

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-11


姓名(中文/汉语拼音) 蒋明镜/Jiang Mingjing

职称 教授
职务 副院长
导师资格 博导
所在系、所 建筑工程学院
通讯地址 天津大学建筑工程学院300072
电子信箱 mingjing.jiang@tju.edu.cn
  [1] 能源与环境岩土工程;
  [2] 宏微观土力学与岩土工程数值分析方法;
  [3] 软土地下工程与岩土边坡工程;
  [4] 深海能源土(含可燃冰土体)工程;
  [5] 太空土(月球土壤等)工程。

  1993.09-1996.09 南京水利科学院岩土工程专业,获博士学位;
  1991.09-1993.07 河海大学岩土工程专业(推荐直接攻博,百名硕士中的唯一);
  1982.09-1986.07 河海大学水工结构工程专业,获学士学位。

  2018.01-至今 天津大学建筑工程学院土木工程系,教授;
  2006.03-至今 同济大学土木学院地下建筑与工程系,教授,岩土工程;
  1996.09-2001.08 南京水利科学研究院,岩土工程工程师/高级工程师;
  1986.09-1991.08 江苏农学院水利系(现扬州大学)任教,岩土力学。
  2015.07.15-2015.09.15 英国爱丁堡大学,访问教授(欧盟项目资助);
  2015.02.03-2015.02.26 西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学,访问教授(欧盟项目资助);
  2014.07.20-2014.09.12 英国华威大学,访问教授(欧盟项目资助);
  2012.07.01-2012.07.31 英国华威大学,访问教授(欧盟项目资助);
  2009.03.12-2009.03.26 英国牛津大学,访问教授(英国EPSRC资助);
  2008.01.28-2008.03.31 日本冈山大学,高级JSPS Fellow(日本JSPS资助);
  2007.08.27-2007.09.15 英国曼彻斯特大学,访问教授(英国EPSRC资助);
  2004.12-2006.01 英国诺丁汉大学,岩土力学博士后;
  2003.02-2004.11 英国曼彻斯特大学,岩土力学博士后;
  2000.08-2003.01 加拿大拉瓦勒大学,岩土工程博士后;
  1998.10-2000.04 日本京都大学,岩土工程特别研究员;
  1998.02-1998.09 日本大阪土质试验研究所(现日本地域地盘环境研究所),岩土工程特别研究员。

  [1] 岩土工程中的离散单元法
  [2] 宏微观土力学

  [1] Computers and Geotechnics 编委,2015;
  [2] Granular Matter 终身编委,2013;
  [3] Transportation Geotechnics 编委,2013;
  [4] Granular Matter 特邀主编,2010;
  [5] Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China (FAC)编委,2009;
  [6] 国际土力学与岩土工程协会TC105委员会(宏微观岩土力学)副主席,2010;
  [7] International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro (IS-Shanghai2010) 学术委员会主席,2010;
  [8] Association pour la Etude de la Micro Meacute;canique des Milieux Granulaires,(AEMMG)(国际颗粒材料微观力学专业委员会)委员,2009.
  [6]《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》特约编委,2014 ;
  [7]《岩土力学》编委, 2012;
  [10]《山东大学学报》编委, 2011;
  [11]《岩土工程学报》编委, 2008;
  [12] 武汉大学水工岩石力学教育部重点实验室学术委员,2015 ;
  [13] 四川大学岩土工程省重点实验室学术委员,2013;
  [14] 天津城建大学岩土工程天津市重点实验室学术成员,2013;
  [15] 水利学会岩土力学专业委员会副秘书长,2011;
  [16] 岩石力学与工程学会工程安全与防护分会常务理事,2011;
  [17] 土木工程学会土力学与岩土工程分会,非饱和土与特殊土委员会副主任, 2011
  [18] 国家自然科学基金委员会评审专家,2012;
  [19] 国家留学基金委员会评审专家,2012;
  [20] 国家留学基金管理委员会评审专家,2011;
  [21] 国家自然科学基金工程与材料科学部评审组专家,2008.

  [8]陕西省首届****入选者,2010 ;
  [11]中科院****入选者,2005 (后放弃)
  [13] 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖-自然科学二等奖:土体的微观本构理论及其应用(排名第一名),2009(2009-064);

  [4] 模拟火星****研制,北京****研究所,2018年5月28日-2019年11月1日,主持;
  [5] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,深海水合物开采中能源土灾变机理与控制理论,2017年1月-2021年12月(**),主持;
  [6] 国家自然科学基金,非饱和结构性黄土三维宏微观本构理论研究,2016年1月-2019年12月 (**),主持;
  [7] 土木工程防灾国家重点实验室自主研究课题基金,湿陷性黄土宏微观本构理论研究,2014年1月-2016年12月 (SLDRCE14-A-04),主持;
  [8] 欧共体项目Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges, 2014年-2018年 (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014),骨干成员;
  [9] XX-3模拟月壤*****测试,北京****研究所,2013年4月25日-2015年12月31日 ,主持;
  [10] 着陆*****土质检测和改良,北京****研究所,2013年3月25日-2014年3月25日 ,主持;
  [11] 国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)项目:深部复合地层围岩与TBM的相互作用机理及安全控制, 2014年-2019年 (2014CB046901),课题负责人;
  [12] 日本新日制铁公司:组合墙土压力技术研究, 2011年6月-2014年5月(),主持;
  [13] 上海市优秀学术带头人计划:模拟月壤静力触探机理的试验与离散元分析研究,2011年6月-2013年5月 (11XD**),主持;
  [14] 973计划项目:大型水利水电工程高陡边坡全生命周期性能演化与安全控制,2011年11月-2016年8月 (2011CB013504),研究骨干;
  [15] 欧共体项目International Research Staff Exchange Scheme:Geohazards and geomechanics, 2012年1月-2015年12月 (294976),骨干成员;
  [16] 国家自然科学基金,复杂条件下月壤与探测器相互作用的机理研究,2012年1月-2015年12月 (**),主持;
  [17] 教育部博士点基金:深海能源土的微观本构理论及离散元数值仿真,2011年1月-2013年12月 (048),主持;
  [18] 国家****科学基金岩土力学与工程,2011年1月-2014年12月 (**),主持;
  [19] 模拟月壤********研制 北京****研究所,2010年10月-2011年12月,主持;
  [20] 模拟月壤******系统 中国航天科技集团公司第*研究所,2010年3月-12月,主持;
  [21] 模样阶段冲击试验***测试 中国航天科技集团公司第*研究所,2010年7月-12月,主持;
  [22] 国家自然科学基金,砂土的非共轴微观机制与细宏观数值仿真分析技术,2010年1月-2012年12月,主持;
  [23] 模拟月壤******测试,中国航天科技集团公司第*研究所,2009年,主持;
  [24] 国家教育委员会留学回国人员基金,天然结构性土的离散元模拟技术,2008年-2010年,主持;
  [25] 英国国家工程与自然科学研究基金,无线传感器网络技术在工业加工过程中的应用,2007年,研究骨干;
  [26] 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),大深度地下穿越工程与微扰动施工研究,2007年-2010年,研究骨干;
  [27] 国家自然科学基金,天然结构性土的宏微观本构理论及其静力触探机理研究,2006年-2009年,主持;
  [28] 上海市科委,基于微观本构理论的天然结构性土宏细观数值分析技术,2006年-2008年,主持;
  [29] 英国国家工程与自然科学研究基金,颗粒材料双剪运动理论及其在静力触探试验中的应用,2003年-2006年,研究骨干;
  [30] 加拿大国家自然科学与工程研究基金,特殊土体力学性状的离散元法研究,2000年-2002年,研究骨干;
  [31] 日本文部省研究基金,饱和空隙岩土材料的应变局部化分析,1998年-2000年,研究骨干;
  [32] 日本关西电力公司工程项目,大阪湾深层粘土的力学性状,1998年,研究骨干;
  [33] 中国水利部重点科学基金项目,南水北调工程中黄土渠道浸水变形研究,2000年-2003年,研究骨干;
  [34] 中国国家自然科学基金,土体的结构性模型,1996年-1998年,研究骨干;
  [35] 南京水利科学研究院重点研究基金,软土大变形固结有限元分析,1996年-1997年,研究骨干;
  [36] 中国国家自然科学基金,土体逐渐破坏研究,1993年-1996年,研究骨干;
  [37] 南京水利科学研究院重点研究基金,结构性粘土逐渐破坏理论,1993年-1996年,研究骨干;
  [38] 中国水利部重点攻关项目,土坝抗裂技术研究,1991年-1992年,研究骨干。

代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:
  [1] Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro. CRC Press,2010
  [2 ]岩土力学理论与实践. 南京:河海大学出版社,1998
  149 Chen Y M, Zhang L L, Liao C C, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Peng M. A two- stage probabilistic approach for the risk assessment of submarine landslides induced by gas hydrate exploitation. Applied Ocean Research, 2020, 99:10218. (SCI源刊)
  148Wang H N, Gao X, Wu L, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Analytical study on interaction between existing and new tunnels parallel excavated in semi-infinite viscoelastic ground. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 120: 103385. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:0005**, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  147Che N, Wang H N, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). DEM investigation of rock/bolt mechanical behaviour in pull-out tests. Particuology, 2020, in press. (SCI源刊)
  146Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Zhang A, Shen Z F. Granular soils: from DEM simulation to constitutive modelling. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15(7): 1723-1744. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 002, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  145He X Z, Wu W, Cai G Q, Qi J L, Kim J R, Zhang D C, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Work-energy analysis of granular assemblies validates and calibrates a constitutive model. Granular Matter, 2020, 22(1): 28. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:0005**, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  144Lei H Y, Wang L, Jia R, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Zhang W D, Li C Y. Effects of chemical conditions on the engineering properties and microscopic characteristics of Tianjin dredged fill. Engineering Geology, 2020,accepted.
  143Lei H Y, Xu Y G, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Jiang Y. Deformation and fabric of soft marine clay at various cyclic load stages. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 195, 106757. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:077, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  142Zhang A, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Thornton C. A coupled CFD-DEM method with moving mesh for simulation undrained triaxial tests on granular soils. Granular Matter, 2020, 22(1), 13. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:0005**, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  141Shen Z F, Gao F, Wang Z, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Evolution of mesoscale bonded particle clusters in cemented granular material. Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14(6): 1653-1667. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:0005**, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  140Shen Z F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Fang N, Zhou F. A damage evolution law enriched by microscopic mechanisms for structured sand in mechanical loading. Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14(6): 1905-1924. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:0005**, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  139Lei H Y, Lou J F, Li X, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Tu C. Stabilization effect of anionic polyacrylamide on marine clay treated with lime. International of Journal Geomechanics, 2019, accepted. (SCI源刊)
  138Jiang, MJ (蒋明镜), Zhang N, Cui L ,Xi BL ,Lei HY ,Wang XX. Estimation of mechanical parameters of Tongji-1 lunar soil simulant based oncone penetration test. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2019, published online. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:001, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  137Liu J, Jiang M J (蒋明镜). DEM simulation of coexistence type methane hydrate bearing sediments. Environmental Geotechnics,2019, published online, ahead of print. (SCI源刊)
  136Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Liu J, Shen Z F. DEM simulation of grain-coating type methane hydrate bearing sediments along various stress paths. Engineering Geology, 2019, 261, 105280. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 015,Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  135Shen Z F,Jiang M J (蒋明镜) ,Wang, S N. Static and kinematic damage characterization in structured sand. Acta Geotechnica, 2019,14(5): 1403-1421. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:008, Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  134Lei H Y, Xu Y G, Li X, Jiang M J (蒋明镜). Liu LZ. Effect of polyacrylamide on improvement of dredger fill with vacuum preloading method. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(9). (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 033,Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  133Zeng G S, Wang H N, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Analytical study of ground responses induced by the excavation of quasirectangular tunnels at shallow depths. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2019, 43(13): 2200-2223..(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  132Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Zhang A, Li T. Distinct element analysis of the microstructure evolution in granular soils under cyclic loading. Granular Matter, 2019, 21(2), 39.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 002,Web of Science核心合集索引频次1,SCI索引频次1)
  131Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Xi B L, De Blasio F V, Lei H Y, Sun D A. Physical Model Tests of the Bearing Behavior of Tongji-1 Lunar Soil Simulant. Journal of Aerospace Engineering ,2019, 32(2), **. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  130Wang H N, Chen X P, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Guo Z Y. Analytical investigation of wellbore stability during drilling in marine methane hydrate-bearing sediments. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2019, 68, 102885. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:001,Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  129Lei H Y, Feng S X, Jia R, Jiang M J (蒋明镜). Experimental investigation of the deformation characteristics of Tianjin clays under coupled dynamic stress and seepage fields. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019, **.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:001,Web of Science核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  128Miao L C, Wang F, Ye W M, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li J, Shi S B. Combined method limiting shrinkage-swelling behaviors of Huai An expensive soils. Journal of Environmental Geotechnics. 2019(SCI源刊,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  127Xi B L, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Cui L, Liu J, Lei H Y. Experimental verification on analytical models of lunar excavation. Journal of Terramechanics. 2019, 83:1-13.(SCI收录,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  126Sheng W J, Zhao T, Dai F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhou G G D. DEM analyses of rock block shape effect on the response of rockfall impact against a soil buffering layer. Engineering Geology. 2019, 249: 60-70.(SCI收录,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  125Lei H Y, Ren Q, Jiang Y, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Experimental investigation of consolidation behavior of double-layered soft soil grounds. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2019, 47(1): **.(SCI收录,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  124Wang H N, Jiang M J(蒋明镜) ,Zhao T, Zeng G S. Viscoelastic solutions for stresses and displacements around non-circular tunnels sequentially excavated at great depths. Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14(1): 111-139.(SCI收录,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次2,SCI索引频次2)
  123Li L H, Shi A N, Zhang L, Xiao H L, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Experimental investigations on the mechanically stabilised earth wall under static load conditions. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2018: 1-24.(SCI收录,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  122Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Xi B L, Lei H Y. Investigation of gravity effect on penetration resistance in Tongji-1 lunar regolith simulant by centrifuge tests. Advances in Space Research, 2018, 62(5): 945-956.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  121Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J, Kwok C Y, Shen Z F. Exploring the undrained cyclic behavior of methane-hydrate-bearing sediments using CFD–DEM. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2018, 346(9), 815-832.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次1,SCI索引频次1)
  120Che A L, Zhu R J, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Dynamic Response of Lunar Soil Caused by Landing Impact. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018: 1-11.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 010,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  119Song F, Wang H N, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Analytically-based simplified formulas for circular tunnels with two liners in viscoelastic rock under anisotropic initial stresses. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 175: 746-767.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 068,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次6,SCI索引频次6)
  118Wang H N, Zeng G S, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Analytical stress and displacement around non-circular tunnels in semi-infinite ground. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 2018, 63:303-328.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 017,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次6,SCI索引频次6)
  117Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Tan Y F O, Zhang F G, Sun Y, Lei H Y. Distinct element modeling of rock fragmentation by TBM cutter. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2018: 1-22(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 005,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次3)
  116Wang H N, Wu L, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Viscoelastic ground responses around shallow tunnels considering surcharge loadings and effect of supporting. Europen Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2018:1-23.(SCI收录,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  115Wang H N, Xiao G, Jiang M J(蒋明镜),Crosta G. Investigation of rock bolting for deeply buried tunnels via a new efficient hybrid DEM-anlytical method. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,82:366-379.(SCI收录,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  114Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Wu D. CFD-DEM simulation of submarine landslide triggered by seismic loading in methane hydrate rich zone. Landslides, 2018, 15(11):2227-2241.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 009,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次3)
  113Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Zhou W, Marcos A, Zhang W C. Coupled CFD-DEM method for undrained biaxial shear test of methane hydrate bearing sediments. Granular Matter, 2018,20(4):63. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次1,SCI索引频次1)
  112Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J, Shen Z F, Xi B L. Exploring the critical state properties and major principal stress rotation of sand in direct shear test using the distinct element method. Granular Matter, 2018, 20(2): 25.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 008,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次8,SCI索引频次7)
  111Song F, Wang H N, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Analytically- based simplified formulas for circular tunnels with two liners in viscoelastic rock under anisotropic initial stresses. Construtcion & Building Materials, 2018, 175: 746-767. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 068,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次6,SCI索引频次6)
  110Li T, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Thornton C. Three-dimensional discrete element analysis of triaxial tests and wetting tests on unsaturated compacted silt. Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 97: 90-102. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 010,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  109Jiang M J(蒋明镜),Dai Y S, Cui L, Xi B L. Experimental and DEM analyses on wheel-soil interaction. Journal of Terramechanics, 2018, 76: 15-28. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次1,SCI索引频次1)
  108Song F, Wang H N, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Analytical solution for lined circular tunnels in viscoelastic rock considering various interface conditions. Applied Mathermatical Modelling, 2018, 55:109-130. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 008,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次7,SCI索引频次7)
  107Wang H N, Wu L, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Analytical stress and displacement due to twin tunneling in an elastic semi-infinite ground subjected to surcharge loads. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2018, 42(6): 809-828. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次4,SCI索引频次4)
  106Wang H N, Chen X P, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Song F, Wu L. The analytical predictions on displacement and stress around shallow tunnels subjected to surcharge loading. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 71: 403-427.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 0004**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次10,SCI索引频次8)
  105Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liao Y B, Wang H N, Sun Y. Distinct element method analysis of jointed rock fragmentation induced by TBM cutting. Europen Jouranl of Environment and Civil Engineering, 2018, 22(sup1): s79-s98.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 005,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次3)
  104Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang A, Fu C. 3-D DEM simulations of drained triaxial tests on inherently anisotropic granulates. European Journal of Environment and Civil Engineering, 2018, 22(S1): s37-s56.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次3)
  103Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J, Shen Z F. Investigating the shear band of methane hydrate bearing sediments by FEM with an elasto-plastic constitutive model. Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2018: 1-11.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 012,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次1,SCI索引频次1)
  102Li G, Zhang J L, Yang Q, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Centrifugal test and numerical assessment for settlement of a large-scale artificial island constructed on deep marine clays. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2017, 21(2): 172-192. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  101Wang H N, Gong H, Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Size-dependent mechanical behavior of an intergranular bond revealed by an analytical model. Computer and Geotechnics, 2017, 89: 153-167.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 014,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次1,SCI索引频次1)
  100Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Dai Y S, Cui L, Xi B L. Soil-mechanics based testbed setup for lunar rover wheel and corresponding experimental investigations. Journal of Areospace Engineering, 2017, 30(6): **.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 0004**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次3)
  99Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J, Crosta G B, Li T. DEM analysis of the effect of joint geometry on the shear behavior of rocks. Computer Rendus Mecanique, 2017, 345(11): 779-796.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 0004**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次2)
  98Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He J, Wang J F, Zhou Y P, Zhu F Y. Discrete element analysis of the mechanical properties of deep-sea methane hydrate-bearing soils considering interparticle bond thickness. Computer Rendus Mecanique, 2017, 345(12): 868-889.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 0004**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次2,SCI索引频次2)
  97Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sima Jun, Cui Y J, Hu H J, Zhou C B, Lei H Y. Experimental investigation of the deformation characteristics of natural loess under the stress paths in shield tunnel excavation. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17(9): **.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 0004**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次2,SCI索引频次1)
  96Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Cui Y J, Zhu H H. Mechanical behavior of artificially cemented clay with open structure: Cell and physical model analyses. Engineering Geology, 2017, 221: 133-142. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 014,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次2)
  95Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Xi B L, Arroyo M, Rodriguez-Dono A. DEM simulation of soil-tool interaction under extraterrestrial environmental effects. Journal of Terramechanics, 2017, 71: 1-13.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次7,SCI索引频次7)
  94Wang H N, Zeng G S, Utili S, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Wu L. Analytical solutions of stresses and displacements for deeply buried twin tunnels in viscoelastic rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2017, 93: 13-29.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次21,SCI索引频次19)
  93Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G, Hu H J. DEM modeling the mechanical behavior of unsaturated structural loess under constant-stress-increment-ratio compression tests. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17(4): **. (SCI源刊,WOS收录号: 004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  92Lei H Y, Liu J J, Liu M, Zhang Z P, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Effects of frequency and cyclic stress ratio on creep behavior of clay under cyclic loading. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2017, 35(2): 281-291.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 014,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次3)
  91Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T; Thornton C, Hu H J.Wetting-induced collapse behavior of unsaturated and structural loess under biaxial tests using the distinct element method. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17(1): **.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 025,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次7,SCI索引频次6)
  90Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sima J, Li L Q, Zhou C B, Cui L. Investigation of influence of particle characteristics on the non-coaxiality of anisotropic granular materials using DEM. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017, 41(2): 198-222.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次5,SCI索引频次5)
  89Zhao J D, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Soga K, Luding S. Micro origins for macro behavior in granular media. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(3): 59: 1-5.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 033,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次5,SCI索引频次5)
  88Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Fu C, Cui L, Shen Z F, Zhu F Y. DEM simulations of methane hydrate exploitation by thermal recovery and depressurization methods. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 80: 410-426. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 038,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次8,SCI索引频次7)
  87Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J D, Arroyo M. Numerical evaluation of three non-coaxial kinematic models using the distinct element method for elliptical granular materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016, 40(18): 2468-2488. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次1,SCI索引频次1)
  86Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Shen Z F. Fabric rates of elliptical particle assembly in monotonic and cyclic simple shear tests: A numerical study. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(3): 54: 1-14. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 012,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次15,SCI索引频次13)
  85Shen ZF, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Thornton C. Shear Strength of Unsaturated Granular Soils: Three-Dimensional Discrete Element Analyses. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(3): 37: 1-13.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 016,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次4,SCI索引频次4)
  84Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Chareyre B. Fabric rates applied to kinematic models: evaluating elliptical granular materials under simple shear tests via discrete element method. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(3): 46: 1-15.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 015,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  83Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yin Z Y, Shen Z F. Shear band formation in lunar regolith by discrete element analyses. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(2): 32: 1-14.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 019,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次3)
  82Liu F, Li Z, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Frattini P, Crosta G B. Quantitative liquefaction-induced lateral spread hazard mapping. Engineering Geology, 2016, 207: 36-47.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次8,SCI索引频次5)
  81Shen Z F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). DEM simulation of bonded granular material. Part II: extension to grain-coating type methane hydrate bearing sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 75: 225-243.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 020,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次18,SCI索引频次17)
  80Shen Z F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Colin Thornton. DEM simulation of bonded granular material. Part I: contact model and application to cemented sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 75:192-209.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 018,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次26,SCI索引频次25)
  79Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He J, Wang J F, Chareyre B, Zhu F Y. DEM analysis of geomechanical properties of cemented methane hydrate bearing soils at different temperatures and pore pressures. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016, 16(3): **. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 028,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次6,SCI索引频次4)
  78Shen Z F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Wan R. Numerical study of inter-particle bond failure by 3D discrete element method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016, 40(4): 523-545.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次9,SCI索引频次6)
  77Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen ZF, Utili S. DEM modeling of cantilever retaining excavations: implications for lunar constructions. Engineering Computations, 2016, 33(2): 366-394.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 005,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次7,SCI索引频次6)
  76Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Li L Q. Noncoaxial behavior of a highly angular granular material subjected to stress variations in simple vertical excavation. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016, 16(2): **.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 017,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次6,SCI索引频次6)
  75Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liao Z W, Zhang N, Shao J F. Discrete element analysis of chemical weathering on rock. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2015, 19(sup1): s15-s28. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次0,SCI索引频次0)
  74Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun C, Rodriguez-Dono A, Zhang N, Shao J F. Influence of time-dependence on failure of echelon rock joints through a novel DEM model. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2015, 19(sup1): s108-s118.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 009,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次2,SCI索引频次2)
  73Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu F Y, Utili S. Investigation into the effect of backpressure on the mechanical behavior of methane-hydrate-bearing sediments via DEM analyses. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 69: 551-563. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 046,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次9,SCI索引频次8)
  72Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Jiang T, Crosta G B, Shi Z M, Chen H, Zhang N. Modeling failure of jointed rock slope with two main joint sets using a novel DEM bond contact model. Engineering Geology, 2015, 193: 79-96. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 006,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次26,SCI索引频次25)
  71Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang N, Cui L, Jin S L. A size-dependent bond failure criterion for cemented granules based on experimental studies. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 69: 182-198. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 016,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次1)
  70Zhao B D, Wang J F, Coop M R, Viggiani G, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). An investigation of single sand particle fracture using X-ray micro-tomography. Géotechnique, 2015, 65(8): 625-641. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次72,SCI索引频次66)
  69Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun C, Deng G. On the size-dependent compressive resistance of bonded granules. Géotechnique Letters, 2015, 5: 104-111. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次2,SCI索引频次1)
  68Shi Z M, Jiang T, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Zhang N. DEM investigation of weathered rocks using a novel bond contact model. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 7(3): 327-336.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 0002**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次3,SCI索引频次3)
  67Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Wang H N, Wang X X. Investigation of the effect of different gravity conditions on penetration mechanisms by the distinct element method. Engineering Computations, 2015, 32(7): 2067-2099.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 10,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次2,SCI索引频次2)
  66Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang W C. DEM analyses of shear band in granular materials. Engineering Computations, 2015, 32(4): 985-1005. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次6,SCI索引频次5)
  65Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Chen H, Crosta G B. Numerical modeling of rock mechanical behavior and fracture propagation by a new bond contact model. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2015, 78: 175-189. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 019,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次21,SCI索引频次16)
  64Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun C, Crosta G B, Zhang W C. A study of submarine steep slope failures triggered by thermal dissociation of methane hydrates using a coupled CFD-DEM approach. Engineering Geology, 2015, 190: 1-16. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次17,SCI索引频次16)
  63Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G, Thornton C. A simple three-dimensional distinct element modeling of the mechanical behavior of bonded sands. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2015, 39(16): 1791-1820.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次6,SCI索引频次5)
  62Wang H N, Utili S, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He P. Analytical solutions for tunnels of elliptical cross-section in rheological rock accounting for sequential excavation, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engeneering, 2015, 48(5): 1997-2029. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 017,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次13,SCI索引频次10)
  61Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Wang J F. A novel three-dimensional contact model for granulates incorporating rolling and twisting resistances. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 65: 147-163. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 014,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次49,SCI索引频次38)
  60Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang W C, Wang J F, Zhu H H. DEM analyses of an uplift failure mechanism with pipe buried in a cemented granular ground. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2015, 15(5): **. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 019,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次9,SCI索引频次5)
  59Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G, Hu H J, Cui Y J, Peng J B. Structural characterization of natural loess and remolded loess under triaxial tests. Engineering Geology, 2014, 181: 249-260. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 021,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次55,SCI索引频次48)
  58Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu F Y. Discrete element analysis of uplift and lateral capacity of a single pile in methane hydrate bearing sediments. Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 62: 61-76. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 006,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次4,SCI索引频次3)
  57Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He J, Wang J F, Liu F, Zhang W C. Distinct simulation of earth pressure against a rigid retaining wall considering inter-particle rolling resistance in sandy backfill. Granular Matter. 2014, 16(5): 797-814. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 014,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次10,SCI索引频次7)
  56Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Dai Y S, Cui L, Shen Z F, Wang X X. Investigating mechanism of inclined CPT in granular ground using DEM. Granular Matter. 2014, 16(5): 785-796. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 013,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次15,SCI索引频次13)
  55Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Hu H J, Thornton C. DEM analyses of one-dimensional compression and collapse behaviour of unsaturated structural loess. Computers and Geotechnics.2014, 60: 47-60. (SCI收录,WOS收录号006,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次27,SCI索引次22)
  54Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Zhou Y P. A bond failure criterion for DEM simulations of cemented geomaterials considering variable bond thickness. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(18):1871-1897. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次10,SCI索引频次10)
  53Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu F Y, Liu F, Utili S. A bond contact model for methane hydrate bearing sediments with interparticle cementation. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(17): 1823-1854. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次38,SCI索引频次29)
  52Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Shen Z F, Zheng M. Distinct element simulation of lugged wheel performance under extraterrestrial environmental effects. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 99:. 37-51. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次12,SCI索引频次12)
  51Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G, Sun Y G. An evaluation on the degradation evolutions in three constitutive models for bonded geomaterials by DEM analyses. Computers and Geotechnics.2014, 57: 1-16. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次19,SCI索引频次18)
  50Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J D, Yin Z Y. Consolidation and creep behaviors of two typical marine clays in China. China Ocean Engineering, 2014, 28(5): 629-644. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 005,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次4,SCI索引频次4)
  49Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yin Z Y. Influence of soil conditioning on ground deformation during longitudinal tunneling. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2014, 342(3): 189-197. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 007,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次28,SCI索引频次21)
  48Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Chen H, Tapias M, Arroyo M, Fang R. Study of mechanical behavior and strain localization of methane hydrate bearing sediments with different saturations by a new DEM model. Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 57C: 122-138.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:013,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次22,SCI索引频次19)
  47Sima J, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Zhou C B. Numerical simulation of desiccation cracking in a thin clay layer using 3D discrete element modeling, Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 56C: 168-180. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:016,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次26,SCI索引频次20)
  46Wang H.N, Utili S., Jiang M.J(蒋明镜). An analytical approach for the sequential excavation of axisymmetric lined tunnels in viscoelastic rock, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2014, 68: 85-106. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:008,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次29,SCI索引频次26)
  45Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Liu J D, Sun Y G, Yin Z Y. Investigation into macroscopic and microscopic behaviors of bonded sands using distinct element method, Soils and Foundations, 2013, 53(6): 804-819.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次18,SCI索引频次15)
  44Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Colin Thornton. Microscopic contact model of lunar regolith for high efficiency discrete element analyses, Computers and Geotechnics, 2013, 54: 104-116.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:011,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次23,SCI索引频次20)
  43Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Li LQ, Yang Q J. Experimental investigation on deformation behavior of TJ-1 lunar soil simulant subjected to principal stress rotation. Advances in Space Research, 2013, 52(1): 136-146 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:014,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次18,SCI索引频次17)
  42Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Sun Y G, Yang Q J. A simple distinct element modeling of the mechanical behavior of methane hydrate-bearing sediments in deep seabed. Granular Matter, 2013, 15(2): 209-220. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:0003**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次21,SCI索引频次17)
  41Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Zhang WC. DEM investigation on mechanical behavior within shear bands in granulates under the Earth and the Moon conditions. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2013, 3(2): 1-5.
  40Zhang W C, Wang JF, Jiang M J (蒋明镜). DEM-aided discovery of the relationship between energy dissipation and shear band formation considering the effects of particle rolling resistance. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 139(9):1512-1527(SCI收录,WOS收录号:010,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次19,SCI索引频次17)
  39Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Zhu F Y. Numerical analyses of braced excavation in granular grounds: Continuum and discrete element approaches. Granular Matter, 2013,15(2): 195-208. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:0003**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次14,SCI索引频次12)
  38Wang H N, Li Y , Ni Q, Utili S, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Liu F. Analytical solutions for the construction of deeply buried circular tunnels with two liners in rheological rock. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2013, 46: 1481-1498. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:015,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次22,SCI索引频次19)
  37Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang W C, Sun YG, Utili S. An investigation on loose cemented granular materials via DEM analysis, Granular Matter, 2013, 15(1): 65-84. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:0003**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次40,SCI索引频次35)
  36Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Hu H J, Liu F. Summary of collapsible behaviour of artificially structured loess in oedometer and triaxial wetting tests. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2012, 49(10): 1147-1157.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次33,SCI索引频次27)
  35Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Li L Q, Su J X. A novel specimen preparation method for TJ-1 lunar soil simulant in Hollow Cylinder Apparatus. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 4(4):312-325.
  34Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun Y G, Li L Q, Zhu H H. Contact behavior of idealized granules bonded in two different interparticle distances: An experimental investigation, Mechanics of Materials, 2012, 55: 1-15.(SCI收录, WOS收录号:001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次58,SCI索引频次37)
  33Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yin Z Y. Analysis of stress redistribution in soil and earth pressure on tunnel lining using the discrete element method. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2012, 32: 251-259.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:024,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次54,SCI索引频次41)
  32Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun Y G, Xiao Y. An experimental investigation on the mechanical behavior between cemented granules, Geotechnical Testing Journal (ASTM), 2012, 35(5): 678-690.(SCI收录, WOS收录号:002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次47,SCI索引频次28)
  31Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Murakami A. Distinct element method analyses of idealized bonded-granulate cut slope, Granular Matter, 2012, 14: 393-410.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:008,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次33,SCI索引频次27)
  30Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li L Q, Sun Y G. Properties of TJ-1 lunar soil simulant. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2012, 25(3): 463-469.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:0003**,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次30,SCI索引频次20)
  29Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun Y G. Cavity expansion analyses of crushable granular materials with state-dependent dilatancy. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012, 36: 723-742.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次16,SCI索引频次16)
  28Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Leroueil S, Zhu H H, Yu H S, Konrad J M. Closure to "Two-dimensional Discrete Element Theory for Rough Particles"by Mingjing Jiang, Serge Leroueil, Hehua Zhu, Hai-Sui Yu, and Jean-Marie Konrad. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2011,414-415.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:009,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次1,SCI索引频次1)
  27Wang J F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Unified soil behavior of interface shear test and direct shear test under the influence of lower moving boundaries. Granular Matter, 2011, 13(5): 631-741.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:012,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次29,SCI索引频次26)
  26Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Hu H J, Peng J B, Leroueil S. Experimental study of two saturated natural soils and their saturated remoulded soils under three consolidated undrained stress paths. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China . 2011,5(2):225-238.
  25Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yan H B, Zhu H H, Utili S. Modeling shear behavior and strain localization in cemented sands by two-dimensional distinct element method analyses. Computers and Geotechnics, 2011, 38: 14-29(SCI收录, WOS收录号:002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次124,SCI索引频次103)
  24Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu H-H, Li X-M. Strain localization analyses of idealized sands in biaxial tests by distinct element method. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China (FAC), 2010, 4(2): 208-222.
  23Hu Minyun, Catherine O'Sullivan, Richard R. Jardine, Jiang M J (蒋明镜). Stress-induced anisotropy in sand under cyclic loading, Granular Matter, 2010, 12: 469-476. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次13,SCI索引频次9)
  22Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Peng L C,Zhu H H, Lin Y X, Huang L J. Macro- and Micro- properties of two natural marine clays in China, China Ocean Engineering, 2009, 2: 329-344. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:012,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次13,SCI索引频次8)
  21Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Leroueil S, Zhu H H, Yu H S, Konrad J M. Two-Dimensional discrete element theory for rough particles, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), 2009, 9(1): 20-33. (EI收录号:547)
  20Utili S, Yin Z Y,Jiang M J (蒋明镜). Influences of hydraulic uplift pressure on stability of gravity dam, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2008.27(8):1554-1568.(EI收录号:756)
  19Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu H H., Harris D. Classical and non-classical kinematic fields of two-dimensional penetration tests on granular ground by discrete element method analyses. Granular Matter, 2008, 10, 439-455. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次38,SCI索引频次29)
  18Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu H H. An interpretation of the internal length in Chang’s couple-stress continuum for bonded granulates. Granular Matter, 2007, 9: 431-437. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:007,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次23,SCI索引频次18)
  17Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Harris D, Zhu H H. Future continuum models for granular materials in penetration analyses. Granular Matter, 2007, 9: 97-108. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:010,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次41,SCI索引频次32)
  16Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Leroueil S. A simple and efficient approach to capturing bonding effect in naturally microstructured sands by discrete element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007, 69: 1158-1193 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次87,SCI索引频次58)
  15Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Harris D. Bond rolling resistance and its effect on yielding of bonded granulates by DEM analyses. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2006, 30(7): 723-761 (SCI收录,WOS收录号002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次109,SCI索引频次75)
  14Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Harris D. Discrete element modelling of deep penetration in granular soils. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2006, 30(4):335-361 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次105,SCI索引频次74)
  13Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Harris D. Kinematic variables bridging discrete and continuum granular mechanics. Mechanics Research Communication, 2006, 33: 651-666 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:006,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次36,SCI索引频次25)
  12Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Harris D. A novel discrete model for granular material incorporating rolling resistance. Computers and Geotechnics, 2005, 32(5): 340-357 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次273,SCI索引频次211)(曾为ScienceDirect"全球下载最多"第二名,Computers and Geotechnics 2010年3月最受关注论文Top1,Computers and Geotechnics迄今为止引用次数最多论文)
  11Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Leroueil S, Konrad J M. Yielding of microstructured geomaterial by distinct element method analysis. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 2005, 131(11): 1209-1213 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:010,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次48,SCI索引频次39)
  10Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Harris D, Yu H S. A novel approach to examining double-shearing type models for granular materials. Granular Matter, 2005, 7(3-4): 157-168 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:011,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次10,SCI索引频次9)
  9Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Harris D, Yu H S. Kinematic models for non-coaxial granular materials: Part I: theory. Int. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2005, 29(7): 643-661 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:001,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次34,SCI索引频次24)
  8Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Harris D, Yu H S. Kinematic models for non-coaxial granular materials: Part II: evaluation. Int. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2005, 29(7): 663-689 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:002,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次56,SCI索引频次39)
  7Higo Y, Oka F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜) , Fujita Y. Effects of transport of pore water and material heterogeneity on strain localization analysis of fluid-saturated gradient-dependent viscoplastic geomaterial. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2005, 29(5): 495-523 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:003,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次15, SCI索引频次8)
  6Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Leroueil S., Konrad JM. Insight into shear strength functions of unsaturated granulates by DEM analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 2004, 31(6): 473-489 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:004,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次105,SCI索引频次80(曾为ScienceDirect“全球下载最多”第四名;Computers and Geotechnics 2004年10-12月最受关注论文Top4)
  5Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Konrad J M., Leroueil S. An efficient technique for generating homogeneous specimens for DEM studies. Computers and Geotechnics, 2003, 30(7): 579-597 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:000**4,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次244, SCI索引频次151,Computers and Geotechnics迄今为止引用次数第二多论文)
  4Oka F, Higo M, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Strain Localization Analysis on Multi-porous Material with Viscoplastic Model and Effect of Inhomogeneity and Permeability. Proceedings of Japanese Civil Engineering Society of Applied Mechanics, 2000, 3: 371-378.
  3Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen ZJ, Adachi T and Hongo T. Microanalysis on artificially-prepared structured collapsible loess. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1999, 21(4): 486-491.
  2Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Hongo M, Adachi T, Oka F. Pre-failure behavior of deep-situated Osaka clay. China Ocean Engineering,1998,12, 453-465 (SCI收录,WOS收录号:009,Web of Science 核心合集索引频次5,SCI索引频次4)
  1Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z J. Microanalysis on shear band of structured clays. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 1998, 20(2): 102-108.
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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-11
  • 天津大学建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李绍武教授
    李绍武教授的个人资料姓名(中文/汉语拼音)李绍武/LiShaowu职称教授职务导师资格博导所在系、所港口工程系通讯地址天津大学建筑工程学院港口工程系300072电子信箱lishaowu@tju.edu.cn办公室电话**主要研究方向:  1.海岸动力学及岸滩演变;  2.海岸建筑物波浪力数学模型; ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-11
  • 天津大学建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-练继建教授
    练继建教授的个人资料姓名(中文/汉语拼音)练继建/LianJijian职称教授职务导师资格博导所在系、所水利水电系通讯地址天津大学建筑工程学院,300072电子信箱tju_luntan@126.com办公室电话**;**主要研究方向:  1.水利水电工程安全与优化应用;  2.海上新能源开发利用; ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-11