

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13

姓名: 王子武
性别: 男
职称: 副教授(破格晋升)

职务: 博导
出生年月: 1982.01
专业: 凝聚态物理
单位: 天津大学理学院物理系
2012年7月- 2013年10月 :中科院苏州纳米所助理研究员
2013年12月—至今: 天津大学理学院物理系
【1】国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:**)置于极性半导体衬底上的二维单层材料体系中多声子拉曼散射的理论研究(执行年限:2017.01-2020.12), 主持人
【2】国家青年科学基金项目(批准号:**)强磁场下石墨烯和拓扑绝缘体的晶格弛豫相关现象研究(执行年限:2014.01-2016.12), 主持人
【3】天津大学青年骨干教师项目(自主科研基金)强磁场下石墨烯和拓扑绝缘体中极化子态的研究(执行年限:2016.01-2017.12), 主持人

33.Zi-Wu Wang, Yao Xiao, and Zhi-Qing Li, Multiphonon resonance Raman scattering mediated by the exciton states in transition metal dichalcogenides, (2018) (on the way)
32.Xi-Ying Dong, Run-Ze Li, Zhi-Qing Li, and Zi-Wu Wang*, Interlayer exciton-polaron in transition metal dichalcogenides van der Waals heterostructures, (2018) (under review)
31. Run-Ze Li, Xi-Ying Dong, Zhi-Qing Li, andZi-Wu Wang*, Renormalization of the exciton mass in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, (2018) (under review)
30. Wei-Ping Li, Ji-Wen Yin, and Zi-Wu Wang*, Spin-flip relaxation between the Landau levels in gapped graphene, (2018) (under review).
29. Peng-Fei Li and Zi-Wu Wang*, Resolution of spin states in the optical absorption of polaron in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides , (2018) (under review)
28.Zi-Wu Wangand Zhi-Qing Li, Multiphonon resonance Raman scattering in Landau-quantized graphene, Carbon, 141, 01 (2019) .
27.Zi-Wu Wang, Xi-Ying Dong, Yao Xiao, Run-Ze Li and Zhi-Qing Li, Effect of exciton-phonon coupling on interlayer exciton in transition metal dichalcogenides double layers, Physica Status Solidi -Rapid Research Letter,12,** (2018).
26.Run-Ze Li, Xi-Ying Dong, Zhi-Qing Li, and Zi-Wu Wang*, Correction of the exciton Bohr radius in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides,Solid State Commun., 275, 53 (2018).
25.Peng-Fei Li and Zi-Wu Wang* , Optical absorption of polaron in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides , Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 204308 (2018) .
24. Zi-Wu Wang, Run-Ze Li, Xi-Ying Dong, Yao Xiao, and Zhi-Qing Li, Temperature dependence of the excitonic spectroscopy in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, Frontiers of Physics,13,137305 (2018).
23.Yao Xiao, Zhi-Qing Li and Zi-Wu Wang*, Polaron effect on the bandgap modulation in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter,29 , 485001 (2017).
22. Zi-Wu Wang, Yao Xiao, Run-Ze Li, Wei-Ping Li, and Zhi-Qing Li, Self-energy effect and modification of the Coulomb potential in monolayer MoS2 on polar substrates, J. Phys. D: Applied Physics, 50 , 475306 (2017).
21. Zi-Wu Wang, Wei-Ping Li, Yao Xiao, Run-Ze Li and Zhi-Qing Li,Influence of exciton-phonon coupling on the exciton binding energy in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 231603 (2017).
20.Yao Xiao, Wei-Ping Li, Zhi-QingLiand Zi-Wu Wang*,Coulomb impurity effects on the zero-Landau level splitting in graphene on polar substrates,Superlattices and Microstructures ,104,178(2017).
19.Zi-Wu Wang, Run-Ze Li,Yao Xiao andZhi-QingLi, Magnetic-optical transitions in monolayer molybdenum disulphide on polar substrates, Physics Letters A, 380,3843(2016).
18. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liuand Zhi-QingLi, Energy gap induced by the surface optical polaron in graphene on polar substrates,Applied Physics Letters, 106, 101601(2015).
17. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liuand Zhi-QingLi, Fast two-phonon relaxation process between the Landau levels of
graphene on different polar substrates,Europhysics Letters,108, 36005(2014).
16. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liuand Shu-Shen Li, Relaxation times of the two-phonon processes with spin-flip and spin-conserving in quantum dots,Applied Physics Letters, 104, 142404(2014).
15. Zi-Wu Wang, Zhi-Qing Li and Shu-Shen Li,The optical phonon resonance scattering with spin-conserving and spin-flip processes between Landau levels in Graphene,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 26 , 395302 (2014).
14. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liu ,Wei-Ping Li and Ke Xu, The linewidths of transition between Landau levels in graphene, Physics Letters A, 378,65(2014).
13. Wei-Ping Li, Shao-Juan Li, Ji-Wen Yin, Yi-FuYu and Zi-Wu Wang*, Spinrelaxationassistedbyopticalphononscatteringinquantumdots: DresselhausversusRashbaspin–orbit coupling.Solid State Commu. 192,1, (2014).
12. Zi-Wu Wang, Lei Liuand Shu-Shen Li, Spin-flip relaxation via optical phonon scattering in quantum dots.Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 224305 (2013).
11. Zi-Wu Wang,Lei Liu, Lin Shi, Xiao-Jing Gong, Wei-Ping Li and Ke Xu, The optical phonon scattering in graphene under strong magnetic field,Journal of physical society of Japan,82,094606 (2013).
10. Wei-Ping Li,Ji-Wen Yin, Yi-FuYuand Zi-Wu Wang*, The two-phonon processes in graphene under strong magnetic field.Solid State Commu. 163,19(2013).
09. Zi-Wu Wangand Shu-Shen Li,Lattice relaxation of the graphene under high magnetic field,
J.Phys.:Condens. Matter, 24 , 265302 (2012).
08. Zi-Wu Wangand Shu-Shen Li,One and two-phonon process of the spin-flip relaxation in quantum dots: spin-phonon coupling mechanism ,Solid State Commu,152,1098 ( 2012).
07. Wei-Ping Li,Ji-Wen Yin, Yi-FuYuandZi-Wu Wang,The effects of magnetopolaron on the energy gap opening in graphene,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 24,135301(2012).
06. Zi-Wu Wangand Shu-Shen Li,Effective channels of breaking the phonon bottleneck: A lattice relaxation approach.Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 043512 (2011).
05. Zi-Wu Wangand Shu-Shen Li,Two-phonon processes of intraband relaxation in the terahertz regime in quantum dots ,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 23 , 225303 (2011)
04.Zi-Wu Wangand Shu-Shen Li,Spin–flip relaxation in a two-electron quantum dot with spin–phonon coupling,Solid State Commu,152 , 1667 (2011).
03. Zi-Wu Wangand Jing-Lin Xiao,The decoherence of the parabolic linear bound potential quantum dot qubit,Physica B:Condense matter, 403,522 (2008).
02. Zi-Wu Wangand Jing-Lin Xiao,Properties of Parabolic Linear Bound Potential and Coulomb Bound Potential Quantum Dot Qubit,Commun. Theor. Phys, 49 , 311 (2008).
01. Zi-WuWangand Jing-Lin Xiao, Parabolic linear bound potential quantum dot qubit and its optical phonon effect,Acta Physica Sinica,56,0678 (2007).

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