

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13



2015.4-至今 天津大学环境科学与工程学院 副教授
2011.9-2015.3天津大学环境科学与工程学院 讲师
2006.8-2011.7 美国雪城大学(Syracuse University) 博士研究生
2004.9-2006.7 天津大学环境科学与工程学院 硕士研究生
2000.9-2004.7 天津大学环境科学与工程学院 本科

天津市室内空气环境质量控制重点实验室 副主任
ASHRAE 天津大学学生支部指导教师
Elsevier期刊Building and Environment(JCR二区)专刊客座编辑
Elsevier期刊Energy and Environment(JCR二区)专刊客座编辑

2015年Elsevier 期刊Building and Environment最佳论文奖;
美国ASHRAE Grant-In-Aid奖;
2018年天津市专利奖金奖“一种半透明大型客机座舱环境仿真实验平台(ZL0.8 )”第四发明人

留学生全英文课程《Introduction to HVAC》

国家自然科学基金 “受通风影响的建筑室内半挥发性有机物与颗粒物污染相互关联特性研究”,2017-01-01至 2020-12-31
国家重点研发计划子课题 “室内空气污染物的源特性及其传播规律”, 2016-07-01至 2019-06-30
国家重点研发计划子课题 “建筑室内空气净化产品性能研究”, 2017-07-01至 2020-06-30
国家自然科学基金 “室温下催化氧化法去除室内甲醛的性能及机理研究”,2013-01-01至 2015-12-31
教育部国际合作司 “低温低浓度下催化氧化剂去除甲醛的机理及可再生性研究”,2013-01-01至 2015-12-31
天津市城乡建设委员会 “建筑室内颗粒物及气体复合净化方法的研究”, 2015-06-01至 2016-05-31
新乡市胜达过滤净化技术有限公司,“大型客机座舱空气过滤器材研发”,2019-02-15至 2022-02-15
重庆再升科技股份有限公司 “化学过滤材料及化学过滤器性能测试系统的研制”,2019-06-14至 2019-12-31
美国波音公司与中国商用飞机有限公司,“商业客机座舱挥发性有机物污染特性及监测系统开发”,2018-07-03至 2019-12-31
中国制冷空调工业协会 “编制《一般通风用气体净化材料和净化装置试验方法》标准技术咨询”,2017-01-15至 2018-07-14
美国波音公司 “飞机座舱喷嘴周围颗粒物沉积规律研究”,2017-05-01至 2018-04-30
美国波音公司 “客机机舱气流组织及污染物传播的实验研究及CFD模拟验证”, 2013-01-01至 2014-12-31
中国商用飞机有限责任公司上海飞机设计研究院 “基于MD-82实验平台的座舱空气品质测试技术研究”,2012-12-15至 2013-12-14
佛山市顺德区阿波罗环保器材有限公司 “汽车空调过滤器过滤性能测试台的研制”,2013-02-18至 2013-07-17
百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司 “百度办公楼新风系统改造项目 静电净化装置检测及验收测试”, 2017-05-12至 2018-06-12

[1]PeiJ.*; Gong, J; Liu, J, Influences of indoor environment and occupant behavior on mite allergen concentration in different regions of China, Building and Environment, 2020, 178:106922
[2]Pei, J. * ; Yin, Y; Liu, J; Dai, X,,An eight-city study of volatile organic compounds in Chinese residences: Compounds, concentrations, and characteristics, Science of The Total Environment, 2020.1.1, 698: 134137
[3]Ji, L., Pei, J*; Liu, WL.,Long-term performance of fibrous ventilation/air-cleaner filters for particle removal,Building and Environment, 2019 160: 106-222
[4]Pei, J.* ; Dong, CB., Liu, JJ,2018,Operating behavior and corresponding performance of portable air cleaners in residential buildings, China,Building and Environment, 147: 473-481
[5]Liu, LM ; Liu, J; Pei, J*, 2018,Towards a better understanding of adsorption of indoor air pollutants in porous media-From mechanistic model to molecular simulation,Building Simulation 11(5):997-1010
[6]Pei, J. *; Ji, L. 2018, Secondary VOCs emission from used fibrous filters in portable air cleaners T and ventilation systems, Building and Environment, 115:34-41
[7]Pei, J. * ; Sun, Y.; Yin, YH., 2018, The effect of air change rate and temperature on phthalate concentration in house dust , Science of the Total Environment 639 :760–768
[8]Liu, JJ; Dai, XL; Li, XD ; Jia, SS; Pei, J; Sun, YX ; Lai, DY; Shen, X; Sun, HJ; Yin, HG; Huang, KL; Tan, HW ; Gao, Y; Jian, YW,2018,Indoor air quality and occupants' ventilation habits in China: Seasonal measurement and long-term monitoring, Building and Environment,142: 119-129
[9]Li, JY; Liu, JJ; Pei, J; Mohanarangam, K ; Yang, W, Experimental study of human thermal plumes in a small space via large-scale TR PIV system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 127 (B): 970-980
[10] Pei, J.*, Yin, Y., Cao, J., Sun, Y., Liu, J., and Zhang, Y. 2017. Time dependence of characteristic parameter for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) emitted from indoor materials [J]. Building and Environment, 125:339-347
[11] Kang, J., Liu, J., and Pei, J.* 2017. The indoor volatile organic compound (VOC) characteristics and source identification in a new university campus in Tianjin, China [J]. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 67(6):725-737
[12] Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, and Wang, C. 2017. Statistical analysis of turbulent thermal convection in a cabin mockup [J], Building and Environment, 115:34-41
[13] Pei, J.*, Yin, Y., and Liu, J. 2016. Long-term indoor gas pollutant monitor of new dormitories with natural ventilation [J], Energy and Buildings, 129:514–523
[14] Pei, J.*, Han, X., and Lu, Y. 2015. Performance and Kinetics of Catalytic Oxidation of Formaldehyde over Copper Manganese Oxide Catalyst [J], Building and Environment, 84:134-141 “2015 Building and Environment Best Paper Award (3/1900)”
[15] Yin, X., Liu, J.*, Pei, J., and Hou, Y. 2015. A New Calculating Model for the Suitable Area of Air Cleaners Purifying Indoor Gaseous Chemical Contaminants [J]. Procedia Engineering, 121:1467-1474
[16] Pei, J.*, Lu, Y., and Yin, X. 2015. Catalytic Decomposition of Ozone by CuO/MnO2 -Performance, Kinetics and Application Analysis [J]. Procedia Engineering, 121:792-800
[17] Wang, Z., Pei, J.*, Zhang, J.S. 2014. Experimental Investigation of the Formaldehyde Removal Mechanisms in a Dynamic Botanical Filtration System for Indoor Air Purification, Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 280, 235-243
[18] Xu, L., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, and Han, X. 2013. Building energy saving potential in Hot Summer and Cold Winter (HSCW) Zone, China—Influence of building energy efficiency standards and implications, Energy Policy, 57:253-262
[19] Chen, C., Liu, W., Li, F., Lin, C-H, Liu, J., Pei, J.*, and Chen, Q. 2013. A hybrid model for investigating transient particle transport in enclosed environments, Building and Environment, 62:45-54
[20] Wang, Z., Pei, J.*, and Zhang, J. S. 2013. Catalytic oxidization of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature - Effect of operation conditions, Building and Environment, 65:49-57
[21] Han, X., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, and Xu, L. 2013. Multi-objective Building Energy Consumption Prediction and Optimization for Eco-community Planning, Energy and Buildings, 66: 22-32
[22] Rai, A.C., Guo, B., Lin, C.-H., Zhang, J., Pei, J. *, and Chen, Q. 2013. Ozone reaction with clothing and its initiated particle generation in an environmental chamber, Atmospheric Environment, 77:885-892
[23] Rai, A.C., Guo, B., Lin, C.-H., Zhang, J., Pei, J. *, and Chen, Q. 2014. Ozone reaction with clothing and its initiated VOC emissions in an environmental chamber, Indoor Air, vol. 24(1): 49-58
[24] Chao, J., Mu, X., Xue, Y., Li, F., Liu, W., Lin, C-H, Pei, J. *, and Chen, Q. 2014. A modified tracer-gas decay model for ventilation rate measurements in long and narrow spaces, Indoor and Built Environment, vol 23(7) 1012-1020
[25] Liu, S., Liu, J., Yang, Q., Pei, J.*, Lai, D., Cao, X., Chao, J., and Zhou, C. 2014. CoupledSimulationofNaturalVentilationandDaylightingforaResidentialCommunityDesign, Energy and Buildings, vol. 68: 686-695
[26] Li, F., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, Lin, C-H, and Chen, Q. 2014. Experimental Study of Gaseous and Particulate Contaminant Distributions in an Aircraft Cabin, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 85: 223-233
[27] Chen, Y., Liu, J., Pei, J.*, Cao, X. , Chen, Q., Jiang, Y. Experimental and simulation study on the performance of daylighting in an industrial building and its energy saving potential, Energy and Buildings, 2014, vol. 73: 184-191
[28] Liu, J., Li, Q., Pei, J. *, 2014. Effect of environmental conditions on microbial growth on filter media, Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, vol. 47(4): 304-309
[29] Zhou, C., Wang, Z.*, Chen, Q., Jiang, Y., Pei, J. 2014, Design Optimization and Field Demonstration of Natural Ventilation for High-rise Residential Buildings, Energy and Buildings, vol. 82, 457-465
[30] C. He, W. Chen,K. Han, B. Guo, J. Pei, J.S. Zhang*, 2014. Evaluation of Filter Media Performance: Correlation between High and Low Challenge Concentration Tests for Toluene and Formaldehyde (ASHRAE RP-1557), HVAC&R Research, vol. 20, 508–521
[31] Wang, Z.*, Pei, J., and Zhang, J.S. 2012. Modeling and Simulation of an Activated Carbon-based Botanical Air Filtration System for Improving Indoor Air Quality, Building and Environment, 54:109-115
[32] Lu, N., Pei, J., Zhao, Y., Qi, R., Liu, J. 2012. Performance of a biological degradation method for indoor formaldehyde removal, Building and Environment, 57:253-258
[33] Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2011. Determination of adsorption isotherm and diffusion coefficient of toluene on activated carbon at low concentrations, Building and Environment, 48: 66-76
[34] Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2011. A critical review of catalytic oxidation and chemisorption methods for indoor formaldehyde removal, HVAC&R Research, 17(4):476-503
[35] Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2011. On the performance and mechanisms of formaldehyde removal by chemi-sorbents, Chemical Engineering Journal, 167(1):59-66. (SCI index No. 737RO)
[36] Pei, J.* and Zhang, J.S. 2010. Modeling of sorbent-based filters: Development, verification, and experimental validation, Building Simulation: An International Journal, 3(1): 75-86. “2010 Building Simulation’s Best Paper Award (1/27)”
[37] Pei, J.*, Zhang, J.S., Nair, S., Chen, W., Guo, B. and Wong, J. 2008. VOC Removal Performance of Pellet/Granular Type Sorbent Media—From Testing to Predictions, ASHRAE Transactions, 114(2): 462-471
[38] 候贝贝,尹奕卉,裴晶晶*,刘俊杰, 2019,中国住宅室内BTEX浓度水平及其影响因素, 环境科学, 40(11):4833-4840
[39] 刘文龙, 裴晶晶*,2019,化学过滤器对于甲苯气体的净化性能,科学技术与工程, 19(33):410-415
[40] 张鑫,刘俊杰,候跃飞,尹晓彤,裴晶晶*,王志强,2016,空气净化器去除颗粒污染物的试验性能研究,安全与环境学报, 16(5):303-307
[41] 刘俊杰,李倩,裴晶晶*,2014,环境条件对微生物在滤料表面生长繁殖的影响,天津大学学报 (自然科学与工程技术版), 47(4): 304-309
[42] 刘俊杰,李炳烨,裴晶晶*,王聪聪,肖晓劲,刘雪莹,2015, 不同季节飞机客舱环境的主客观实验研究,天津大学学报 (自然科学与工程技术版), 48(2): 103-10
[43] 陆义,裴晶晶* 韩旭,刘鲁萌,刘俊杰,2014,客机座舱气态污染物及其净化技术现状,暖通空调,44(7):1-8

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