理工大学 免费考研网 2016-02-05