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刘志新 职称:

研究方向 数论
教育背景 2002.09 - 2006.06, 山东大学,学士;
2006.09 - 2011.06, 山东大学,博士。
工作经历 2011.09 - 2016.06,天津大学理学院,讲师;
2016.07 - 2016.12,天津大学理学院,副教授;
2016.12 - 今, 天津大学数学学院,副教授;
2016.01 - 2016.07,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,访问****;
2015 - 今, 硕士生导师。

教学工作 开设课程:
2014 - 2016 天津大学本科教改综合立项重点项目:高等数学与高中数学及后续专业课程教学内容衔接问题的研究 主持人

科研工作 科研项目:
2019 - 2022 国家自然科学基金面上项目:素数堆垒问题中的圆法、筛法和Linnik方差法 主持人
2014 - 2016 国家自然科学基金青年项目:丢番图方程的素数解 主持人
2014 - 2016 教育部博士点新教师基金:素变数的二次型与Linnik方差法 主持人
2012 - 2015 国家自然科学基金面上项目:Sarnak猜想与素数分布名称 参加人
2012 - 2014 国家自然科学基金青年项目:GL(3)的自守形式和自守L-函数 参加人

主要荣誉 2013 天津大学北洋****·青年骨干教师
2013 天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次。
学术兼职 Mathematical Reviews 评论员
Zentralblatt Math. 评论员

1.Zhixin Liu and Rui Zhang, On sums of squares of primes and a kth power of prime, Monatshefte für Mathematik, (2) 188 (2019), 269-285. (SCI)

2.Liqun Hu, Yafang Kong and Zhixin Liu, A pair of equations in four prime squares and powers of 2, The Ramnujan Journal, (2019), (SCI)

3.Zhixin Liu, Small prime solutions of a nonlinear equation, Journal of Number Theory, 185 (2018), 479-489. (SCI)

4.Gaiyun Gao and Zhixin Liu, Results of Diophantine approximation with unlike powers of primes, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, (4) 13 (2018), 797-808. (SCI)

5.Zhixin Liu, Diophantine approximation by unlike powers of primes, International Journal of Number Theory, 13 (2017), 2445-2452. (SCI)

6.Yafang Kong and Zhixin Liu, On pairs of Goldbach-Linnik equations, The Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 95 (2017), 199-208. (SCI)

7.Zhixin Liu, Goldbach-Linnik type problems with unequal powers of primes, Journal of Number Theory, 176 (2017), 439-448. (SCI)

8.Zhixin Liu, Small prime solutions to cubic Diophantine equations II, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, (3) 59 (2016), 599-605. (SCI)

9.Zhixin Liu, One prime, two squares of primes and powers of 2, Acta Mathematica Hungarica , (1) 143 (2014) , 3-12. (SCI)

10.Zhixin Liu and Haiwei Sun: Diophantine approximation with four squares of primes and powers of 2, Chinese Annals of Mathematics-Series A, (5) 34A, (2013), 599-608, also published at Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, (2013), 361-368.

11.Zhixin Liu, Small prime solutions to cubic Diophantine equations, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, (4) 56 (2013), 785-794. (SCI)

12.Zhixin Liu, On pairs of quadratic equations in primes and powers of 2, Journal of Number Theory, (10) 133 (2013), 3339-3347. (SCI)

13.Zhixin Liu, On pairs of one prime, two prime squares and powers of 2, International Journal of Number Theory, (6) 9 (2013), 1413-1421. (SCI)

14.Zhixin Liu and Haiwei Sun, Diophantine approximation with one prime and three squares of primes, The Ramanujan Journal, (3) 30 (2013), 327-340. (SCI)

15.Zhixin Liu and Qingfeng Sun, Sums of cubes of primes in short intervals, The Ramanujan Journal, (3) 28 (2012), 309-321. (SCI)

16.Zhixin Liu, On Waring-Goldbach problem for fifth powers, International Journal of Number Theory, (5) 8 (2012), 1247-1256. (SCI)

17.Zhixin Liu, Cubes of primes and almost prime, Journal of Number Theory, (6) 132 (2012), 1284-1294. (SCI)

18.Zhixin Liu, Density of the sums of four cubes of primes, Journal of Number Theory, (4) 132 (2012), 735-747. (SCI)

19.Zhixin Liu and Guangshi Lü, Density of two squares of primes and powers of 2, International Journal of Number Theory, (5) 7 (2011) 1317-1329. (SCI)

20.Zhixin Liu and Guangshi Lü, On unlike powers of primes and powe (rs of 2, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, (1-2) 132 (2011), 125-139. (SCI)

21.Zhixin Liu, A result on Waring-Goldbach problem for cubes, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, (1) 51 (2011), 13-25. (SCI)

22.Zhixin Liu and Guangshi Lü, Two results on powers of 2 in Waring-Goldbach problem, Journal of Number Theory, (4) 131 (2011), 716-736. (SCI)

23.Zhixin Liu, An Improvement on Waring-Goldbach problem for unlike powers, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, (1-2) 130 (2011), 118-139. (SCI)

24.Zhixin Liu and Guangshi Lü, Eight cubes of primes and powers of 2, Acta Arithmetica, (2) 145 (2010), 171-192. (SCI)

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