

天津城建大学 免费考研网/2016-02-11

1. 个人简介

2. 受教育经历

· 1996-1999,河北师范大学,学士学位;

· 2002-2005,西南农业大学资源环境学院,水土保持专业,获硕士学位;

· 2007-2010,中科院遥感所,地图学与地理信息系统专业,获博士学位;

3. 研究工作经历

· 2005年以来,天津城市建设学院地质与测绘学院 资源环境与城乡规划管理系,讲师-副教授;

· 2010-现在,中科院生态中心,区域景观格局与生态过程研究组,博士后研究。

4. 科研情况


l 基于轨迹分析方法的土地利用格局动态变化监测 局级(教委) 2009.12-2010.12 负责人 结题
l “3S”技术在城市基础设施管理中的应用研究 局级(建委) 2007.10-2009.5 负责人 结题
l 城镇化进程中农地非农化特征及问题研究 省部级(天津社科) 2010.12-2011.12负责人 在研
l 基于变化轨迹的景观格局演变及其生态效应研究 博士后基金 2011.6-2013.10 负责人 在研
l 源-汇景观格局分析 国家杰青子课题 2011.5-2013.12 负责人 在研
l 农村住宅规划建设技术标准框架研究 国家科技支撑 2007.11-2011.12 主要参加人 在研
l 调整城市土地利用结构问题研究 省部级重点(天津社科) 2008.12-2010.10子课题负责人 结题
l 城市地质信息三维可视化关键技术研究 省部级(社发项目) 2006.12-2009-10主要参加人 结题
l 城市公办小学质量的空间溢出价值度量研究 省部级(教育部社科) 2010-11-2013.10 第五 在研
l 天津市静海县静海镇挂钩试点拆旧区整理复垦 局级(国土局) 2011.3-2011.6 第四 结题


Dongchuan Wang, Jianhua Gong, Liding Chen, Lihui Zhang, Yiquan Song, Yujuan Yue. Spatio-temporal pattern analysis of land use/cover change trajectories in Xihe watershed [J] ,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,2012, 14(1): 12-21. (SCI检索


Wang Dongchuan, Gong Jianhua, Zhang Lihui. Joint rectification of image series classification results based on trajectory analysis, Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, 2011, 8203. DOI:10.1117/12.910366 (EI: **946)

汪东川,龚建华,张利辉. 土地利用覆盖动态变化格局分析——以天水藉河流域为例[J],中南林业科技大学学报(自然科学版),2011.9 (中文核心, CSCD)

汪东川,张利辉. 轨迹分析与元胞自动机在土地利用动态模拟中的应用[J],天津城市建设学院学报,2011,17(2)135-139,152

Yiquan Song, Jianhua Gong, Sheng Gao, Dongchuan Wang, Tiejun Cui,Yi Li,Baoquan Wei. Susceptibility Assessment of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Using Bayesian Network: A Case Study in Beichuan, China. Computers & Geosciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2011.09.011 (Available online 3 October 2011). (SCI)

Jianhua Gong, Yujuan Yue, Jun Zhu, Yuming Wen, Yi Li, Jieping Zhou, Dongchuan Wang and Caihong Yu. Impacts of the Wenchuan Earthquake on the Chaping River upstream channel change. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2011.(SCI)


Jianhua Gong, Dongchuan Wang, Yi Li, Lihui Zhang, Yujuan Yue,Jieping Zhou,Yiquan Song, Earthquake-Induced Geo-disaster Detection under Hierarchical Stripping Framework in Beichuan Area, Landslides, (2010) 7:181-189.(通讯作者,SCI 检索)

Dongchuan Wang, Jianhua Gong, Lihui Zhang, Yiquan Song. Spatiotemporal analysis of land use/cover change patterns in the New Coastal District of Tianjin,Int. Conf. Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics,2010. (EI:**742)

Wang Dongchuan, Gong Jianhua, Zhang Lihui. Study on Interactions between Urban Extension and Urban Metro Construction in Tianjin Built-up Area. IEEE proceeding of MASS 2009, 2010. (EI:**428)

Yujuan Yue, Jianhua Gong, Dongchuan Wang. The extraction of water information based on SPOT5 image using object-oriented method, Int. Conf. Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics, 2010. (EI: **696)

李毅,龚建华,周洁萍,李文航,王伟星,汪东川,徐逍峰. 协同虚拟地理实验系统设计与初步试验,高技术通讯,2010(4):431-435

Song Yiquan, Gong Jianhua, Zhang Lei, Fu Qiang, Wang Dongchuan. A framework for land-surface remote sensing data sharing and collaboration, Int. Conf. Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics, 2010 (EI: **713)

Yiquan Song, Jianhua Gong, Zhijin Zuo, Lei Zhang, Dongchuan Wang. Data integration and visualization: dealing with massive and multi-dimensional marine spatial data. The 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP'10). 2010.10, 16-18.Yantai.(EI


Dongchuan Wang, Jianhua Gong, Lihui Zhang, Qixiang Lei, Quanyi Cao. Analysis of land cover changes using multi-source and multi-temporal images in loess hilly and gully regions. the second International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes (EOGC2009),2009(EI:**462 )

Zhang Lihui,Gong Jianhua, Wang Dongchuan, Huang Mingxiang. Study on Collaboration Related Mobile Online Mapping. The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing.Beijing,China. 2009. ( EI Indexed)


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