

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13

基金委“优秀青年”基金获得者,英国机械工程学会会士 PhD, CEng, FIMechE
Origami- inspired deployable polyhedra
Deployable Structure

Origami of thick panels
Symmetric waterbomb origami
Truss transformation method to obtain the non-overconstrained forms of 3D overconstrained linkages
Giant liposome spreading on a silicon wall
Quasi-static axial crushing of thin-walled tubes with a kite-shape rigid origami pattern: numerical simulation
Deployable prismatic structures with rigid origami patterns
One-DOF superimposed rigid origami with multiple states
Reconfigurable mechanism generated from the network of Bennett linkages
Section analysis with complex tools for numerical simulation of sheet forming
Kinematic Study of the Original and Revised General Line-symmetric Bricard 6R Linkages
A 6R Linkage Reconfigurable between the Line-symmetric Bricard Linkage and the Bennett Linkage
Light-Weight Thin-Walled Structures with Patterned Windows under Axial Crushing
Spreading of giant liposomes on anisotropically patterned substrates
Axial crushing of thin-walled structures with origami patterns
Multiple Linkage Forms and Bifurcation Behaviours of the Double-subtractive-Goldberg 6R Linkage
A family of mixed double-Goldberg 6R linkages
Giant liposome spreading on a silicon wall, Journal of Applied Physics
A spatial 6R linkage derived from subtractive Goldberg 5R linkages
Bifurcation of a special line and plane symmetric Bricard linkage
Droplets atop a wrinkled substrate
The line-symmetric octahedral Bricard linkage and its structural closure
Two-fold Symmetrical 6R Foldable Frames and Their Bifurcations
Myard linkage and its mobile assemblies
An extended Myard linkage and its derived 6R linkage
On mobile assemblies of Bennett linkages
A high-dexterity low-degree-of-freedom hybrid manipulator structure for robotic lion dance
spatial 6R linkages based on the combination of two Goldberg 5R linkages
Square deployable frame for space application: Part II: Realization
Square deployable frame for space application: Part I: Theory
Mobile assemblies based on the Bennett linkage
Threefold-symmetric Bricard linkages for deployable structures
On using a Bennett linkage as a connector between other Bennett loops
Phenomenological modeling for pore opening, closure and rupture of the GUV membrane
Geometrically graded origami tubes
Rigidly deployable origami tubes based on kite-shape pattern
A Deployable Bennett Network in Saddle Surface
The graded origami structures
Axial crushing of thin-walled tubes with kite-shape pattern
Workspace analysis of a reconfigurable mechanism generated from the network of Bennett linkages
Deployable Prismatic Structures with Rigid Origami Patterns
The Metamaterial Generated from Rigid-origami Pattern
Bifurcation behavior of the line-symmetric Bricard linkage without offsets
The thin-walled tubes with origami pattern under axial loading
The rigid origami patterns for flat surface
3D Overconstrained Linkages with Revolute Joints
A Special Wohlhart’s Double-Goldberg 6R Linkage and its Multiple Operation Forms among 4R and 6R Linkages
Axial crushing of internally braced tubes
Spatial Overconstrained Linkages - The Lost Jade
The Mechanism Design for Aircraft Morphing Wing
The original double-Goldberg 6R linkage and its bifurcation analysis
Folding the Tube with Rigid Origami Pattern
Design of a Foldable Shelter
Rigid Origami to Fold a Flat Paper into a Patterned Cylinder
Experimental Investigation of the Surface Tension of Lipid Membranes
A 6R Foldable Frame and its Bifurcations
A Retractable Structure Design based on Bricard Linkage
deployable frames with curved profile
Deployable structures based on the Bricard linkages
6R Linkage and its networks
Connectivity of Bennett Linkages
Deployable structural element based on Bennett linkages
Network of Bennett linkages as deployable structures
Mechanism design with topology optimisation
Large space deployable structure
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