

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-12

吴忠 副教授
Email: zhong.wu@tju.edu.cn
研究所: 先进金属材料研究所



研究方向● 材料表面结构与功能一体化
● 腐蚀与防护


[1] Z. Qin, Q. Zhang, Q. Luo, Z. Wu*, B. Shen, L. Liu, W. Hu, Microstructure design to improve the corrosion and cavitation corrosion resistance of a nickel-aluminum bronze, Corrosion Sci. 139 (2018) 255-266.
[2] Q. Luo, Z. Qin, Z. Wu*, B. Shen, L. Liu, W. Hu, The Corrosion behavior of Ni-Cu gradient layer on the nickel aluminum-bronze (NAB) alloy, Corrosion Sci. 138 (2018) 8-19.
[3] Z. Qin, Q. Luo, Q. Zhang, Z. Wu*, L. Liu, B. Shen, W. Hu, Improving corrosion resistance of nickel-aluminum bronzes by surface modification with chromium ion implantation, Surface and Coatings Technology, 334 (2018) 402-409.
[4] Q. Luo, Q. Zhang, Z. Qin, Z. Wu*, B. Shen, L. Liu, W. Hu, The synergistic effect of cavitation erosion and corrosion of nickel-aluminum copper surface layer on nickel-aluminum bronze alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 747 (2018) 861-868.
[5] Q. Zhang, Q. Luo, Z. Qin, L. Liu, Z. Wu*, B. Shen, W. Hu, Self-Assembly of Graphene-Encapsulated Cu Composites for Nonenzymatic Glucose Sensing, ACS Omega 3(3) (2018) 3420-3428.
[6] Y. Sun, S. Wu, D.-H. Xia, L. Xu, J. Wang, S. Song, H. Fan, Z. Gao, J. Zhang, Z. Wu, W. Hu, Temperature dependence of passivity degradation on UNS N08800 in near neutral crevice chemistries containing thiosulphate, Corrosion Sci. 140 (2018) 260-271.
[7] Q. Zhang, Z. Qin, Q. Luo, Z. Wu*, L. Liu, B. Shen, W. Hu, Microstructure and nanoindentation behavior of Cu composites reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets by electroless co-deposition technique, Scientific reports, 7 (2017) 1338.
[8] Q. Luo, Z. Wu*, Z. Qin, L. Liu, W. Hu, Surface modification of nickel-aluminum bronze alloy with gradient Ni-Cu solid solution coating via thermal diffusion, Surface and Coatings Technology, 309 (2017) 106-113.
[9] D. Liu, Z. Wu, B. Yan, B. Shen, L. Liu, W. Hu, Tribological performances of textured surfaces prepared by electrodeposition method, Surf. Eng., (2017) 1-9.
[10] Q. Zhang, Z. Wu*, C. Xu, L. Liu, W. Hu, Temperature-driven growth of reduced graphene oxide/copper nanocomposites for glucose sensing, Nanotechnology, 27 (2016) 495603.
[11] Z. Wu, Y.F. Cheng, L. Liu, W. Lv, W. Hu, Effects of Elastic and Plastic Deformations on Corrosion of an Aluminum Bronze Alloy in NaCl Solution, Corrosion, 72 (2016) 33-41.
[12] Z. Qin, Z. Wu*, X. Zen, Q. Luo, L. Liu, W. Lu, W. Hu, Improving Corrosion Resistance of a Nickel-Aluminum Bronze Alloy via Nickel Ion Implantation, Corrosion, 72 (2016) 1269-1280.
[13] D. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z. Qin, Q. Luo, Z. Wu, L. Liu, Tribological performance of surfaces enhanced by texturing and nitrogen implantation, Applied Surface Science, 363 (2016) 161-167.
[14] Z. Wu, Y.F. Cheng, L. Liu, W. Lv, W. Hu, Effect of heat treatment on microstructure evolution and erosion–corrosion behavior of a nickel–aluminum bronze alloy in chloride solution, Corrosion Sci., 98 (2015) 260-270.
[15] Z. Wu, L. Liu, B. Shen, Y. Wu, Y. Deng, C. Zhong, W. Hu, Mechanical behavior of α-Al2O3-coated SiC particle reinforced nickel matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 570 (2013) 81-85.
[16] Z. Wu, B. Shen, L. Liu, Effect of α-Al2O3 coatings on the interface of Ni/SiC composites prepared by electrodeposition, Surface and Coatings Technology, 206 (2012) 3173-3178.
[17] Z. Wu, L. Liu, B. Shen, C. Zhong, W. Hu, Effect of α-Al2O3 coatings on the mechanical properties of Ni/SiC composites prepared by electrodeposition, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 556 (2012) 767-774.
[18] Y. Liu, L. Liu, Z. Wu, J. Li, B. Shen, W. Hu, Grain growth and grain size effects on the thermal expansion properties of an electrodeposited Fe–Ni invar alloy, Scr. Mater., 63 (2010) 359-362.

[1] 火电机组建设工程高温合金关键技术应用研究,电力建设科学技术进步奖二等奖(省部级),2018,第二完成人
[2] 吴忠刘磊,秦真波,沈彬,罗芹,张琪,刘德荣,胡文彬. 一种提高镍铝青铜耐腐蚀能力的方法,2015.01.4,中国,2 .8
[3] 吴忠刘磊,罗芹,秦真波,沈彬,张琪,刘德荣,胡文彬. 厚度可控的金属表层螺旋剥离仪,中国,6.4
[4] 刘磊,吴忠徐晨,刘德荣,张琪,秦真波,胡文彬,一种实现材料表面织构化的局部电沉积方法,中国,2015.12.01,4.4
[5] 刘磊,吴忠张琪,沈彬,胡文彬,邓意达,刘德荣. 石墨烯/铜复合材料的制备方法,中国,0.9
[6] 刘磊,胡文彬,钱嘉斌,刘德荣,沈彬,吴忠. 球形颗粒强化的凸包状耐磨镀铬层的制备方法,2014.09.09,中国,7 .X
[7] 刘磊,胡文彬,刘德荣,钱嘉斌,沈彬,吴忠张琪. 优化温度场分布的电镀装置及其电镀方法,中国,ZL 4 .3
[8] 胡文彬,刘磊,刘德荣,钱嘉斌,吴忠沈彬. 凸包状仿生织构化铬镀层的电沉积制备方法及其用途,中国,0.X

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