

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-07

首届天津市****基金获得者,天津市“131人才工程”第一层次人选,天津市高校“学科领军人才培养计划”人选。天津市硅酸盐学会理事,天津市自然科学博物馆学会理事,天津法院知识产权审判技术咨询专家,国家重点研发项目、国家基金及部分省市基金的会评及通讯评审专家,Open Journal of Materials Science、MaterialScience & Engineering Journal等期刊编委。
1. 光电材料、光伏太阳能电池及与建筑一体化
2. 能源环境催化化学与催化材料
3. 建筑功能材料
2004.02-2006.06 天津大学材料学工学博士
2000.09-2003.03 天津大学材料学工学硕士
1996.09-2000.06 天津城建大学无机非金属材料学士
2006.06-今 天津城建大学材料科学与工程学院 教授 硕士生导师
2003.04-2003.12 天津三星电极有限公司主管
2008.03-2011.03 天津大学化工学院博士后
2008.11-2009.11 意大利那不勒斯费德里克二世大学访问****
2013.07-2013.08 新加坡南洋理工大学访问****
1. 天津市重点研发计划项目-京津冀三地联合攻关项目,19YFSLQY00020,光电催化降解污染物新型光电极的研发,2019-10至2021-09,在研,主持。
2. 首届天津市****基金,17JCJQJC44800,多结电极构筑、载流子复合机制及光电催化降解污染物研究,2017-10至2020-09,在研,主持。
3. 天津市高校“学科领军人才”人选,2017-09至2020-08。
4. 天津市自然科学基金,16JCYBJC17900,CoO可见光催化体系的光解水制氢、催化活性及机理研究,2016-04至2019-03,已结题,主持。
5. 天津市优秀科技特派员项目,15JCTPJC61100,玻璃企业发展战略及建筑自清洁玻璃研究,2015-10至2016-09,已结题,主持。
6. 重质油国家重点实验室开放基金,SKLHOP201505,纳米线异质结的构筑及光水解制氢研究,2015-01至2016-12,已结题,主持。
7. 天津市“131创新人才工程”第一层次人选,2013-10至2015-10。
8. 国家星火计划项目,2013GA610004,农村污水处理用高效复合光催化材料的研究与应用,2013-01至2014-12,已结题,主持。
9. 国家自然科学基金项目,**,窄禁带量子点/宽禁带纳米线异质结构光催化体系的构筑、界面特性及水解制氢,2012-01至2014-12,已结题,主持。
10. 天津市自然科学基金,11JCYBJC27000,沸石负载双掺杂TiO2复合结构的构筑及深度处理氨氮废水,2011-10至2014-09,已结题,主持。
11. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,,基于双梯度纳米晶电极结构的n-型TiO2/CdS/p-型CuSCN异质结太阳电池,2009-09至2011-08,已结题,主持。
12. 教育部科学技术研究重点项目,208008,NPC电池一维有序TiO2纳米管阵列电极膜及其复合敏化工艺研究,2008-03至2011-03,已结题,主持。
13. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,,纳米管阵列阳极膜的禁带梯度化设计、制备及电池性能研究,2008-03至2010-08,已结题,主持。
14. 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目,**,高效NPC电池用一维取向纳米柱晶阵列阳极膜研究,2007-11至2009-10,已结题,主持。
15. 住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划项目,2007-K1-30,纳米晶太阳能电池复合多孔电极膜及其敏化工艺研究,2007-03至2009-09,已结题,主持。
(1) Shaoce Zhang,Zhifeng Liu*,Dong Chen, Weiguo Yan. An efficient hole transfer pathway on hematiteintegrated by ultrathin Al2O3interlayer and novel CuCoOxcocatalyst for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 277:119197.IF:16.683JCR一区】
(2) Yanting Li,Zhifeng Liu*,Junwei Li, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo. An effective strategy of constructingmulti-junction structure by integrating a heterojunction and a homojunction topromote charge separation and transfer efficiency of WO3.Journal ofMaterials Chemistry A, 2020, 8:6256-6267.IF:11.301JCR一区】
(3) Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*, Shaoce Zhang. Enhanced PEC performance of hematite photoanode coupled with bimetallic oxyhydroxideNiFeOOH through a simpleelectroless method.Applied CatalysisB: Environmental, 2020, 265: 118580.IF:16.683JCR一区】
(4) Shaoce Zhang,ZhifengLiu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Lei E, Wei Zhao, DanZhao, Xiangfeng Wu, Daimei Chen. Enhanced piezoelectric-effect-assistedphotoelectrochemical performance in ZnO modified with dual cocatalysts.AppliedCatalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 262: 118279.IF:16.683JCR一区】
(5) Miao Zhou1, Zhengang Guo1,Zhifeng Liu*. FeOOH as hole transfer layer toretard the photocorrosion of Cu2O for enhanced photoelctrochemicalperformance.AppliedCatalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 206:118213.IF:16.683JCR一区】
(6) Shaoce Zhang,ZhifengLiu*, Dong Chen, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan. Oxygenvacancies engineering in TiO2homojunction/ZnFe-LDH for enhancedphotoelectrochemical water oxidation.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,395: 125101.IF:10.652JCR一区】
(7) Haiyang Xing, Lei E,Zhengang Guo, Dan Zhao,ZhifengLiu*.Enhancement in the charge transport and photocorrosion stability of CuOphotocathode: the synergistic effect ofspatiallyseparateddual-cocatalystsand p-n heterojunction.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 394: 124907.IF:10.652JCR一区】
(8) Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Weiguo Yan, Mengnan Ruan. Decorating Cu2O photocathodewith noble-metal-free Al and NiS cocatalysts for efficient photoelectrochemicalwater splitting by light harvesting management and charge separation design.ChemicalEngineering Journal, 2020, 381: 122655.IF:10.652JCR一区】
(9) Zhifeng Liu*, Miao Zhou.The co-modification withcost-effectivenickel oxides and nickel sulfides on CuInS2nanosheets photocathode for enhanced photoelectrochemicalperformance.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2020, 8: 512-519.IF:7.632JCR一区】
(10) Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*, ZhengangGuo, Mengnan Ruan, Xifei Li.A promising p-typeCo-ZnFe2O4nanorods film as photocathode forphotoelectrochemical water splitting.ChemicalCommunications, 2020, 56: 5279-5282.IF:5.996JCR一区】
(11) Shaoce Zhang,Zhifeng Liu*,Weiguo Yan, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan. Decorating non-noble metal plasmonic Alon TiO2/Cu2O photoanode to boostperformance inphotoelectrochemicalwater splitting.Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 41:1884-1893.IF:6.146JCR一区】
(12) Hongxia Qian,Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Jianli Ma. Hexagonalphase/cubic phase homogeneous ZnIn2S4n-n junctionphotoanode for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal ofAlloys and Compounds, 2020, 830: 154639.IF:4.650JCR二区】
(13) Yayao Lan, Mengnan Ruan*, Zhengang Guo, Jianli Ma,ZhifengLiu*. 2D tremella-like Co6Al2CO3(OH)16?4H2Oin-situ growing on 1D rod-shape ZnFe2O4to accelerate thesurface reaction kinetics for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 823:153714.IF:4.650JCR二区】
(14) Zhichao Hao,Zhifeng Liu*,Yanting Li, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan. Enhanced photoelectrochemicalperformance of 2D core-shell WO3/CuWO4uniformheterojunction via in situ synthesis and modification of Co-Pi co-catalyst.InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45:16550-16559.IF:4.939JCR二区】
(15) Miao Zhou, Zhihua Liu, Qinggong Song, XifeiLi, Bowen Chen,Zhifeng Liu*. Hybrid 0D/2Dedamame shaped ZnIn2S4photoanode modified by Co-Pi andPt for charge management towards efficient photoelectrochemical watersplitting.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019,244: 188-196.IF:16.683JCR一区】
(16) Miao Zhou, Zhengang Guo*, Qinggong Song, Xifei Li,ZhifengLiu*. Improved photoelectrochemical response of CuWO4/BiOIp-n heterojunction embedded with plasmonic Ag nanoparticles.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 370: 218-277.IF:10.652JCR一区】
(17) Zhifeng Liu1*, Qinggong Song1, Miao Zhou*,Zhengang Guo, Jianhai Kang, Huiyu Yan. Synergistic enhancement of chargemanagement and surface reaction kinetics by spatially separated cocatalysts andp-n heterojunctions in Pt/CuWO4/Co3O4photoanode.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,374: 554-563.IF:10.652JCR一区】
(18) Yanting Li,Zhifeng Liu*, Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Xifei Li.The1D WO3nanorods/2D WO3-xnanoflakes homojunctionstructure for enhanced charge separation andtransfer towards efficient photoelectrochemical performance.ChemSusChem, 2019,12: 5282-5290.IF:7.962JCR一区】
(19) Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Weiguo Yan. 3D branched Ca-Fe2O3/Fe2O3decorated with Pt and Co-Pi: improved charge separation dynamics andphotoelectrochemical performance.ChemSusChem, 2019, 12: 3286-3295.IF:7.962JCR一区】
(20) Haiyang Xing, Lei E, Dan Zhao, Xifei Li,Mengnan Ruan*,Zhifeng Liu*.High-efficiencyand stable cupric oxide photocathode coupled with Al surface plasmon resonance andAl2O3self-passivation.Chemical Communications,2019, 55: 15093-15096.IF:5.996JCR一区】
(21) Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*, ZhengangGuo, Mengnan Ruan, Xifei Li, Yufeng Zhao.2D elongatedpolyhedral-like YVO4films: a novel photoanode forphotoelectrochemical water splitting.ChemicalCommunications, 2019, 55: 10468-10471.IF:5.996JCR一区】
(22) Yanting Li,Zhifeng Liu*, Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Xifei Li, YilinLiu. Efficient WO3photoanode modified by Pt layer and plasmonic Ag forenhanced charge separation and transfer to promote photoelectrochemicalperformances.ACS SustainableChemistry & Engineering,2019, 7: 12582-12590.IF:7.632JCR一区】
(23) Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Mengnan Ruan, Ying Xin. Accelerating the charge separation ofZnFe2O4nanorods by Cu-Sn ions gradient doping forefficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal of Colloid and InterfaceScience, 2019,552:111-121.IF:7.489JCR二区】
(24) Haiyang Xing, Lei E*, Zhengang Guo, Dan Zhao, Xifei Li,Zhifeng Liu*.Exposing photocorrosion mechanism and control strategies of CuO photocathode.InorganicChemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6:2488-2499.IF:5.958JCR二区】
(25) Peidong Wu,Zhifeng Liu*,Mengnan Ruan, Zhengang Guo, Lei Zhao. Cobalt-phosphate modified Fe-Zn0.2Cd0.8S/CuSbS2heterojunction photoanode with multiple synergistic effect for enhancing photoelectrochemicalwater splitting.Applied Surface Science, 2019, 476: 716-723.IF:6.182JCR二区】
(26) Peidong Wu,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Xifei Li, Lei Zhao. Zn1-xCdxS nanowallphotoanode preparedvia seedlayer epitaxial growthmethod andmodified by dual co-catalyst for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Applied Surface Science,2019, 467-468: 65-74.IF:6.182JCR二区】
(27) Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*, Gang Liu, ZhengangGuo, Mengnan Ruan, Hui Rong, Xifei Li. 1D ZnFe2O4nanorods coupled with plasmonic Ag, Ag2S nanoparticles and Co-Picocatalysts for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019,44: 19841-19854.IF:4.939JCR二区】
(28) Yanting Li,Zhifeng Liu*, Jing Zhang, Zhengang Guo, Ying Xin, Lei Zhao.1D/0D WO3/CdS heterojunction photoanodes modified with dualco-catalysts for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 790: 493-501.IF:4.650JCR二区】
(29) Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Weiguo Yan, Ying Xin. Enhancing light harvesting and chargeseparation of Cu2O photocathodes with spatially separatednoble-metal cocatalysts towards highly efficient water splitting.Journal ofMaterials Chemistry A, 2018, 6: 20393-20401.IF:11.301JCR一区】
(30) Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*.Dual axial gradient-doping (Zr and Sn) on hematite for promoting chargeseparation in photoelectrochemical water splitting.ChemSusChem, 2018, 11: 3438-3448.IF:7.962JCR一区】
(31) Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*. Efficientindium sulfide photoelectrode with crystal phase andmorphology control for high performance photoelectrochemical water splitting.ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6: 12328-12336.IF:7.632JCR一区】
(32) Zhifeng Liu*,XueLu, Dong Chen. Photoelectrochemical water splitting of CuInS2photocathodecollaborative modified with separated catalysts based on efficientphotogenerated electron-hole separation.ACS Sustainable Chemistry &Engineering, 2018, 6: 10289-10294.IF:7.632JCR一区】
(33) Zhifeng Liu*,JingZhang, Weiguo Yan. Enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting of photoelectrodesimultaneous decorated with cocatalysts based on spatial charge separation andtransfer.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6:3565-3574.IF:7.632JCR一区】
(34) Zhifeng Liu*, Xue Lu.Multifarious function layers photoanode based on g-C3N4for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 39: 1527-1533.IF:6.146JCR一区】
(35) Yayao Lan,Zhifeng Liu*,Zhengang Guo, Xifei Li, Lei Zhao, Li Zhan, Min Zhang. A ZnO/ZnFe2O4uniform core-shell heterojunction with a tubular structure modified by NiOOHfor efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Dalton Transactions,2018,47:12181-12187.IF:4.174JCR二区】
(36) Zhifeng Liu*, XuanWang.Efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting ofCaBi6O10decorated with Cu2O and NiOOH forimproved photogenerated carriers.InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43: 13276-13283.IF:4.939JCR二区】
(37) Peidong Wu,Zhifeng Liu*,Dong Chen, Miao Zhou, Jindong Wei. Flake-like NiO/WO3p-n heterojunctionphotocathode for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Applied SurfaceScience, 2018, 440: 1101-1106.IF:6.182JCR二区】
(38) Dong Chen,Zhifeng Liu*,Miao Zhou, Peidong Wu, Jindong Wei. Enhanced photoelectrochemical watersplitting performance of α-Fe2O3nanostructures modified withSb2S3and cobalt phosphate.Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 2018, 742: 918-927.IF:4.650JCR二区】
(39) Miao Zhou, Zhihua Liu*, Xifei Li,Zhifeng Liu*.Promising three-dimensional flowerlike CuWO4photoanode modifiedwith CdS and FeOOH for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting.Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57: 6210-6217.IF:3.573JCR二区】
(40) Zhifeng Liu*, Xuan Wang, Qijun Cai, Chonghao Ma, ZhengfuTong. CaBi6O10: a novel promising photoanode for photoelectrochemicalwater oxidation.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5: 8545-8554.IF:11.301JCR一区】
(41) Xue Lu,Zhifeng Liu*,Junwei Li, Jing Zhang, Zhengang Guo. Novel framework g-C3N4film as efficient photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting.AppliedCatalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 209: 657-662.IF:16.683JCR一区】
(42) Tiantian Hong,Zhifeng Liu*, XuerongZheng, Jing Zhang, Lu Yan. Efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting over Co3O4and Co3O4/Ag composite structure.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 202: 454-459.IF:16.683JCR一区】
(43) Jing Zhang, Haipeng Ma,Zhifeng Liu*.Highly efficient photocatalyst based on all oxides WO3/Cu2Oheterojunction for photoelectrochemical water splitting.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 201: 84-91.IF:16.683JCR一区】
(44) Zhifeng Liu*,Chonghao Ma, Qijun Cai, Tiantian Hong, Keying Guo, Lu Yan. Promisingcobalt oxide and cobalt oxide/silver photocathodes for photoelectrochemical watersplitting.Solar Energy Materials and SolarCells, 2017, 161: 46-51.IF:6.984JCR一区】
(45) Xuan Wang, Zhihua Liu*,ZhifengLiu*. A dumbbell CaBi2O4photoelectrode for photoelectrochemical water splitting.ChemCatChem,2017,9: 4029-4034.IF:4.853JCR二区】
(46) Xue Lu,Zhifeng Liu*.Enhancedphotoelectrochemical water splitting by oxides heterojunction photocathodecoupled with Ag.Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46:9886-9894.IF:4.174JCR二区】
(47) Xue Lu,Zhifeng Liu*.Efficient all p-types heterojunctionphotocathode for photoelectronchemical water splitting.Dalton Transactions,2017, 46: 7351-7360.IF:4.174JCR二区】
(48) Boluo Yadian, Yuhan Rao, Bowen Zhu,Zhifeng Liu*,Qing Liu,Chee Lip Gan, Xiaodong Chen, Yizhong Huang*. Metal-sulfide-decoratedZnO/Si nano-heterostructure arrays with enhanced photoelectrochemicalperformance.Materials Research Bulletin, 2017,96: 503-508.IF:4.019JCR二区】
[1] 环保型无机建筑保温材料关键技术研究,2016年度天津市科学技术进步三等奖,第二。
[2] 水处理用沸石分子筛负载光催化复合材料,2015年度天津市科学技术进步三等奖,第一。
[3] 纳米晶太阳能电池复合多孔电极膜,2013年度天津市科学技术进步三等奖,第一。
[4] 光纤连接器陶瓷套管,2011年度天津市科学技术进步三等奖,第三。
[5] 2015年天津市优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。
[6] 2014年天津市优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

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