姓名: 周磊
性别: 男
英文名: Zhou Lei
职称: 副教授,博士生导师
职务: 专业: 工程热物理/动力机械及工程
所在机构: 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: lei.zhou@tju.edu.cn 办公地点:
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: (1) 2004.9–2010.7, 大连理工大学, 工程热物理, 博士, 导师: 解茂昭
(2) 2000.9–2004.7, 山西大学, 热能与动力工程, 学士
主要学术经历: (1) 2015.9-至今, 天津大学, 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室, 副教授
(2) 2015.4-2015.8, 清华大学, 燃烧能源中心,合作导师,任祝寅教授
(3) 2014.3-2015.4, 英国Brunel大学, 机械学院, Research Fellow
(4) 2011.11-2014.2, 清华大学, 燃烧能源中心, 助理研究员
(5) 2011.1-2011.10, 中国北方发动机研究所, 工作过程室, 助理研究员
(6) 2010.7-2010.12, 大连理工大学, 能源动力学院, 无
(7) 2011.11-2014.2, 清华大学, 博士后, 导师: 罗开红(K. H. Luo),帅石金教授,任祝寅教授
主要研究方向: 湍流燃烧、火焰动力学
化学反应加速算法(DAC,ISAT, CA)
主要讲授课程: 博士生:科技英文论文写作、计算燃烧学
主要学术兼职: Combustion and flame, Combustion Science and Technology, Combustion theory and modelling, Fuel等多个国内外专业期刊的审稿人
主要学术成就: 现主持国家自然基金青年基金项目1项和发动机湍流燃烧重大研究计划培育项目1项。发
表SCI收录论文43篇,EI收录论文34篇,其中包含,燃烧领域顶级期刊Combustion and Flame(5篇),SAE论文6篇,《内燃机学报》10篇,SCI他引175次,曾获工程热物理燃烧分会优秀论文1次,内燃机学会优秀论文2次。
主要科研项目: 1,国家自然基金重大研究计划培育项目,**,基于LES-PDF方法的发动机喷雾-湍流-燃烧相互作用机理, 60万,在研,主持
2,国家自然基金青年基金项目,**,基于线性涡模型和化学反应计算加速方法的喷雾燃烧的数值模拟研究, 20万,在研,主持
3,英国EPSRC项目,EP/L000199/1,A Multiscale Simulation Approach to TackleFuel Spray Atomisation and Combustion,2014/03-2015/03,10万英镑,已结题,完成人
9,工信部船用低速机工程,船用 520mm 缸径低速柴油机原理样机研制,2016/01-2020/12,1200万元,在研,主要参与人
10,国家重点研发计划,混合动力发动机整机设计与集成开发-子课题,2017/01-2021/12, 100万元,在研,第二参与人
12,国家自然基金青年基金项目,**,液体燃料在多孔介质内过滤燃烧的基础研究,2010/01-2012/12, 20万元,已结题,参与
13,国家自然基金青年基金项目,**基于大涡模拟的均质压燃发动机的数值模拟,2009/01-2011/12, 21万元,已结题,参与
14, 1.上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司,B15T发动机应用米勒循环和冷却EGR降低油耗,2017/02-2018/06,101万,在研,参与
代表性论著: 英文期刊论文
1. Lei Zhou#, Wanhui Zhao#, Haiqiao Wei*, Large eddy simulation on the flame structure for split injections of n-dodecane at different temperatures and densities, Combust. Sci. Technol (In Press), 2018
2.Lei Zhou#, Jianxiong Hua#, Haiqiao Wei*, Effect of internal exhaust gas recirculation on the combustion characteristics of gasoline compression ignition engine under low to idle conditions, Energy, 2018,164, 306-315
3.Haiqiao Wei*, Jiayue, Qi, Lei Zhou*, Ignition Characteristics of Methane/n-Heptane Fuel Blends under Engine-like Conditions, Energy and Fuel, 2018, 32 (5), 6264–6277
4.H. Wei, Zailong Xu, L. Zhou*, Dongzhi Gao, Jianfu Zhao, Effect of hydrogen-air mixture diluted with argon/nitrogen/carbon dioxide on combustion processes in confined space. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018,43, 14798-14805
5.Lei Zhou#, Jianxiong Hua#, Haiqiao Wei*, Knock characteristics and combustion regime diagrams of multiple combustion modes based on experimental investigations, Applied Energy, 2018,229, 31-41
6.Haiqiao Wei*, Jianfu Zhao, Lei Zhou*, Zailong Xu, Dongzhi Gao, Combustion Phenomena with Pressure Oscillation and Destructive Effects in a Confined Space Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018,344,1025-1033
7.Haiqiao Wei*, Wanhui Zhao, Lei Zhou*, Ceyuan Chen, Gequn Shu, Large eddy simulation of the low temperature ignition and combustion processes on spray flame with linear eddy model, Combustion theory and modelling, 2018,22,237-263
8.Haiqiao Wei, Aifang Shao, Jianxiong Hua, Lei Zhou*, Dengquan Feng, Effects of applying a Miller cycle with boost pressure and split injection on engine performance in a downsized gasoline engine, Fuel, 2018,214,98-107,
9.Lei Zhou, Lijia Zhong, Jianfu Zhao, Dongzhi Gao, Haiqiao Wei, Flame propagation and combustion modes in confined space, Combustion and Flame, 2018,190,216-223
10.Lei Zhou, Lijia Zhong, Wenjin Qin, Wanhui Zhao, Haiqiao Wei, Application of cell agglomeration algorithm coupled with dynamic adaptive chemistry for transient engine simulation of diesel fuel, Fuel, 2018,234,1313-1321
11.Dengquan Feng, Haiqiao Wei*, Mingzhang Pan, Lei Zhou, Combustion performance of dual-injection using n-butanol direct-injection and gasoline port fuel-injection in a SI engine, Energy, 2018,160,573-581
12.Haiqiao Wei*, Jianxiong Hua, Dengquan Feng,Mingzhang Pan, Lei Zhou, Experimental Investigation on Knocking Combustion Characteristics in a Gasoline Compression Ignition (GCI) engine, Energy, 2018,143,624-633
13.Haiqiao Wei*, Ceyuan Chen, Gequan Shu, Xingyu Liang, Lei Zhou, Pressure Wave Evolution during Two Hotspots Autoignition within End-Gas Region under Internal Combustion Engine-Relevant Conditions, Combustion and flame, 2018, 189, 142-154
14.Wei H, Chen X, Zhao W, Lei Zhou *, et al. Effects of the turbulence model and the spray model on predictions of the n-heptane jet fuel–air mixing and the ignition characteristics with a reduced chemistry mechanism. Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2017,231, 1877-1888.
15.H. Wei, Jianfu Zhao, Dongzhi Gao, Lei Zhou *, Zailong Xu, Effects of the equivalence ratio on turbulent flame-shock interactions in a confined space, Combustion and Flame, 2017,186, 247-262.
16.H. Wei, Zailong Xu, Lei Zhou *, Dongzhi Gao, Jianfu Zhao, Effect of initial pressure on flame-shock interactions of hydrogen-air premixed flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017,42,12657-12668
17.H. Wei*, Xi Chen, Lei Zhou *, Shijia An, Gequn Shu, Effect of Swirl flow on Spray and Combustion Characteristics with Heavy Fuel Oil under Two-stroke Marine Engine Relevant Conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 124, 302-314.
18.Lei Zhou, Wanhui Zhao, Haiqiao Wei, Effect of improved accelerating method on efficient chemistry calculations in diesel engine, International Journal of Engine Research(Accepted), 2017.
19.Lei Zhou, Wei H. An investigation of in situ adaptive tabulation for premixed and nonpremixed combustion engine simulations with primary reference fuel mechanism. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 111:526-536.
20.Lei Zhou#, Aifang Shao#, Haiqiao Wei*, Xi, Chen, Sensitivity analysis of heavy fuel oil spray and combustion under low-speed marine engine–like conditions, Energies, 2017,10, 1223
20.H. Wei, Lei Zhou, H. Zhou, Z. Lu, Z. Ren, G.M. Goldin, Toward Efficient Chemistry Calculations in Engine Simulations Through Static Adaptive Acceleration, Combust. Sci. Technol., 2017,189, 623-642.
22.Wei H, Gao D, Lei Zhou, et al. Different combustion modes caused by flame-shock interactions in a confined chamber with a perforated plate. Combustion and Flame, 2017, 178: 277-285.
23.Lei Zhou*, Haiqiao Wei, Chemistry acceleration with tabulated dynamic adaptive chemistry in a realistic engine with a primary reference fuel, Fuel, 2016,171,186-194.
24.Lei Zhou*, J.Xia, J. Shinjo, A. Cairns, L. Cruff, H. Blaxill, Development of a hybrid multi-scale simulation approach for spray processes, Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2016,230, 322-331
25.Wei H*, Gao D, Lei Zhou, et al. Experimental observations of turbulent flame propagation effected by flame acceleration in the end gas of closed combustion chamber. Fuel, 2016, 180:157-163.
26.Haiqiao Wei, * Dongzhi Gao, Lei Zhou, Experimental study on laminar flame characteristics of methane-PRF95 dual fuel under lean burn conditions. Fuel. 2016, 185,254-262.
27.Z. Lu, Lei Zhou, Y. Ren, T.F. Lu,C.K, Law, Effects of Spray and Turbulence Modelling on the Mixing and Combustion Characteristics of an n-heptane Spray Flame Simulated with Dynamic Adaptive Chemistry, Flow, turbulent and combustion, 2016, 97(2),609-629.
28.Haiqiao Wei, Dongzhi Gao, Lei Zhou, Dengquan Feng, Ceyuan Chen, Zigang Pei, Experimental analysis on spray development of 2-methylfuran–gasoline blends using multi-hole DI injector, Fuel, 2016,164,245-253.
29.Lei Zhou*, K.H. Luo, W. Qin, M. Jia, S.J. Shuai, Large eddy simulation of spray and combustion characteristics with realistic chemistry and high-order numerical scheme under diesel engine-like conditions, Energy conversion and management, 2015,93,377-387
30.Lei Zhou*, Z. Lu, Z. Y. Ren, T.F. Lu, K.H. Luo, Numerical analysis of ignition and flame stabilization in an n-heptane spray flame, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015,88,565-571.
31.Lei Zhou*, K.H. Luo, S.H. Shuai, M.Z. Xie, Large-eddy simulations of diesel spray with a fine grid in a constant-volume vessel. Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2015, 229(2) , 247-260.
32.Lei Zhou*, M.Z. Xie, K.H. Luo, Numerical study of heat transfer and combustion in IC engine with a porous media piston region, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014,65(1-2),597-604
33.Y. Zhang, M, Jia, H. Liu, M.Z.Xie, T.Y. Wang, Lei Zhou, development of a new spray/wall interaction model for diesel spray under pcci-engine relevant conditions, Atomization and sprays, 2014,24(1), 41-80
34.Y Li, M Jia, Y Chang, Y Liu, M Xie, T Wang, Lei Zhou, Parametric study and optimization of a RCCI (reactivity controlled compression ignition) engine fueled with methanol and diesel, Energy, 2014,65, 319-332.
35.Lei Zhou, M.Z. Xie, M. Jia, Computer Simulation of Combustion Process in a Piston Engine With a Porous Medium Regenerator, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, ASME, 2013,5(4) ,1-10
36.Lei Zhou, M.Z. Xie, M. Jia, J.R. Shi, Large eddy simulation of fuel injection and mixing process in a diesel engine, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2011, 27(4), 519-530
37.M.Z. Xie, J.R. Shi, H. Liu, G. Liu, Lei Zhou, Experimental and numerical investigation on performance of a porous medium burner with reciprocating flow, Fuel, 2009, 88(1), 206-213
38.J.R. Shi, M.Z. Xie, G Li, Lei Zhou, Numerical simulation and theoretical analysis of low-velocity filtration combustion of lean mixture, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008, 58(7-8), 1818-1829
1.康瑞,卫海桥, 周磊 内燃机学报,2018
3.卫海桥,陈伟睿,赵万辉,周磊*, 内燃机学报,2018
5.卫海桥,安世佳,周磊*,陈曦,舒歌群, 内燃机工程,2017
7.卫海桥,陈曦,周磊*,安世佳,舒歌群, 涡流对船用柴油机喷雾燃烧及排放影响的数值研究, 天津大学学报,2017
8.周磊,解茂昭,罗开红,帅石金,贾明,大涡模拟在内燃机中应用的研究进展(综述),力学学报,2013,45 (4):467-482
9.周磊,解茂昭,罗开红,帅石金,代数亚格子湍动能模型及非黏性亚格子应力模型在喷雾大涡模拟中的应用,内燃机学报,2013,31 (3):215-221
10.周磊,罗开红,帅石金,王方,环境涡流对液体喷雾过程影响的大涡模拟研究,内燃机工程,2014, 35:25-30
11.周磊,解茂昭,贾明,史俊瑞. 发动机早喷过程中燃油喷射混合的大涡模拟, 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2012, 43(9): 1-8
12.周磊,贾明,李云广,韩君,徐春龙,柴油机高压及微孔径下燃油雾化特性的数值研究(Ⅱ)——湍流模型对燃烧的影响, 车用发动机,2012,03: 26-31.
14.周磊,解茂昭,贾明. 不同亚网格尺度应力模型在燃油喷雾大涡模拟中的应用,内燃机学报, 2011,29(1),29-35.
15.周磊,解茂昭,贾明. 多孔介质发动机流动与燃烧特性的大涡模拟初探,内燃机学报, 2011,29(2),125-132.
16.周磊,徐春龙,韩君,贾明,柴油机高压及微孔径下燃油雾化特性的数值研究(Ⅰ)——模型参数的选取, 车用发动机,2011,05: 6-11
17.周磊,解茂昭,贾明. 高压燃油喷雾雾化与蒸发过程的大涡模拟研究,内燃机学报,2010,28(3):241-246
18.周磊,解茂昭,贾明. 燃油喷雾过程的大涡模拟研究,内燃机学报, 2009,27(3):202-206
19.周磊,解茂昭,赵志国,史俊瑞.回热式多孔介质发动机的多维数值模拟, 工程热物理学报,2008,29(3):511-514
20.周磊,解茂昭. 回热式多孔介质发动机的排放特性分析,内燃机学报,2008,26(04):341-345.
21.史俊瑞,解茂昭,周磊, 往复流多孔介质燃烧器的二维数值模拟与结构改进, 燃烧科学与技术,2007,13(2),117-123
22.史俊瑞,解茂昭,周磊. 往复式惰性多孔介质燃烧器的可燃极限及最大半周期, 化工学报,2007,58(8):1983-1988
23.贾明, 解茂昭, 周磊, 应用多区模型预测HCCI发动机的运行范围, 内燃机工程, 2010,31(6):85-92.
24.贾明, 解茂昭, 周磊, 雾化模型对柴油喷雾大涡模拟的影响,内燃机学报,2010,28(4):316-323.
25.贾明, 解茂昭, 周磊, 刘红, 加速详细反应动力学计算的ISAT改进方法的研究,工程热物理学报,2010,31(6):1057-1060.
26.秦文瑾, 解茂昭,贾明,周磊,内燃机缸内湍流流场和多周期循环变动的大涡模拟研究,工程热物理学报,2011,32(S1):268-271
27.王方,王志,帅石金,王建昕,周磊,缸内直喷汽油机进气和喷雾混合过程的大涡模拟,工程热物理学报,2013,34 (11):2174-2177
SAE Papers
1.L. Zhou, Z. Lu, Z. Y. Ren, T.F. Lu, K.H. Luo, Large eddy simulation of an n-heptane spray flame with dynamic adaptive chemistry under different oxygen concentrations, SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibiton, SAE Paper, 2015-01-0400, 2015.
2.L. Zhou, K.H. Luo, M. Jia, S.J. Shuai, Numerical methods of improving computation efficiency on diesel spray and combustion using large eddy simulation in KIVA3V code, SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibiton, SAE Paper, 2014-01-1149, pp:1-12, Detroit, Michigan, United States, 2014.
3.L. Zhou, K.H. Luo, S.H. Shuai,Numerical study of pressure swirl spray using an improved KIVALES with dense grid for GDI engine., SAE/KSAE, SAE Paper, 2013-01-2558,pp: 1-10, Seoul, South Korea, October 21 – 23, 2013
4.L. Zhou, K.H. Luo, M. Jia, S.H. Shuai,Large Eddy Simulation of Liquid Fuel Spray and Combustion with Gradually Varying Grid, SAE/KSAE, SAE Paper, 2013-01-2634, pp:1-11, Seoul, South Korea, October 21 – 23, 2013
5.L. Zhou, M.Z. Xie, K.H. Luo, M. Jia, Q. Zhou, H. Liu, Mixing effects of early injection in diesel spray using LES model with different subgrid scale models, SAE 2013 World Congress & Exhibiton ,SAE Paper, 2013-01-1111,pp:1-14, Detroit, Michigan, United States, 2013
6.L. Zhou, M.Z. Xie, M. Jia, Influences of subgrid turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent dispersion on the characteristics of fuel spray,SAE paper, SAE 2011-01-1839, 2011.
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姓名:丁伯慧性别:女英文名:DingBohui人才称号:无职称:副教授职务:无专业:机械工程所在机构:机构理论与装备设计教育部重点实验室个人主页:邮箱:dingbaihui@tju.edu.cn办公地点:天津大学(北洋园校区)机械工程学院37-南-343,300350传真:办公电话:主要学历:200 ...天津大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-08天津大学机械工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-崔雨潇
姓名:崔雨潇性别:男英文名:CuiYuxiao人才称号:职称:助理教授/讲师职务:专业:机械工程所在机构:个人主页:邮箱:erplayer@163.com办公地点:37楼422室传真:办公电话:主要学历:2006.9-2010.6中国天津大学机械工程2010.9-2016.6中国上海交通大学机械工程 ...天津大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-08