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赵博娟(英文名:Bojuan Barbara Zhao),女,教授,博士研究生导师,方向:统计、生物统计、人口统计 。
1992-1995,南开大学数学系 (数理统计专业), 博士
1989-1992,南开大学数学系 (数理统计专业), 硕士
1983-1987, 南开大学数学系 (数学专业), 本科

2007-现在,天津财经大学 (教授)
2003-2006, 美国Meharry Medical College, Assistant Professor
2003-2006, 美国Vanderbilt University, adjunct Assistant Professor
2001-2003, 美国哈佛大学 (Harvard School of Public Health) 博士后
1999-2000, 美国(Southern Methodist University)博士后
1998-1999, 韩国, 延世大学(Yonsei Univeristy), 访问
1997-2001,中国南开大学数学系, 副教授
1995-1997, 中国南开大学数学系, 助理教授
应用回归分析; 应用多元分析; 非参数统计; 概率论与数理统计; 时间序列; 抽样技术; 统计决策理论; 应用多元分析与SAS; Applied Multivariate Techniques; Biostatistics; Categorical Data Analysis
1.B. B. Zhao(2013), Generalized Concept of Relative Risk and Wider Applications of the Proportional Hazards Model and the Kaplan-Meier Estimator, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods (accepted for publication, 已经被接受).
2.B. B. Zhao(2012), A Modified Lee-Carter Model for Analyzing Short Base Period Data, Population Studies, Volume 66, Number 1, 1 March 2012 , pp. 39-52.
3.B.B. Zhao, X. Liang, W. Zhao, and D. Hou (2012) Modeling of Group-Specific Mortality in China Using a Modified Lee-Carter Model, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/**.2011.619271#preview
4. D. Spiegelman, W.C. Willett, S.R. Preis, D.J. Baer, A. Moshfegh, andB.B. Zhao(2012).“Re: Application of a repeat-measure biomarker measurement error model to 2 validation studies: examination of the effect of within-person variation in biomarker measurements, in response to Dodd et al”, American Journal of Epidemiology, 175(1): 84-85.
5. S. Rosner Preis, D. Spiegelman,B.B. Zhao, D.J. Baer, and W. C. Willett (2011).Application of a repeat-measure biomarker measurement error model to two validation studies: examination of the effect of within-person variation in biomarker measurements. American Journal of Epidemiology. 173:683–694.
6.B. B. Zhaoand Y. Shyr (2009), Discrimination or differing model structures? Alternatives and extensions to Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 34, Number 2-3, 159-174.
7. 吴喜之. 赵博娟 (2009) 非参数统计, 第三版,中国统计出版社.
8. Flora A. Ukoli, Eruke Egbagbe, B.B. Zhao, Efosa Iyamu, Dale Young, Philip Oside, Usifo Osime, Lucile L. Adams-Campbell (2007). Anthropometric Body Fat Predictors of Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen among Rural and Urban Nigerians: A Population-Based Study. West African J of Med, 26, 7-13.
9.B. B. Zhao, B. Kilbourne, S. Stain, V. Cain, N. Briggs, B. Husaini, R. Levine (2006), Racial Disparities and trends in use of Colorectal Procedures among Tennessee Elderly (1996-2000), Ethnicity & Disease, 16 No. 2, 412-420.
10. D. Spiegelman,B.B. Zhao, and J.Kim (2005). Correlated errors in biased surrogates: study designs and methods for measurement error correction. Statistics in Medicine,24: 1657-1682.
11. K.P, Terhune, Z.W. Baloch,B.B. Zhao, T.L. Pasha, V.A. LiVolsi, D.L. Fraker (2005), Lymphatic vessel density and distribution in benign and malignant lesions of thyroid,Journal of the American College of Surgeons,201, Issue 3, Page S64.
12. Wayne A. Woodward, Stephen R.Sain, H.L. Gray,B.B. Zhao, and M.D.Fisk (2002). Testing for multivariate outliers in the presence of missing data, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 159, 889-903.
13. B.S. Kim,B.B. Zhao, H.J. Kim and M-H. Cho (2000). The statistical analyses of in-vitro chromosome aberration assay using Chinese hamster ovary cells, Mut.Res.- Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 469, 243-252.
14. X. Wu andB. Zhao(1994), Optimal sampling of hierarchical screening with inspection errors , Communications in Statistics, 23, No.3, 803-814.
1.B. Zhao(2012) Fertility Level, Changing Trends and Possible Relaxation of the One-Child Policy in China (European Population Conference 13-16 June 2012 in Stockholm)
2.B. Zhao(2011) Generalized Concepts of Relative Risk and Survivorship Function and Their Applications, 2011 Joint Statistical Meetings (July 30-August 4, 2011, Miami, Florida, USA)
3.B. Zhao(2011) A Modified Lee-Carter Model for Analyzing Short Base Period Data. Population Association of America 2011 Annual Meeting (March 31-April 2, 2011, Washington D.C. USA)
4.B. Zhao(2011) Generalized Concept of Relative Risk and Wider Applications of the Proportional Hazards Model, ICAP2011(International Conference on Advances
in Probability and Statistics -Theory and Applications), Dec. 28-31, 2011, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.
5.B. Zhao, X. Liang, Z. Bao, W. Zhao, and D. Hou (2011) Modeling of Group-Specific Mortality in China Using a Modified Lee-Carter Mode, The 3rd IMS-China International Conference on Statistics and Probability (July 8-11, 2011, XiAn, China)
6.B. Zhao(2011) A Modified Lee-Carter Model for Analyzing Short Base Period Data. Population Association of America 2011 Annual Meeting (March 31-April 2, 2011, Washington D.C. USA)
奖励 (Honors/ Awards):
2011, Travel award, Population Association of America – PAA2011
1997, Outstanding Young Teacher Award, Nankai University
1. 主持国务院第六次全国人口普查领导小组办公室的招标课题-题目“我国婚姻状态和育龄妇女生育率分析及放宽二胎政策的最佳时机探讨”, 2012年2月29日-2012年8月15日。
2. 主持教育部留学回国人员基金 – 题目:“多个自变量有观测误差的有观测误差模型的回归系数矫正方案(Methods for measurement error correction for Correlated errors within covariates),2009年9月1日—2012年3月。
3. 联合主持(co-PI)由美国AHRQ/M-RISP资助项目,名称:The effect of race on colorectal cancer survival: A pilot Analysis Using the American College of Surgeons National Cancer Data Base to Study Outcomes at Six Teaching Hospitals Affiliated with Comprehensive Cancer(PI:Husaini,项目号1-R24-HS014767-01),2004年9月30日-2007年9月29日

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