

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-11

姓 名 李小英
职 称 教授
所在系别 光电信息工程
所属课题组 非线性与光量子技术实验室
电子邮件 xiaoyingli@tju.edu.cn
主讲课程 量子光学简介
导师类型 光学工程:博导、硕导
通讯地址 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院
邮政编码 300072




2013.1-2015.12 博士点基金 通讯波段脉冲孪生光束的产生和应用
2010.1-2014.12 国家重点基础研究发展计划 基于光场量子态的量子信息研究(子课题“具有实用价值的纠缠态光源的研制”)
2011.1-2013.12 国家自然科学基金 制备频谱可控关联光子对的实验和理论研究
2008.1-2010.12 博士点基金 基于光纤的光通讯波段宣布式单光子源
2007.1-2009.12 教育部科学技术研究重点项目 适用于量子通讯的全光纤纠缠光子源
2006.1-2008.12 国家自然科学基金 由微结构光纤产生纠缠光子的理论与实验研究
2004.1-2008.12 国家重点基础研究发展计划 新一代通信光电子集成器件及光纤的重要结构工艺创新与基础研究(子课题:微结构光纤基本理论和基本特性的探索与研究)

An all-fiber source of pulsed twin beams for quantum communication. Xueshi Guo, Xiaoying Li and Nannan Liu et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 101, 261111 (2012)
Minimizing the frequency correlation of photon pairs in photonic crystal fibers. Liang Cui, Xiaoying Li, and Ningbo Zhao. New J. of Phys. , Vol. 14, 123001 (2012)
基于光子晶体光纤的高纯度关联光子对的制备. 崔亮,李小英,赵宁波. 物理学报,Vol. 61(5), 054206(2012)
Passive optical switching of photon pairs using a spontaneous parametric fiber loop. Ningbo Zhao, Lei Yang, and Xiaoying Li. Optics Letters, Vol. 37, Issue 7, pp. 1220-1222 (2012)
Spectral properties of photon pairs generated by spontaneous four-wave mixing in inhomogeneous photonic crystal fibers. Liang Cui, Xiaoying Li, and Ningbo Zhao. Phys. Rev. A 85, 023825 (2012)
利用自发四波混频测量光子晶体光纤色散. 崔亮, 李小英, 赵宁波. 光学学报, 32(1), p 119002 (2012)
基于色散位移光纤的高宣布式窄带单光子源. 崔亮, 李小英, 赵宁波. 物理学报, 61卷, p 054206 (2012)
Effect of chromatic-dispersion-induced chirp on the temporal coherence properties of individual beams from spontaneous four-wave mixing. Xiaoxin Ma, Xiaoying Li, Liang Cui, Xueshi Guo, and Lei Yang. Phys. Rev. A 84, 023829 (2011)
Characterization of a fiber-based source of heralded single photons. Lei Yang, Xiaoxin Ma, Xueshi Guo, Liang Cui, and Xiaoying Li. Phys. Rev. A 83, 053843 (2011)
Generation of photon pairs in dispersion shift fibers through spontaneous four wave mixing: Influence of self-phase modulation. Xiaoxin Ma, Lei Yang, Xueshi Guo, Xiaoying Li. Optics Communications Volume 284, Issue 19, Pages 4558–4562, (2011)
Quantum efficiency measurement of single-photon detectors using photon pairs generated in optical fiber. Xiaoying Li*, Xiaoxin Ma, Limei Quan, Lei Yang , Liang Cui, and Xueshi Guo. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 27, 1857 (2010)
All fiber source of frequency entangled photon-pairs. Xiaoying Li, Lei Yang , Xiaoxin Ma, Liang Cui, et al. Phys. Rev. A, 79, 033817 (2009)
Photonic Crystal Fiber Source of Quantum Correlated Photon Pairs in the 1550nm Telecom Band. Liang Cui, Xiaoying Li, Haiyang Fan, Lei Yang , and Xiaoxin Ma. Chinese Phys. Lett. 26, 044209 (2009)
用光纤中自发四波混频制备纠缠光子源的实验装置. 杨磊,李小英*,王宝善. 物理学报,Vol.57, No.8, 4933(2008)
Observation of quantum interference between a single-photon state and a thermal state generated in optical fibers. Xiaoying Li, Lei Yang and Liang Cui, et al. Opt. Express, 16, 12505--12510 (2008)
Fiber based source of photon pairs at telecom band with high temporal coherence and brightness for quantum information processing. Xiaoying Li, Lei Yang and Liang Cui, et al. Opt. Lett. 31, 593-595 (2008)
Spectral study of photon pairs generated in dispersion shifted fiber with a pulsed pump. Xiaoying Li, Xiaoxin Ma, Zhe Yu Ou and Lei Yang, et al. Opt. Express, 16, 32--44 (2008)
Schemes for fibre-based entanglement generation in the telecom band. J. Chen, K. F. Lee, X. Li, P. L. Voss, P. Kumar. New Journal of Physics, 9卷, p 289, 2007.
Generation of high-purity telecom-band entangled photon pairs in dispersion-shifted fiber. K. F. Lee, J. Chen, C. Liang, X. Li, P. L. Voss, P. Kumar. Optics Letters, 31(12), pp 1905-1907, 2006.
Integrable optical-fiber source of polarization-entangled photon pairs in the telecom band. Xiaoying Li, Chuang Liang, Kim Fook Lee, Jun Chen, Paul L. Voss and P. Kumar. Physical Review A, 73(5), p 052301, 2006.
Storage and long-distance distribution of telecom-band polarization entanglement generated in optical fiber. Xiaoying Li, Paul Voss, Jun Chen, Jay E. Sharping, Prem Kumar. Optics Letters, 30(10), pp 1201-1203, 2005.
Two-photon-state generation via four-wave mixing in optical fibers. Junchen, Xiaoying Li, Prem Kumar. Physical Review A, 72(3), p 033801, 2005.
Measurement of co- and cross-polarized Raman spectra in silica fiber for small detunings. Xiaoying Li, Paul Voss, Jun Chen, Kim Fook Lee, Prem Kumar. Opt. Express, 13(6), pp 2236-2244, 2005.
Optical-fiber source of polarization-entangled photon pairs in the 1550 nm telecom band. Xiaoying Li, Paul Voss, Jay E. Sharping, Prem Kumar. Physical Review Letters, 94(5), p 053601, 2005
All-fiber photon-pair source for quantum communications: Improved generation of correlated photons. Xiaoying Li, Jun Chen, Paul Voss, Jay E. Sharping, Prem Kumar. Optics Express, 12(16), pp 3737-3744, 2004.
Quantum-correlated twin photon from microstructure fiber. Jay E. Sharping, Jun Chen, Xiaoying Li, Prem Kumar, Robert S. Windeler. Optics Express, 12(14), pp 3086-3094, 2004.
Quantum Dense Coding Exploiting a Bright Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Beam. Xiaoying Li, Qing Pan, Jietai Jing, Jing Zhang, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng. Physical Review Letters, 88(4), p 047904, 2002.
LD pumped intracavity frequency-doubled and frequency-stabilized Nd:YAP/KTP laser with 1.1W output at 540nm. Xiaoying Li, Qing Pan, Jietai Jing, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng. Optics Communications, 201(1), pp 165-171, 2002.
Experimental generation of bright two-mode quadrature squeezed light from a narrow-band nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier. Yun Zhang, Hai Wang, Xiaoying Li, Jietai Jing, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng. Physical Review A, 62(2), p 023813, 2000.

2008 年被评为天津市优秀留学回国人员,
2009 年获第六届中国青年女科学家奖,
2010 年获天津市“五一”劳动奖章,
2012 年获天津市第11 届青年科技奖,
2012 年—今,中国光学学会 副秘书长
2006 年-今,中国物理学会量子光学专业委员会委员
2010 年-今,任《天津大学学报》和《量子光学学报》编委。

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