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霍宝锋博士是天津大学管理与经济学部主任、运营管理领域的讲席教授、博士生导师、国家****基金获得者,Elsevier中国高被引****。拥有香港中文大学运营管理专业的哲学博士学位和天津大学管理科学与工程专业的工学硕士和管理信息系统专业的工学学士学位。研究与教学领域包括运营管理、物流与供应链管理、全面供应链管理、跨学科运营与供应链管理(如能源供应链、农业供应链、医疗供应链、工程供应链、技术供应链、数字化供应链、社会供应链、绿色供应链、可持续供应链、供应链创新创业、供应链金融、供应链法律、供应链人力资源等)。论文发表在Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Information & Management, Business Horizons《管理科学学报》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《科研管理》等期刊。担任Journal of Operations Management副主编、International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management高级副主编, Production and Operations Management编委、IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management编委, International Journal of Operations & Production Management编委, International Journal of Production Economics 编委, Industrial Management & Data Systems编委。近年来为京东、顺丰、阿里巴巴、神州数码、吉利、奥迪、上海贝尔、盾安集团、盐田港集团、辛子精工等十几家公司提供过供应链管理相关的培训和咨询服务,撰写了一系列商业评论文章,与合作者共收集了6000多家我国和国外企业的各类调查数据,为企业的供应链管理提供了具体的指导,使企业获得了较大的收益。目前,也从事供应链管理教育方面的公益事业。在加入天津大学之前,曾先后担任西安交通大学管理学院助理教授、副教授和浙江大学管理学院教授、文科领军人才、求是****等工作。

天津大学 管理与经济学部

浙江大学 管理学院

西安交通大学 管理学院

西安交通大学 管理学院

香港中文大学 商学院

香港中文大学 运营管理

天津大学 管理科学与工程

天津大学 管理信息系统

1.2015-2016 合作主持,《物流运作管理》,核心专业课程建设,浙江大学
2.2014-2015 参与,《高级管理研究方法》,核心课程建设,浙江大学
3.2012-2013 主持,《Operations Management》,直博生全英文课程建设,浙江大学管理学院
4.2011-2012 主持,《Logistics and supply chain management》,留学生新课程建设,西安交通大学管理学院
5.2011-2012 参与,留学生(MSM)培养方案设计,西安交通大学管理学院
6.2011-2012 参与,国际MBA培养方案设计,西安交通大学管理学院
7.2010-2011 参与,MBA教学改革与课程设计,西安交通大学管理学院
博士后(要求:愿意献身学术, 每年2~5名)
1.Baofeng Huo, Barbara B. Flynn, Xiande Zhao, Supply Chain Power Configurations and their Relationship with Performance,Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2017, 53(2) : 88-111
2.Baofeng Huo, Xiande Zhao*, Honggeng Zhou, The Effects of Competitive Environment on Supply Chain Information Sharing and Performance: An Empirical Study in China,Production and Operations Management, 2014,23(4) : 552-569
3.Xiande Zhao, Baofeng Huo*,Willem Selen, Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung,The Impact of Internal Integration and Relationship Commitment on External Integration, Journal of Operations Management, 2011,29(1-2) : 17-32
4.Barbara B. Flynn, Baofeng Huo*, Xiande Zhao, The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Performance: A Contingency and Configuration Approach, Journal of Operations Management,2010, 28(1) : 58-71
5.Xiande Zhao*, Baofeng Huo, Barbara B. Flynn, Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung, The impact of Power and Relationship Commitment on Integration between Manufacturers and Customers in a Supply Chain, Journal of Operations Management, 2008, 26(3) : 368-388
6.Yuxiao Ye, Andy C. L. Yeung, Baofeng Huo*,Maintaining Stability While Boosting Growth The Long-Term Impact of Environmental Accreditations on Firms’ Financial Risk and Sales Growth,International Journal of Operations & Production Management,2020, Accepted
7.Yubing Yu, Baofeng Huo, Zuopeng (Justin) Zhang*, Impact of Information Technology on Supply Chain Integration and Company Performance: Evidence from Cross-Border E-Commerce Companies in China,Journal of Enterprise Information Management,2020, Accepted
8.YubingYu, Min Zhang, Baofeng Huo*, The impact of relational capital on green supply chain management and financial performance, Production Planning & Control,2020, Accepted
9.Ying Luo, Qiang Wei, Qihui Ling, Baofeng Huo*, Optimal Decision in a Green Supply Chain: Bank Financing or Supplier Financing, Journal of Cleaner Production,2020, Accepted
10.Mingu Kang, Gukseong Lee, David W. Hwang, Jiang Wei,Baofeng Huo*, Effects of Cross-Functional Integration on NPD Success: Mediating Roles of Customer and Supplier Involvement, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,2020, Accepted
11.ShenyangJiang, Zhaojun Han, Baofeng Huo, Patterns of IT Use: TheImpact on Green Supply Chain Management and Performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2020, Accepted
12.Qianwen Wang, Baofeng Huo*, Xiande Zhao, What Makes Logistics Integration More EffectiveGovernance from Contractual and Relational Perspectives, Journal of Business Logistics, 2019, Accepted
13.Zhaojun Han, Baofeng Huo*, The Impact of Green Supply Chain Integration on Sustainable Performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, Accepted
14.Xiling Cui, Baofeng Huo, Yang Lei, Qiang Zhou,The Influence of Team Social Media Usage on Individual Knowledge Sharing and Job Performance From a Cross-Level Perspective,International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2019, Accepted
15.Zhaojun Han, Baofeng Huo*, Xiande Zhao, Backward Supply Chain Information Sharing: Who Does it BenefitSupply Chain Management: An International Journal,2019, Accepted
16.Nan Shang, Chengjin Ye*, Yi Ding, Teng Tu, Baofeng Huo, Risk-based Optimal Power Portfolio Methodology for Generation Companies Considering Cross-Region Generation Right Trade, Applied Energy,2019, 254
17.SiyuLi, Xiling Cui, Baofeng Huo*, Xiande Zhao, Information Sharing, Coordination and Supply Chain Performance: The Moderating Effect of Demand Uncertainty, Industrial Management & Data Systems,2019, 119(5): 1046-1071
18.Yangming Zhang, Xiande Zhao, Baofeng Huo*, The Impacts of Intra-organizational Structural Elements on Supply Chain Integration, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, 119(5):1031-1045
19.Baofeng Huo, Zia Ul Haq,MinhaoGu*, The Impact of IT Application on Supply Chain Learning and Service Performance, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, 120(1):1-20
20.Anto (John) Verghese*, Xenophon Koufteros, Baofeng Huo, Leveraging Customer Benevolence for Resilience: A Supplier Perspective, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2019, 49:727-748
21.Baofeng Huo, Min Tian, Yu Tian, Qiyuan Zhang*, The Dilemma of Inter-Organizational Relationships: Dependence, Use of Power and Their Impacts on Opportunism,International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2019, 39(1):2-23
22.MinhaoGu, Baofeng Huo, Zhiqiang Wang*, Green or Lean A Supply Chain Approach to Sustainable Performance, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 216: 152-166
23.Min Zhang, Hangfei Guo, Baofeng Huo*, Xiande Zhao, Jianbo Huang,Linking Supply Chain Quality Integration with Mass Customization and Product Modularity,International Journal of Production Economics,2019, 207:227-235
24.Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye*, Xiande Zhao, Kaihang Zhu, Supply Chain Quality Integration: A Taxonomy Perspective,International Journal of Production Economics,2019, 207:236-246
25.Yubing Yu,Baofeng Huo*, The Impact of Environmental Orientation on Supplier Green Management and Financial Performance: The Moderating Role of Relational Capital, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 211: 628-639
26.Yubing Yu, Baofeng Huo*, The Impact of Relational Capital on Supplier Quality Integration and Operational Performance, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,2019, 20(11-12):1282-1301
27.Yubing Yu, Min Zhang, Baofeng Huo*, The Impact of Supply Chain Quality Integration on Green Supply Chain Management and Environmental Performance, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,2019, 30(9-10):1110-1125
28.Yuanzhu Zhan, Kim Hua Tan, Baofeng Huo*, Bridging Customer Knowledge to Innovative Product Development: A data mining approach, International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 57(20): 6335-6350
29.Gaoyan Lyu, Lihua Chen, Baofeng Huo*,The Impact of Logistics Platforms and Location on Logistics Resource Integration and Operational Performance, International Journal of Logistics Management, 2018, 30(2):549-568
30.Qiang Wei, Sheng Li, Xinyu Gou, Baofeng Huo*, Joint Optimal Decision of the Shared Distribution System through Revenue-sharing and Cooperative Investment Contracts, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 119(3):578-612
31.Gaoyan Lyu, Lihua Chen, Baofeng Huo*, Logistics Resources, Capabilities and Operational Performance: A Contingency and Configuration Approach, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 119(2):230-250
32.Yuxiao Ye, Baofeng Huo*, Min Zhang, Bill Wang, Xiande Zhao, The Impact of Modular Designs on New Product Development Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Supply Chain Involvement,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2018, 23(5): 444-458
33.Mingu Kang,Ma Ga (Mark) Yang, Youngwon Park, Baofeng Huo*, Supply Chain Integration and its Impact on Sustainability, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018,118(9): 1749-1765
34.Baofeng Huo, Minhao Gu, Zhiqiang Wang*, Supply Chain Flexibility Concepts, Dimensions and Outcomes: An Organizational Capability Perspective,International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(17): 5883-5903
35.Bill Wang, Yuanfei Kang, Paul Childerhouse, Baofeng Huo*, Service Supply Chain Integration: The Role of Interpersonal Relationships, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 118(4):828-849
36.Xenophon Koufteros*, Alan Mackleprang, Benjamin T Hazen, Baofeng Huo, Guest Editiorial: Structured Literature Reviews on Strategic Issues in SCM and Logistics Special Issue Part 2,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2018, 48(8):742-744
37.Siyu Li, Xiande Zhao, Baofeng Huo*, Supply Chain Coordination and Innovativeness: A Social Contagion and Learning Perspective,International Journal of Production Economics,2018, 205:47-61
38.Bill Wang, Yuanfei Kang, Paul Childerhouse, Baofeng Huo*, Interpersonal and Inter-Organizational Relationship Drivers of Supply Chain Integration, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 118(6):1170-1191
39.Shaoling Fu, Zhiwei Li, Bill Wang, Zhaojun Han, Baofeng Huo*, Cooperative Behavior between Companies and Contract Farmers in Chinese Agricultural Supply Chains: Relational Antecedents and Consequences, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2018, 118(5):1033-1051
40.Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye, Xiande Zhao, Jiang Wei, Zhongsheng Hua*, Environmental Uncertainty, Specific Asset, and Opportunism In 3PL Relationships: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective,International Journal of Production Economics,2018, 203:154-163
41.Baofeng Huo, Minhao Gu*, Bin Jiang, China-related POM Research: Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research,International Journal of Production Economics,2018, 203:134-153
42.Xenophon Koufteros*, Alan Mackleprang, Benjamin T Hazen, Baofeng Huo, Guest Editiorial: Structured Literature Reviews on Strategic Issues in SCM and Logistics Special Issue Part 1,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2018, 48(3): 202-204
43.Yubing Yu, Baofeng Huo*, Supply Chain Quality Integration: Relational Antecedent and Operational Consequence,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2018, 23(3): 188-206
44.Baofeng Huo, Chen Liu, Haozhe Chen*, Xiande Zhao, Dependence, Trust, and 3PL Integration: An Empirical Study in China, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2017,47(9): 927-948
45.Baofeng Huo, Qianwen Wang, Zhao, Xiande, Zhongsheng Hua*, “Barriers to Third-party Logistics Integration: Empirical Evidence from China”,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2017, 117(8): 1738-1760
46.Shaoling Fu, Zhaojun Han, Baofeng Huo*, Relational Enablers of Information Sharing: Evidence from Chinese Food Supply Chains,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2017, 117(5): 838-852
47.Yinan Qi, Baofeng Huo, Zhiqiang Wang*, Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung, The Impact of Operations andSupply Chain Strategies on Integration and Performance,International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 185:162-174
48.Sunil Babbar, Ravi S Behara, Xenophon A Koufteros, Baofeng Huo*, Emergence of Asia and Australasia in Operations Management Research and Leadership,International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 184: 80-94
49.Baofeng Huo*, Zhaojun Han, Daniel Prajogo, Antecedents and Consequences of Supply Chain Information Integration: A Resource-based View,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2016, 21(6): 661-677
50.Baofeng Huo, Minhao Gu*, Daniel Prajogo, Flow Management and its Impacts on Operational Performance,Production Planning & Control, 2016, 27(15): 1233-1248
51.Baofeng Huo, Dijia Fu, Xiande Zhao*, Jingwen Zhu, Curbing Opportunism in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: The Role of Relational Norms and Contract,International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 182:293-303
52.Yang Liu, Jiang Wei, Dan Zhou,Ying Ying, Baofeng Huo, The Alignment of Service Architecture and Organizational Structure,The Service Industries Journal, 2016,36(9/10): 396-415
53.Baofeng Huo, Qiang Wang*, Xiande Zhao, Sebastian Schuh, Threats and Benefits of Power Discrepancies between Organizations: A Supply Chain Perspective,International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(13): 3870-3884
54.Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye, Xiande Zhao, Yongyi Shou*, The Impact of Human Capital on Supply Chain Integration and Competitive Performance,International Journal of Production Economics,2016, 178: 132-143
55.Bill Wang, Paul Childerhouse, Yuanfei Kang, Baofeng Huo*, Sanjay Mathrani,Enablers of Supply Chain Integration: Interpersonal and Interorganizational Relationship Perspectives,Industrial Management & Data Systems,2016, 116(4): 838-855
56.Baofeng Huo, Zhiqiang Wang*, Yu Tian, The Impact of Justice on Collaborative and Opportunistic Behaviors in Supply Chain Relationships,International Journal of Production Economics,2016, 177:12-23
57.Zhiqiang Wang, Baofeng Huo*, Yinan Qi, Xiande Zhao, A Resource-Based View on Enablers of Supplier Integration: Evidence from China,Industrial Management & Data Systems,2016, 116(3): 416-444
58.Wei Zhang, Zhongsheng Hua*, Yu Xia, Baofeng Huo, Dynamic Multi-Technology Production-Inventory Problem with Emissions Trading,IIE Transactions, 2016,48(2): 110-119
59.Baofeng Huo, Yuxiao Ye, Xiande Zhao*, The Impact of Trust and Contracts on Opportunism in the 3PL Industry: The Moderating Role of Demand Uncertainty,International Journal of Production Economics,2015, 170:160-170
60.Baofeng Huo, Chen Liu, Mingu Kang*, Xiande Zhao, The Impact of Dependence and Relationship Commitment on Logistics Outsourcing: Empirical Evidence from Greater China,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2015, 45(9/10): 887-912
61.Baofeng Huo, Zhaojun Han, Haozhe Chen*, Xiande Zhao, The Effect of High-Involvement Human Resource Management Practices on Supply Chain Integration,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2015, 45(8):716-746
62.Zhiqiang Wang, Baofeng Huo*, Yu Tian, Zhongsheng Hua, Effects of External Uncertainties and Power on Opportunism in Supply Chains: Evidence from China,International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(20) : 6294-6307
63.Baofeng Huo, Cheng Zhang*, Xiande Zhao, The Effect of IT and Relationship Commitment on Supply Chain Coordination: A Contingency and Configuration Approach,Information & Management, 2015. 52(6) : 728-740
64.Zhi Cao, Baofeng Huo*, Yuan Li, Xiande Zhao, Competition and Supply Chain Integration: A Taxonomy Perspective,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2015, 115(5) : 923-950
65.Zhi Cao, Baofeng Huo*, Yuan Li, Xiande Zhao, The Impact of Organizational Culture on Supply Chain Integration: A Contingency and Configuration Approach,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2015. 20(1) : 24-41
66.Liu, C., Baofeng Huo*,Shulin Liu, Xiande Zhao, Effect of Information Sharing and Process Coordination on Logistics Outsourcing,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2015, 115(1) : 41-63
67.Baofeng Huo, Zhaojun Han*, Daniel Prajogo, The Effect of ISO 9000 Implementation on Flow Management,International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52(21) : 6467-6481
68.Dehui Xu, Baofeng Huo*, Fujun Lai, Relationships between Intra-organizational Resources, Supply Chain Integration and Business Performance: An Extended Resource-Based View,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2014. 114(8) : 1186-1206
69.Baofeng Huo, Yinan Qi, Zhiqiang Wang*, Xiande Zhao, The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Competitive Strategy,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2014, 19(4) : 369-384
70.Baofeng Huo, Xiande Zhao, Fujun Lai*, Supply Chain Quality Integration: Antecedents and Consequences,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2014, 61(1) : 38-51
71.Min Zhang, Baofeng Huo*, The Impact of Dependence and Trust on Supply Chain Integration,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2013, 43(7) : 544-563
72.Baofeng Huo, Zhaojun Han, Xiande Zhao*, Honggeng Zhou, Craig H Wood, Xin Zhai, The Impact of Institutional Pressures on Supplier Integration and Financial Performance: Evidence from China,International Journal of Production Economics,2013, 146(1) : 82-94
73.Li Zhao, Baofeng Huo*, Fujun Lai, Xiande Zhao, The Impact of Supply Chain Risk on Supply Chain Integration and Company Performance: A Global Investigation,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2013, 18(2) : 115-131
74.Fujun Lai, Yu Tian, Baofeng Huo*, Relational Governance and Opportunism in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: Empirical Evidence from China,International Journal of Production Research, 2012, 50(9) : 2501-2514
75.Baofeng Huo*, The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Company Performance: An Organizational Capability Perspective,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2012, 17(6) : 596-610
76.Daniel Prajogo, Baofeng Huo*, Zhaojun Han, The Effects of Different Aspects of ISO 9000 Implementation on Key Supply Chain Management Practices and Operational Performance,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2012,17(3) : 306-322
77.Qiang Wang, Baofeng Huo*, Fujun Lai, Zhaofang Chu, Understanding Performance Drivers of Third-Party Logistics Providers in Mainland China: A Replicated and Comparative Study”,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2010,110(9) : 1273-1296
78.Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung*, Willem Selen, Min Zhang, Baofeng Huo, The Effects of Trust and Coercive Power on Supplier Integration, International Journal of Production Economics, 2009,120(1) : 66-78
79.Baofeng Huo, Willem Selen, Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung, Xiande Zhao, Understanding Drivers of Performance in the 3PL Industry in Hong Kong, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2008,28,(8):772-800
80.Barbara B Flynn*, Xiande Zhao, Baofeng Huo, Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung, We’ve Got the Power! How Customer Power Affects Supply Chain Relationships, Business Horizons, 2008, 51 : 169-174
81.Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung, Willem Selen, Chee-Chuong Sum, Baofeng Huo, Linking Financial Performance to Strategic Orientation and Operational Priorities: An Empirical Study of Third-Party Logistics Providers,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2006,36(3) : 210-230
83.陈晓红,唐立新,李勇建,霍宝锋,刘士新,顾远东,张兴伟,吴刚,数字经济时代下的企业运营与服务创新管理的理论与实证,中国科学基金, 2019, 3: 301-307
84.霍宝锋, 王倩雯, 赵先德,供应链复杂性对组织学习和运营竞争力的影响,系统工程理论与实践,2017,37(3) : 631-641
85.华中生, 刘作仪, 孟庆峰, 雒兴刚, 霍宝锋, 卞亦文, 李四杰, 杨翼, 金庆伟, 智慧养老服务的国家战略需求和关键科学问题, 中国科学基金, 2016,6: 535-545
86.霍宝锋, 曹智, 李丝雨, 赵先德,供应链内部整合与外部整合的匹配研究,系统工程理论与实践,2016,36(2): 363-373
87.薛晓芳, 霍宝锋, 孙林岩, 企业联盟中IT整合能力对IT关系能力的影响,科研管理,2015,36(10): 104-112
88.霍宝锋, 李丝雨,供应链整合与绩效:文献综述, 北京联合大学学报(自然科学版), 2015,29(3) : 81-92
89.刘晨, 罗力, 霍宝锋, 赵先德, Jeff Yeung, 3PL整合:关系因素与运营结果, 管理科学,2014,27(6) : 1-11
90.简兆权, 韩昭君, 霍宝锋,供应链视角下网络镶嵌对创新绩效的影响研究,科研管理,2013,34(10): 27-34
91.薛晓芳, 霍宝锋, 许雯, IT能力对联盟绩效的影响研究,科研管理,2013,34(S1) : 328-335
92.霍宝锋, 韩昭君, 赵先德, 权力与关系承诺对供应商整合的影响,管理科学学报,2013,16(4) : 33-50
93.曹智, 霍宝锋, 赵先德, 供应链整合模式与绩效:全球视角, 科学学与科学技术管理, 2012,33(7): 44-52
94.曹智, 沈灏, 霍宝锋,基于三元视角的供应链关系管理研究研究前沿探析与未来展望,外国经济与管理,2011,33(8): 8-16
95.霍宝锋, “变‘单赢’为‘多赢’”,基于信任、承诺与权力的供应链关系管理, 北大商业评论,2013,103: 114-121
96.霍宝锋, 供应链整合:有的放矢, 北大商业评论,2013, 113:106-113
97.霍宝锋, 整合供应链:识别风险,软硬兼施, 北大商业评论, 2014, 117:96-103
98.霍宝锋, 战略驱动下的供应链整合, 北大商业评论, 2014, 120: 104-112
99.霍宝锋, 供应链整合须用好两种资源, 北大商业评论, 2014, 124:114-121
100.霍宝锋, 质量管理须整合供应链, 北大商业评论,2015, 129: 84-91
101.霍宝锋, 供应链整合:制度的力量, 北大商业评论,2015, 133: 98-105
1.Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., Di Fan., "The Impact of ISO 14001 Certification on Operational Risk: The Moderating Roles of Government Monitor and Slack Resources", The 13th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Shenzhen, China, 19-22 July, 2019 (Best paper award session, ICOSCM Xiande Zhao Best Paper Award)
2.Wang, Q*., Huo, B. The roles of supplier and customer integration in company and supply chain performance: A resource orchestration perspective (Best paper nomination), The 13th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM) Annual Conference, Shenzhen, China, July, 2019
3.Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., Di Fan., "Saving the environment, saving lives: The impact of ISO 14001 adoption on operational risks", The Twelfth International Annual Conference Of CSAMSE, Chengdu, China, 13-15 July, 2019 (selected for the proceedings and presentation)
4.Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., "Growth or stability:The impact of ISO 14001 adoption on firm financial risk and market growth", 2019 POMS International Conference, Tianjin, China, 22-23 June, 2019 (selected for the proceedings and presentation)
5.Gu, M., Huo, B, “Improving supplier resilience through relationship management”, 2019 POMS International Conference in China, Tianjin, China, June, 2019
6.Tian, M., Huo, B., Tian, Y. “The effect of the dependence structure on the response to power asymmetry in buyer-supplier relationships”, The 1st POMS Annual Conference in Mainland China, Tianjin, China, June, 2019
7.Ye, Y., Huo, B., Yeung, A., "Growth or stability:The impact of ISO 14001 adoption on firm financial risk and market growth", 第二届中国可持续运营与管理学术会议, Xi'an, China, 17-20 May, 2019 (selected for the proceedings and presentation)
8.Gu, M., Huo, B, “The impact of IT on supply chain resilience”, The 12th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Qingdao, China, July, 2018 (Outstanding paper award).
9.Ye, Y., Huo, B. “Aligning stakeholder pressures with economic orientations in firms’ green processes”, The 12th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Qingdao, China, 12-15 July, 2018 (selected for the proceedings and presentation)
10.Tian, M., Huo, B., Tian, Y. “The effect of dependence asymmetry and power asymmetry on specific assets asymmetry”, The 12th ICOSCM conference, Qingdao, China, July, 2018
11.Wang, Q*., Huo B., Zhao, X., Koufteros X. The impact of specific assets and interdependence mechanisms on logistics integration and performance, Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Annual Conference, Invited Session, Chicago, IL, USA., 2018
12.Wang, Q*., Huo B., Zhao, X., Liu Y. The impact of specific assets on logistics integration and financial performance, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Annual Conference, Invited Session, Houston, TX, USA, 2018
13.Wang, Q*., Huo B. The impact of intellectual capital on supply chain integration and performance, Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 2018
14.Li S.Y., Huo B.F., Zhou Q., & Zhao X.D., The effect of information system connectivity and relationship commitment on structured and non-structured information sharing and supply chain performance: An extended resource based view, the 9th POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2018
15.Gu, M., Huo, B, “Supply chain resilience and its impact on operational and financial performance: a dynamic capability perspective”, The 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA, August, 2017
16.Tian, M., Huo, B., Tian, Y. “The dilemma and path of inter-organizational relationships: dyadic perspective on dependence, power and opportunism in China”, The 11th ICOSCM conference, Kaifeng, China, July, 2017
17.Gu, M., Huo, B, “The impact of social capital on supply chain resilience and performance”, The 28th POMS Annual Conference, Seattle, USA, May, 2017
18.Li S.Y., Huo B.F. & Zhao X.D., The impact of IS system and relationship commitment on process and planning coordination and performance, Annual Conference of Production & Operations Management Society (POMS), Seattle, USA, 2017
19.Han, Z., Huo, B., Handfield, R., Tian, Y., The Impact of Supplier Power on Communication and Opportunism: comparing TCE and SET, International Association for Chinese Management Research, Hangzhou, China, June, 2016
20.Han, Z., Huo, B, Zhao, X., Supply Chain Information Sharing: Who does it Benefit More?, Production and Operations Management Society, Orlando, USA, May, 2016
21.Han, Z., Huo, B, Tian, Y., The Impact of Justice on Power and Opportunism in Buyer-Supplier Relationships, Production and Operations Management Society, Orlando, USA, May, 2016.
22.Huo B., Fu D., Zhao X., Zhu J., Curbing opportunism in logistics outsourcing relationships: The role of relational norms and contracts, The 7thBiennial International Association of Chinese Management Research Conference, Hangzhou, China, June, 2016
23.Han, Z., Huo, B, Tian, Y., Curbing Opportunism under Legal Unprotectability in China: The Role of Power and Guanxi, The Ninth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Ningbo, China, July, 2015.
24.Wang Q., Huo, B., Zhao X., Barrier to logistics integration: Empirical evidence from China, The 9thInternational Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Ningbo, China, July, 2015.
25.Liu, C., Zhao, X, Huo, B., The relationship between JIT, SCI and performance: An integrated perspective, The 45thAnnual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Seattle, USA, November 2015.
26.Liu, C., Huo, B., A Taxonomy of Combined Capabilities of JIT and SCI in Supply Chain Management, The Ninth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Ningbo, China, July 2015. [Outstanding Paper Award].
27.刘晨,霍宝锋,依赖、信任对第三方物流整合的影响,第十三届全国青年管理科学与系统科学学术会议, 西安,中国,2015.10
28.Ye Y., Huo, B., Zhao, X., The impact of trust and contracts on opportunism in 3PL industry: The moderating role of demand uncertainty, The 7thGlobal Supply Chain Management Conference, Hangzhou, China, March, 2015
29.YE Y., Huo, B., The impact of supply chain social capital on supply chain performance, The 9thInternational Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Ningbo, China, July, 2015
30.Wang, Z., Huo, B., Tian, Y., Effects of External Uncertainties and Power on Opportunism in Supply Chains: Evidence from China, The 45thAnnual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Tampa, FL, USA, November 2014
31.Huo, B., Cao, Z., A Combined Typology-Taxonomy Approach to Supply Chain Integration, The 44thAnnual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 2013
32.Zhu, J., Huo, B., Zhao, X., The Impact of Contract and Relational Norms on Opportunism in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: Empirical Evidence from China, The Sixth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management & The Ninth International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Xi’an, China, July 2012
33.Liu, C., Huo, B., Zhao, X., Organizational Environment and their Impact on JIT, Supply Chain Integration and Performance, The Sixth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management & The Ninth International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Xi’an, China, July 2012
34.Cao, Z., Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yuan Li, The Cultural antecedents of Supply Chain Integration: A Contingency and Configuration Approach, The Sixth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management & The Ninth International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Xi’an, China, July 2012 (Best Supply Chain Integration and Relationship Management Paper Award)
35.Han, Z., Huo, B., Tian, Y., The Impact of Supplier Power on Communication and Opportunism: Evidence from China, The Sixth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management & The Ninth International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Xi’an, China, July 2012
36.Huo, B., Qi, Y., Wang, Z., Zhao, X., The Impacts of Supply Chain Integration on Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Competitive Strategy, The Sixth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management & The Ninth International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, Xi’an, China, July 2012
37.Huo, B., Zhang, C., Zhao, X., IT- and Relationship- Enabled Supply Chain Coordination: A Synergy Perspective with Contingency and Configuration Approaches, The 41stAnnual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, USA, November 2011
38.Huo, B., Cao, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, X., Optimization of Supply Chain Integration: An Empirical Study, The 41stAnnual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, USA, November 2011
39.Wang, Z., Huo, B., Zhao, X., The Impacts of Human Resource Practices on Explorative and Exploitative Learning: An International Investigation, The Fifth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Beijing, China, July, 2011
40.Prajogo, D., Huo, B., Han, Z., The Impact of ISO 9000 Implementation on Supply Chain Activities and Operational Performance, The Fifth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Beijing, China, July, 2011
41.Huo, B., Wang, Z., Qi, Y., Yeung, J., Zhang, M., The Impacts of Competitive Strategy on Supply Chain Integration and Performance, The Fifth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Beijing, China, July, 2011
42.Huo, B., Cao, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, X., Logistics outsourcing patterns and its impact on service quality and satisfaction in Greater China, The 13thInternational Conference on Enterprise Information Systems & The 1stInternational Conference on Logistics, informatics and Service Science, Beijing, China, June, 2011
43.Cao, Z., Huo, B., Yeung, J., An exploratory study on logistics outsourcing in Great China, The 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems & The 1stInternational Conference on Logistics, informatics and Service Science, Beijing, China, June, 2011. Beijing, China, June, 2011
44.Liu, C., Huo, B., Yeung, J., Zhao, X., 3PL user-provider relationships in Great China: An exploratory sturdy, The 13thInternational Conference on Enterprise Information Systems & The 1stInternational Conference on Logistics, informatics and Service Science, Beijing, China, June, 2011. Beijing, China, June, 2011
45.Huo, B., Lai, F., Zhao, X., Supply chain quality integration: A global empirical study, The 40thannual meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, USA, November 2010
46.Huo, B., Zhao, X., The impact of relationship commitment on supply chain integration and company performance, Joint Conference of the 4thInternational Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management and the 15thAsia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong,Shunde,Guangzhou, China, July 2010
47.Wang, Z., Huo, B., Qi, Y., Zhao, X., A resource-based view on enablers of supplier integration: Evidence from China, Joint Conference of the 4thInternational Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management and the 15thAsia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong,Shunde,Guangzhou, China, July 2010
48.Luo, L., Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J. The impact of trust and relationship commitment on 3PL integration and performance: A user perspective, Joint Conference of the 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management and the 15thAsia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong,Shunde,Guangzhou, China, July 2010
49.Huo, B., Zhang, M., Zhao, X., The mediating effect of trust between relationship importance and supply chain integration: Evidences from China, The 40thannual meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, November 2009
50.Zhao, X., Huo, B., Selen, W., Yeung, J., The impact of ownership on relationship commitment and supply chain integration in China, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2009
51.Huo, B., Zhao, X., Flynn, B.B., Power used in Chinese supply chains: A taxonomy perspective, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2009.
52.Huo, B., Zhang, M., Li Zhao, Zhao, X., Relationship management and supply chain integration: Literature review and a research framework, The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Wuhan, China, Jul.-Aug. 2009
53.Qi, Y., Wang, Z., Huo, B. Yeung, H., Developing operations strategies in the supply chain context, The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Wuhan, China, Jul.-Aug. 2009
54.Flynn, B.B., Huo, B., Zhao, X., Emergent supply chain patterns and their impact on performance, The 39thannual meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Louisiana, USA, November, 2008
55.Zhao, X., Zhou, H., Huo, B., Business environment, supply chain information sharing and supply chain performance: An empirical study in China, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, August 2008
56.Huo, B., Zhao, X., Selen, W., Yeung, J., The impact of relationship commitment and internal integration on external integration: Empirical evidence from China, The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Taiwan, Jul.-Aug. 2008
57.Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., Zhou, D., Supply chain integration and its impact on performance: Literature review, The First International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management in China, Xi’an, China, June 2007
58.Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., The impact of power on relationship commitment in supply chains, The 9thInternational Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2007
59.Zhao, X., Huo, B., Flynn, B., Yeung, J., Impact of power and relationship commitment on manufacturer-customer integration in a supply chain, The 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, Aug. 2007
60.Huo, B., Zhao, X., Nie, W., A taxonomy of supply chain integration in China, The 11th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong, June 2006
61.Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., Power, relationship commitment and supply chain integration between manufacturers and suppliers, The Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong, Dec. 2005
62.Zhao, X., Nie, W., Huo, B., Yeung, J., The impact of supply chain integration on company performance and supply chain performance in China, The 65thAcademy of Management Annual Meeting, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 2005
63.Huo, B., Yeung, J., Zhao, X., Competitive hostility, operation priority and performance of logistics services providers in Hong Kong, The Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming, China, July 2005
64.Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., Trust, relationship commitment and supply chain integrations in China, The Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business, Beijing, China, Dec. 2004
65.Yeung, J., Zhao, X., Huo, B., Strategic postures of 3PL providers in Hong Kong, The 7thInternational Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Shanghai, China, July 2003
2.1/2019-12/2024, 核心成员,服务科学与创新管理,国家自然科学基金创新群体项目(#**)
3.1/2016-12/2020, 主持人,供应链管理,国家自然科学基金****基金。
4.1/2015-12/2015, 主持人,供应链关系治理,浙江大学曹光彪高科技发展基金(优秀青年****培育项目)。
5.1/2014-12/2017, 主持人,关系资本和信息技术对供应链整合与绩效的影响,国家自然科学基金。
6.1/2013-12/2016, 主持人, 3PL关系管理对物流合作、外包与绩效的影响:一项跨文化研究, 浙江省自然科学基金委****基金。
7.1/2014-12/2015, 主持人, 企业投机行为监控:供应链管理的视角,浙江省之江青年社科****项目。
8.1/2011-12/2013, 主持人,关系管理与供应链整合的跨文化研究,教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。
9.1/2010-12/2012, 主持人,基于企业间关系管理的供应链整合的实证研究,国家自然科学基金。
10.1/2010-12/2012, 主持人,供应链整合与绩效关系的实证研究,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金。
11.1/2010-12/2012, 主持人,第三方物流关系管理及其对物流合作与绩效的影响, 陕西省自然科学基金。
12.1/2010-12/2012,主持人, 西安交通大学“新教师科研支持计划”。
14.1/2008-date, 合作主持人,研究员,中国3PL供应商与用户之间关系的控制机制研究 (进行中,与香港中文大学、南开大学合作)
15.7/2007-date, 合作主持人,研究员,关系管理与3PL服务质量(进行中,与香港中文大学合作)
16.1/2007-date, 研究员,高绩效制造项目(进行中,国际合作项目)
17.9/2005-date: 主持人/研究员,关系管理与供应链整合的跨文化研究(进行中,国际合作项目:中国大陆、香港、台湾、美国、日本、意大利、巴西、韩国等)
18.6/2005-date: 研究员,3PL外包与服务质量研究:用户观点(进行中,与香港中文大学合作)
19.12/2002-12/2006: 研究助理,亚洲可视化供应链管理(欧盟资助)
20.12/2002-06/2005: 研究助理,香港3PL供应商的战略地位(香港中文大学资助)
21.11/2000-09/2001: 研究助理,全球制造业标杆研究(国际合作项目)
22.3/2001-06/2001: 系统分析员,MRPII系统构建(天津大学- IBM计算机中心资助)
23.11/1999-08/2001: 研究助理,ERP系统网络侵入模型研究与实施(天津市青年科学基金资助)
1.6/2006-02/2007: 研究员,珠江三角洲快递行业的竞争力研究(与CAPEC (成员包括DHL, FedEx, TNT, 和 UPS)合作)
2.4/2000-07/2001: MRPII/ERP顾问、系统分析员,中外建发展股份有限公司CIMS工程(中外建发展股份有限公司资助)
3.3/1999-06/1999: 系统分析员、程序员,MRPII子系统构建与设计(天津自行车三厂资助)
1.副主编(Journal of Operations Management)(2014-现在)
2.编委(Production and Operations Management)(2015.4-现在)
3.高级编委(International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management)(2020.5-现在)
4.编委(International Journal of Production Economics)(2020.4-现在)
5.编委(International Journal of Operations & Production Management)(2019.6-现在)
6.编委(IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management)(2015.3-现在)
7.编委(International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management)(2014-2020.5)
8.编委(Industrial Management & Data Systems)(2017.1-现在)
9.编委(Journal of Operations Management)(2011-2014)
10.西安交大管理学院“学术委员会”委员 (2011-2012)
17.期刊审稿人:Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Decision Sciences, Journal of Business Logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research,International Journal of Production Economics, Omega, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, Decision Support Systems, Management and Organization Review, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Information & Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Production Planning & Control, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Information Technology and Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, etc.
18.会议审稿人:AOM, DSI, APDSI, ICOSCM, ICIS, etc.
20.委员会成员:ISCOSCM 2009.
21.委员会副主席:APDSI&ICOSCM 2010.

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