

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13

HS300 股票指数内在复杂及预测技术研究
大型房地产项目的GIS 技术环境下的网络体系

Implications of stochastic demand and manufacturers’ operational mode on retailer’s mixed bundling strategy and its complexit
Analysis of the complexity entropy and chaos control of the bullwhip effect considering price of evolutionary game between tw
Complexity of triopoly price game in Chinese cold rolled steel market
Analysis on the chaotic motion of a stochastic nonlinear dynamic system
Analysis of a Game Model with Nonlinear Demand Functions for Real Estate Market
A study on the complexity of a business cycle model with great excitements in non-resonant condition
The inherent complexity in nonlinear business cycle model in resonance
Exact solutions for a generalized nonlinear fractional Fokker_Planck equation
The Study of Chaotic Behavior in Retailer’s Demand Model.
Multivariate Nonlinear Analysis and Prediction of Shanghai Stock Market
Complex dynamics and chaos control in nonlinear four-oligopolist game with different expectations Source
Analysis of the stability and Hopf bifurcation of money supply delay in complex macroeconomic models
The parameter basin and complex of dynamic game with estimation and two-stage consideration
Complexity analysis of a Cournot-Bertrand duopoly game with different expectations
Complexity analysis of the dual-channel supply chain model with delay decision
The application and complexity analysis about a high-dimension discrete dynamical system basedon heterogeneous triopoly game
The research on price game model and its complex characteristics of triopoly in different decision-mak
The complex dynamics of R&D competition models of three oligarchs with heterogeneous players
Price game and chaos control among three oligarchs with different rationalities in property insurance
Complexity Analysis of a Cournot-Bertrand Duopoly Game Model with Limited Information
The parameter basin and complex of dynamic game with estimation and two-stage consideration
Research on game model and complexity of retailer collecting and selling in closed-loop supply chain
Complex system and influence of delayed decision on the stability of a triopoly price game model
Modeling and complexity study of output game among multiple oligopolistic manufacturers in the supply chain system
The application and complexity analysis about a high-dimension discrete dynamical system basedon heterogeneous triopoly game
The complex dynamics of a multi-product mixed duopoly model with partial privatization and cross-ownership
Study on the inherent complex features and chaos control of IS-LM fractional-order systems
Study and Simulation on Dynamics of a Risk-Averse Supply Chain Pricing Model with Dual-Channel and Incomplete Information
The comparison and complex analysis on dual-channel supply chain under different channel power structures and uncertain deman
The Influence of Information Acquisition on the Complex Dynamics of Market Competition
Application and research on the complex dynamics behavior under price-discount promotion policy in inventory control system
Complexity and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a kind of fractional-order IS-LM macroeconomic system
Measure of the bullwhip effect considering the market competition between two retailers
Research on bullwhip effect in energy-efficient air conditioning supply chain
Research on Bifurcation and Chaos in a Dynamic Mixed Game System with Oligopolies Under Carbon Emission Constraint
Complexity Dynamic Character Analysis of Retailers Based on the Share of Stochastic Demand and Service
Complex Characteristics of Multichannel Household Appliance Supply Chain with the Price Competition
Implications for Firms with Limited Information to Take Advantage of Reference Price Effect in Competitive Settings
Stability of a three-species symbiosis model with delays
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