
轴向及内压复合作用下Zr-Sn-Nb/Zr-Nb 合金的多轴棘轮效应研究\r\n\t\t

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16

\r陈 刚1,瞿 欢1,崔 云1, 2,陈 旭\r1\r
AuthorsHTML:\r陈 刚1,瞿 欢1,崔 云1, 2,陈 旭\r1\r
AuthorsListE:\rChen Gang1,Qu Huan1,Cui Yun1,2,Chen Xu\r1\r
AuthorsHTMLE:\rChen Gang1,Qu Huan1,Cui Yun1,2,Chen Xu\r1\r
Unit:\r\r1. 天津大学化工学院,天津 300072;\r
\r\r2. 天津大学仁爱学院,天津 301636\r
Unit_EngLish:\r1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;
2. Ren’ai College of Tianjin University,Tianjin 301636,China\r
Abstract_English:\r\rIn order to simulate the multiaxial stress state of zirconium alloy cladding in the event of a reactivity-initiated accident\r(\rRIA\r)\r,\runiaxial symmetric cyclic tests and multiaxial tests under a combined internal pressure/axial cyclic load were carried out on Zr-Sn-Nb and Zr-Nb alloys the correlation between the accumulated characteristics of the axial/hoop ratcheting strain of the two zirconium alloys and the internal pressure and axial stress were investigated\r.\rThe results of the uniaxial tensile tests showed that the elastic modulus of Zr-Sn-Nb and Zr-Nb alloys were about 85GPa\r,\rand the tensile strengths were about 490MPa\r.\rResults of uniaxial ratcheting tests showed that\r,\runder small stress amplitude\r,\rZr-Sn-Nb and Zr-Nb alloys were in a stable state since the twinning-detwinning mechanism could not be activated\r.\rWhen the stress amplitude was greater than 325MPa\r,\rthe twin-detwinning mechanism was activated\r,\rso that the axial ratcheting strains of the Zr-Sn-Nb and Zr-Nb alloys increased rapidly in the positive direction\r.\rThe hoop ratcheting strains accumulated in the negative direction due to the Poisson effect\r.\rThe multiaxial experimental results showed that under a combined constant pressure and different axial stress amplitudes\r,\rthe hoop ratcheting strain of Zr-Sn-Nb and Zr-Nb alloys increased with increasing axial stress amplitude\r.\rWhen the axial stress amplitude was greater than 325MPa\r,\rthe axial ratcheting strain accumulated negatively in the initial stage\r,\rthen accumulated positively\r,\rand the hoop ratcheting strains also increased with increasing stress amplitude\r.\rUnder the same axial stress amplitude and varying internal pressures\r,\rthe internal pressure significantly restrained the axial ratcheting strain\r,\rand the restrain effect was more significant with increasing internal pressure\r.\rAt the same time\r,\rthe internal pressure had an obvious promoting effect on the hoop ratcheting strain\r,\rresulting in its rapid positive accumulation\r.\rThe axial and hoop ratcheting strain of the Zr-Sn-Nb alloy were smaller than those of the Zr-Nb alloy under the same axial stress and internal pressure\r,\rwhich indicated that the Zr-Sn-Nb alloy was more resistant to the ratcheting deformation than the Zr-Sn alloy\r.\r\r

Keywords_English:zirconium alloy;multiaxial;internal pressure;ratcheting strain;cyclic loading\r

相关话题/棘轮 合金