

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13


吴华明 职称:

研究方向 移动云计算; 移动边缘计算; 雾计算;无线通信; 物联网; 深度学习
2005.09 - 2009.07哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 本科/学士

2009.09 - 2011.07哈尔滨工业大学研究生/硕士

2011.09 - 2015.12德国 柏林自由大学(Freie Universt?t Berlin) 研究生/博士(summa cum laude, 最高荣誉)

2010.06 - 2010.08 韩国 光州科学技术院GIST 实习生

2016.05 - 2018.06天津大学应用数学中心 讲师

2019.01 - 2019.02澳大利亚墨尔本大学, 云计算和分布式系统(CLOUDS)实验室 访问****, 导师:Rajkumar Buyya

2018.06 - 今天津大学应用数学中心 副研究员

教学工作 《概率论与数理统计》48学时
科研工作 在研:










2019年软计算与机器学习国际会议(SCML2019) 特邀讲者

2018年 入选第五批天津市创新人才推进计划-青年科技优秀人才

2018年 入围2018阿里活水计划****

2018年 Future Generation Computer Systems(SCI 二区,IF:4.639)杰出审稿人

2018年第七期智能自动化学科前沿讲习班 特邀讲者

2018年 亚洲太平洋计算机和信息研究学会(APSCIT) -计算与信息技术研究会议(CITR 2018) 特邀讲者

2018年 天津大学沈志康奖教金


2015年 德国博士学位(summa cum laude, top 3%, 最高荣誉奖)

2013年Student Travel Grant ACM Sigmetrics

学术兼职 Conference Activities:
Lead Guest Editor, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (SCI), SI on Deep Learning Driven Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

Work in Progress and Vision Track Chair,PC Member,ACM International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), 2019 inMumbai, India.

Workshop Chair & PCMember,30thIEEEInternationalSymposiumonSoftwareReliabilityEngineering(ISSRE2019) inCollegePark,Maryland,USA

Publicity Chair & PC Member,ACM International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), 2018 in Berlin, Germany.

TPC Member,5th International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators (ICYCSEE 2019) Guilin, China.

Committee Chair,Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology (APSCIT)

TPCMember, First International Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking (ICCN 2019) in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2019 in Paris, France.

TPCMember,Computer Vision Conference (CVC) 2019,Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

TPCMember,Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2019, San Francisco

TPC Member,Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys)2018, London, UK.

PC Member,15thEuropeanPerformanceEngineeringWorkshop(EPEW)2018inParis,France.

PC Member,ConferenceonQuantitativeEvaluationofSysTems(QEST)2018inBeijing.

Student Forum Chair,PC Member,Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) 2017 in Berlin, Germany.

PC Member,14th European Performance Engineering Workshop(EPEW)2017 in Berlin, Germany.

IEEE 会员,ACM 会员,中国计算机学会CCF 会员,中国数学会会员,中国工业与应用数学学会会员

Journal Reviews:
IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking (TON)

IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J)

IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics (TII)

IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications (TWC)

IEEE Trans. Services Computing (TSC)

IEEE Trans. Communications (TCOM)

IEEE Trans. Cybernetics (TCYB)

IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)

IEEE Trans. Image Processing (TIP)

IEEE Trans. Multimedia (TMM)

IEEE Trans. Cloud Computing (TCC)

IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)

IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology (TVT)

IEEE Trans. Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI)

IEEE Trans. Multi-Scale Computing Systems (TMSCS)

IEEE Trans. Sustainable Computing (T-SUSC)

IEEE Trans. Green Communications and Networking (TGCS)

IEEE Access

Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA)

Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS)

Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)

Signal Processing: Image Communication (SPIC)

Performance Evaluation (PEVA)

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (SCIS)

International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN)

International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS)



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1.Congcong Liu and Huaming Wu, Channel Pruning Based on Mean Gradient for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks, Signal Processing, 2019, vol. 156, 84-91

2.Monica M.Y. Zhang, Kun Shang, and Huaming Wu. Learning Deep Discriminative Face Features by Customized Weighted Constraint, Neurocomputing, 2019, 332, 71-79

3.Huaming Wu, William J. Knottenbelt and Katinka Wolter. An Efficient Application Partitioning Algorithm in Mobile Environments, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

4.Monica M.Y. Zhang, Kun Shang, and Huaming Wu. Deep Compact Discriminative representation for unconstrained face recognition, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2019
5.Wu, H., and Wolter, K., Stochastic Analysis of Delayed Mobile Offloading in Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 17(2), 461-474, 2018.

6.Wu, H., Yi, S., and Wolter, K., Energy-Efficient Decision Making for Mobile Cloud Offloading, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018. IF:7.928

7.Meng T., Wolter, K., Wu, H. and Wang, Q., A Secure and Cost-efficient Offloading Policy for Mobile Cloud Computing against Timing Attacks, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 45, 4-18, 2018.

8.Chen, Z. L., Wang, J., Li, W. J., Li, N., Wu, Wu, H., & Wang, D. W. Convolutional neural network with nonlinear competitive units. Signal Processing: Image Communication. 60 ,193-198, 2018

9.Wu, H., Multi-Objective Decision-Making for Mobile Cloud Offloading: A Survey, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 3962 - 3976, 2018.

10.Wu, B., Chen, Z., Wang, J., & Wu, H. (2018). Exponential discriminative metric embedding in deep learning. Neurocomputing, 290, 108-120.

11. Monica M.Y. Zhang, Yifang Xu and Wu, H. Orientation Truncated Center Learning for Deep Face Recognition,IET Electronics Letters, Vol. 54, No. 19, 1110–1112

12.Wu, H. Performance Modeling of Delayed Offloading in Mobile Wireless Environments with Failures, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.22, no.11, pp. 2334-2337

13.Zhang, M. M.Y., Shang, K.& Wu, H. (2018). Exponential discriminative metric embedding in deep learning. Neurocomputing, 290, 108-120.

14.Wu, H., Knottenbelt, W., Wolter, K., & Sun, Y. (2016). An Optimal Offloading Partitioning Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing. In International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (pp. 311-328). Springer International Publishing.

15.Wu, H., Sun, Y., & Wolter, K. (2015) Analysis of the Energy-Response Time Tradeoff for Delayed Mobile Cloud Offloading. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 43(2), 33-35.

16.Wu, H. (2015). Analysis of mHealth Systems with Multi-cloud Computing Offloading. In Mobile Health (pp. 589-608). Springer International Publishing.

17.Wu, H., Knottenbelt, W. J. & Wolter, K. (2015) Analysis of the Energy-Response Time Tradeoff for Mobile Cloud Offloading using Combined Metrics, Teletraffic Congress (ITC), 2015 27th International (pp. 134-142). IEEE.

18.Wu, H., Wang, Q., & Wolter, K. (2013). Tradeoff Between Performance Improvement and Energy Saving in Mobile Cloud Offloading Systems. In Communications (ICC), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 728-732). IEEE.

19.Wu, H., Wang, Q., & Wolter, K. (2012). Methods of cloud-path selection for offloading in mobile cloud computing systems. In Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2012 IEEE 4th International Conference on (pp. 443-448). IEEE.

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