

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19

张艳玲,女,德国弗莱贝格工业大学管理学博士,教授,硕士生导师,现任天津财经大学商学院旅游系副主任。欧亚企业的社会责任和环境管理会议论文集主编 (ISTP/ISSHP检索); Journal of Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (ISSN 2194-3559) 期刊执行主编;G200 联盟委员会委员;天津市和平区文化旅游局局长助理(挂职);陕西省汉中市旅游智库专家委员会成员;天津市蓟州民宿协会委员;Journal of China Tourism Research; Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism;Current Issues in Tourism; The Service Industries Journal; Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 审稿人。曾先后主持参与多项国内外旅游管理和文化遗产旅游课题,出版相关方面的专著(中英文)十部,在国内外核心期刊发表论文52篇。
2003.3—2005.5 德国弗莱贝格工业大学 经济管理学 经济管理博士
2001.9—2003.2 CERGE-EI 布拉格查尔斯大学(捷克)经济学 经济管理博士 (肄业)
1999.12—2002.3 德国弗莱贝格工业大学 国际资源与环境管理 工商管理硕士
1991.9—1995.7 天津中医学院 中药学专业 医学士
2011.10— 天津财经大学商学院旅游系副主任 (其间:2013年10月晋升教授)
2019.4 — 天津商业大学会展研究所兼职研究员
2018.1 — 天津市第九次归侨侨眷代表大会委员
2018.2 — 西安文化旅游研究会智库专家
2018.5 — 天津市和平区文化繁荣专项基金评审委员
2017.11— 英国赫瑞瓦特大学旅游与文化遗产管理专业客座教授
2017.10— 致公党天津财经大学支部副主委
2015.5 — G200 Youth Forum科技委员会委员
2014.10—2015.12 天津市和平区文化和旅游局局长助理(党外专家挂职)
2005.11—2011.9 天津财经大学旅游系教师 (2007年10月晋升副教授)
会展概论 (本科生、硕士生)会展策划与管理 (本科生)
旅游经济学 (本科生、硕士生、MBA)、旅游市场营销(双语、本科生)旅游心理学(本科生)
旅游资源与规划 (本科生)旅游企业人力资源管 (本科生)
l 科研项目:
(2)主持教育部回国留学科研启动基金、课题名称 “企业“寿商”的研究”、2007/09-2010/7,2.5万,已结项
(4)主持DAAD 德国教育部研究访问项目、课题名称 “工业遗产旅游的可持续发展研究”,2014/07-2015/07, 6万元,已结项
(5)主持校级科研项目天津财经大学预研项目、批准号Y0807 、课题名称“基于协同共振资源开发理论的生态旅游资源开发和保护问题研究--以资源型城市为例”、 2008/6-2011/3,1万,主持结项
(6)参与(重大项目 ),批准号2011ZD021,天津旅游文化资源创意机制研究,2011/12-2016/4,8万元
(9)参与天津市哲学社会科学规划项目一般项目、批准号TJGL06-091、课题名称 “基于知识管理的企业核心竞争力研究——以旅游企业为例”, 2006/12-2009/4,0.3万,参与完成
(10)参与天津市哲学社会科学规划项目一般项目、批准号TJGL06-100 、课题名称“资源节约型社会条件下企业环境责任与环境绩效评价的研究”、2006/12-2009/04、 1万元,参与完成
l 发表论文:
(1)Zhang,Yanling, A Research on the MICE Administration in China,Proceedings for the 6th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Technological Innovation and Management Science Session,2010,3 (ISTP 检索)
(3)Zhang,Yanling, MICE Associated Intellectual Property Rights Protection in China, Proceedings for the 5th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Management Science and Engineering, 2009, 7 (ISSHP 检索)
(4)Zhang,Yanling, Willingness to Support Environmental Friendly Local Tourism Development: A Survey on Female Residents in Tianjin,Proceedings for the 4th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Tourism, MICE and Management Technique Session, 2008,9 (ISTP 检索)
(5)Zhang,Yanling, Xie Fang, Facilitating Shanxi’s Eco-tourism Development Based on the New Cask Principle, Proceedings for the 2008 Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Tourism and Management Session, 2008,1 (ISSHP 检索)
(6)Zhang,Yanling, A Research on the Sustainable Development of Tourism Enterprises Based on LQ,Proceedings for the 2nd Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Technological Innovation and Management Section, 2007,11 (ISTP 检索)
(7)Zhang,Yanling, The Chinese Conference & Exhibition Industry and its Sustainable Development, Towards A Responsible Success - Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2006, 11 (ISTP 检索)
(8)An Empirical Research on Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Exhibition Vistors, Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility; 2012, 12;
(9)Study on the Key Technology and Application of Smart Tourist Public Service System, Proceeding of the 8th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, MICE, Hospitality Management and Education Session; 2012, 10. (ISSHP 检索)
(10)A Research on the Protection of Chinese Rural Folk Culture Based on ANT Theory, Proceeding of the 8th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, MICE, Hospitality Management and Education Session; 2012, 10. (ISSHP 检索)
(11)Li G. and Zhang Y.L. Literature Researches on Sustainable Outbound Tourism Enterprises from the Perspective of Package Tour: The Case of Japan, Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2014, 12.
(12)On the Sustainable Development of the Chinese Environmental Industry, Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2014, 10.
(13)Xie F. and Zhang Y.L. Study on revitalization of intangible cultural heritages-taking the music art of Hangu Flying cymbals as an example, Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session (Part III), 2014, 08.
(14)Shao L. and Zhang Y.L. A Research on City Tourism Information Required Service Based on Intelligent Mobile Terminal under Tourism Cloud Platform, Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session (Part II), 2014, 08.
(15)Study on CSR of Tourism Enterprises from the Stakeholder Perspective. Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session (Part II), 2014, 08.
(16)邵磊、张艳玲。基于Elsevier Science共享平台的文献量化统计分析——以国际顶级旅游学刊ATR(2005-2012)发表中国作者论文为例,《图书馆工作与研究》2013,12. (CSSCI)
(17)On the UFI Certification of Chinese MICE Enterprises,Proceedings of the 9th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session (Part II), 2013, 06. (ISSHP 检索)
(18)A Research on the Relationship between CSR Performance and the Market Value of Chinese Tourism Firms, Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility,2013,05.
(19)A Research on Service Based Sustainable Tourism Exhibition Management-the Case of China Tourism Industries Exposition, Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2012, 06.
(20)A Conceptual Model of Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Exhibition Visitors, Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session (Part II), 2012, 06. (ISSHP检索)
(21)On the sustainable development of the Chinese Ecommerce Tourism, Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session, 2015 (part II), 08. (ISSHP检索)
(22)On the Assessment of Ethics and Moral Education of Chinese Universities, Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session, 2015 (part III), 08. (ISSHP检索)
(23)On the Sustainable Development of Lifestyle Based Rural Tourism in China, Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session, 2015 (part I), 08. (ISSHP检索)
(24)Environmental awareness of female residents and local tourism development-the case of Tianjin, Journal of Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2015, 06
(25)On the happiness of lifestyle based rural tourism in China, G200 Youth Forum 2015 Conference Proceedings, 2015
(26)Literature Research on CSR Performance Based Market Value of Chinese Tourism Enterprises, Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility.
(27)On the Low Carbon Tourism Development in China,Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility,2016,09
(28)On the Sustainable Cultural Tourism Development of Northern Minority Areas in China: the Case of Inner Mongolia, Journal of the Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2016,06
(29)A Research on Human Resource Based Sustainable Development of the Chinese Hospitality Industry, Proceedings of the 10th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism, Society and Education Session, 2016, 08. (ISSHP检索)
(30)A Brief Discussion on the Bilingual Teaching of Tourism Undergraduates in Chinese Universities, Journal of Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2018,06
(31)Research on Regional Integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Based on Naive Bayes Algorithm, 2017 5th SSR International Conference on Cultural Studies, Educational Research and Social Sciences, Tang Li, Zhang Yanling
(32)A Research on the Practical Ability Education of Tourism Management Professionals in China, Journal of Environmental Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, 2017-06
l 专著或教材:
(1)专著:《A Research on the Chinese Regional Economy - SGP and Tourism》,2007
(2)专著:《Towards Sustainable Chinese Tourism. Industry, Corporate Management and Eco-tourism》,2008
(3)专著:《MICE Management in China》,2009
(4)专著:《The Chinese MICE Economy》,2010
(5)专著:《China Online: Game and Tourism》,2013
(6)专著:《On the Chinese National Cultural Heritages: Tourism Development and Education》,2016
(7)实验教材:《饭店管理实验教程- Micros Fidelio的操作》(2012)与赵玉茹老师合编
l 获奖情况:

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