姓名: 郑仁成
性别: 男
英文名: Rencheng Zheng
人才称号: 无
职称: 教授
职务: 无 专业: 机械电子工程
所在机构: 机械工程系 个人主页: 无
邮箱: rencheng.zheng@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 天津市海河教育园天津大学机械工程学院37-334,邮编:300354
传真: 无 办公电话: 无
主要学历: 2009/03/09,高知工科大学大学院工学研究科,智能机械系统工程,工学博士
主要学术经历: (1) 1995-2003,沈阳第一机床厂,技术员、助工
(2) 2009-2018,东京大学,博后、助教、副教授
(3) 2019-至今,天津大学,教授
主要研究方向: (1) 机械电子工程
巡检机器人技术, 机械振动发电系统, 机械加工工艺及设备
主要讲授课程: 无
主要学术兼职: (1) Members: JSME, JSAE, IEEE, IAVSD
(2) Associate Editor: IJITSR, JICV, IEEE ITSC, IEEE IVS
(3) Chairman: HFIV in IEEE IV 2018, HFIV in IEEE IV 2019
(4) IEEE Technical Committee: Shared Control, Intelligent Vehicle, Human-Centered Transport Systems
(5) Research Fellow, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
(6) 科技部国家重点研发计划评审专家、欧盟科研基金评审专家
(7) Conference Reviewer: ITS Symposium, ITS World Congress, IEEE IV, IEEE SMC, IEEE ITS, MOVIC
(8) Journal Reviewer: IEEE ITS, IEEE HMS, IEEE VT, IEEE Sensor, IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics, Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Sensors, ASME Vibration and Acoustics, Micromachines, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, IJITSR, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Journal of Zhejiang University, IET ITS, Biomedizinische Technik, 自動車技術会, 中国公路学报
主要学术成就: (1)最佳大中专毕业生,沈阳第一机床厂,1996.
(2) 技术员(机械),沈阳第一机床厂,1996.
(3) 助理工程师(机械),沈阳第一机床厂,2001.
(4) Best Poster Award, 4th ACMD, 2008.
(5) 注册工程师(车辆),JSAE,2011.
(6) 注册高级工程师(车辆),JSAE,2015.
主要科研项目: (1) R. Zheng, HMI Technology of Intelligent Vehicles, ** RMB, 2020-2023.
(2) R. Zheng, W. Tao, K. Zheng, Inspection Robotic Technology, ** RMB, 2018-2020.
(3) R. Zheng, S. Yamabe, K. Nakano, Y. Suda, Disaster ITS, ** RMB, 2013-2018.
(4) R. Zheng, S. Yamabe, K. Nakano, Y. Suda, Energy-Saving Automated Driving, ** RMB, 2009-2013.
代表性论著: [1] W. Zhao, Q. Wu, X. Zhao, K. Nakano, R. Zheng*, Development of large-scale bistable motion system for energy harvesting by application of stochastic resonance, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020. (Accepted)
[2] W. Zhao, R. Zheng*, X. Yin, X. Zhao, K. Nakano, Large-scale electromagnetic energy harvester to realize nonlinear bistable motion with stochastic resonance: Theory and experimental validation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020. (Submitted)
[3] W. Zhao, J. Lian, S. Zhou, X. Zhao, K. Nakano, R. Zheng*, Circulating multi-stable stochastic resonance by implementation of rotating elliptical mass-spring-plate for large-scale motion system of energy harvesting, , Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020. (Submitted)
[4] X. Zhu, Q. Ye, R. Zheng, Classification-independent deep learning of mechanical properties using multi-resolution neural network for autonomous driving, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020.(Prepared)
[5] 李硕,单光坤,边防,侯宝,孙凤,黄良炆,于丰铭,郑仁成*,基于机器人移动路径的单麦克风空间声源定位算法研究,仪器仪表学报,2020.(Submitted)
[6] 边防,侯宝,王栎斐, 闫飞,郑仁成,基于前沿评估的移动机器人自主环境探索,辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2020. (Submitted)
[7] 趙巍, 鄭仁成, 趙希禄, 中野公彦, 水平型大スケール双安定振動モデルとその確率共振性能の検討, 日本機械学会論文集, 2020. (Submitted)
[8] 趙巍,鄭仁成,尹相然,趙希禄,中野公彦,ピエゾ素子を用いた斜め支持ばねマス型双安定振動ハーベスティングシステム,日本機械学会論文集, 2020. (Submitted)
[9] R. Zheng*, W. Zhao, X. Zhao, K. Nakano, Evolution on vibrational energy harvester of bistable mechanical system by application of stochastic resonance, MOVIC 2020. (Accepted)
[10] W. Zhao, R. Zheng, X. Zhao, K. Nakano, Investigation of stochastic resonance performance of horizontal large-scale bistable model, MOVIC 2020. (Accepted)
[11] C. Liu, W. Hou, L. Guo, Z. Wang, X. Ji, R. Zheng*, Analysis of switch of moving state by proposal of predicted modified time-to-collision, AVEC 2020. (Submitted)
[12] M. Feng, Z. Wang, R. Fan, T. Gao, X. Ji, R. Zheng*, Effect of fixation frequency at tangent point on the visual anticipation in curve driving, AVEC 2020. (Submitted)
[13] Q. Yang, Z. Wang, G. Shen, X. Ji, R. Zheng*, Study on active fault tolerant of steering-by-wire system considering angle sensors fault by application of Lyapunov stability analysis, AVEC 2020. (Submitted)
[14] Z. Qin, L. Guo, P. Ge, M. Feng, T. Gao, R. Zheng, Analysis of driver gaze behaviors at bend of secondary highway with different driving speeds, CICTP 2020. (Submitted)
1.Wei Xue, Rencheng Zheng, Bo Yang, Zheng Wang, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, An adaptive model predictive approach for automated vehicle control in fallback procedure based on virtual vehicle scheme, Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, pp. 1-11, 2019.
2.Edric John Cruz Nacpil, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, A surface electromyography controlled steering assistance interface, Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, pp. 1-13, 2019.
3.Edric John Cruz Nacpil, Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Design and evaluation of a surface electromyography-controlled steering assistance interface, Sensors, vol. 19, no. 1308, pp. 1-20, 2019.
4.Qiong Wu, Wei Zhao, Weiguo Zhu, Rencheng Zheng, Xilu Zhao, A tuned mass damper with nonlinear magnetic force for vibration suppression with wide frequency range of offshore platform under earthquake loads, Shock and Vibration, ID: **, pp: 1-18, 2018.
5.Antonin Joly, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Driver response to steering perturbations: mechanical arm admittance and grip pressure, International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 65-80, 2018.
6.Yunshun Zhang, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, and Matthew P. Cartmell, Stabilising high energy orbit oscillations by the utilisation of centrifugal effects for rotating-tyre-induced energy harvesting, Applied Physics Letter, vol. 112, no. 14, 2018.
7.Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, and Kimihiko Nakano, Influence of haptic guidance on driving behaviour under degraded visual feedback conditions, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, pp. 1-11, 2018.
8.Antonin Joly, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Effect of drowsiness on mechanical arm admittance and driving performance, IET Intelligent Transport Systems,?2018, vol. 12 no. 3, pp. 220-226, 2018.
9.Antonin Joly, Keisuke Shimono, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Influence of haptic guidance on arm admittance of drivers under steering perturbations, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2017.
10.Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Keisuke Shimono,?Kimihiko Nakano, The effect of a haptic guidance steering system on fatigue-related driver behaviour, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 741-748, 2017.
11.Bo Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Influences of waiting time on driver behaviors while implementing in-vehicle traffic light for priority-controlled unsignalized intersections, Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 11, pp. 1-12, 2017.
12.Bo Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Keisuke Shimono,?Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Evaluation of the effects of in-vehicle traffic lights on driving performances for unsignalised intersections, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol. 11, no. 2,?pp.?76-83, 2017.
13.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Hiromitsu Ishiko, Kenji Hagita, Makoto Kihira, Toshiya Yokozeki, Eye-gaze tracking analysis of driver behavior while interacting with navigation systems in an urban area, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 546-556, 2016.
14.Qiong Wu, Xilu Zhao, Shuai He,Wenxian Tang, Rencheng Zheng, A bufferable tuned-mass damper of an offshore platform against stroke and response delay problems under earthquake loads, Shock and Vibration, vol. 4, pp. 1-12, 2016.
15.Qiong Wu, Xilu Zhao, Rencheng Zheng, Keisuke Minagawa, High response performance of a tuned-mass damper for vibration suppression of offshore platform under earthquake loads, Shock and Vibration, vol.25, pp. 1-11, 2016.
16.Yunshun Zhang, Rencheng Zheng, Keisuke Shimono, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Effectiveness testing of a piezoelectric energy harvester for an automobile wheel using stochastic resonance, Sensors, 16(10), 1727, pp. 1-16, 2016.
17.Bo Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Yuandong Yin, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Kimihiko Nakano, Analysis of influence on driver behaviour while using in-vehicle traffic lights with application of head-up display, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 347-353, 2016. (Most Downloaded Paper)
18.Dongxu Su, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew P. Cartmell, Stabilisation of the high-energy orbit for a nonlinear energy harvester with variable damping, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 230, no. 12, pp. 2003-2012, 2016.
19.Yunshun Zhang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Dongxu Su, Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew P. Cartmell, Broadband vibration energy harvesting by application of stochastic resonance from rotational environments, The European Physical Journal- Special Topics, 224, pp. 2687-2701, 2015.
20.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Rui Ohashi, Yuji Okabe, Parallel factor analysis for ultrasonic wave sensing of fiber Bragg grating sensors: procedure and evaluation, Sensors, vol. 15, pp. 16388-16411, 2015.
21.Rencheng Zheng, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Kimihiko Nakano, Yoshihiro Suda, Biosignal analysis to assess mental stress in automatic driving of trucks: palmar perspiration and electromyography of masseter, Sensors, vol. 15, pp. 5136-5150, 2015.
22.Dongxu Su, Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Matthew P. Carmell, On electrical optimization using a Duffing-type vibrational energy harvester, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 229, no. 18, pp. 3308-3319, 2015.
23.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Honggang Hu, Dongxu Su, Matthew P. Cartmell, An application of stochastic resonance for energy harvesting in a bistable vibrating system, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333, 2568-2587, 2014. (Science Direct Top 25 Hottest Articles)
24.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Masahiko Aki, Hiroki Nakamura, Yoshihiro Suda, Study on emergency-avoidance braking for the automatic platooning of trucks, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1748-1757, 2014.
25.Kimihiko Nakano, Kaechang Park, Rencheng Zheng, Fang Fang, Masanori Ohori, Hiroki Nakamura, Yasuhiho Kumagai, Hiroshi Okada, Kazuhiko Teramura, Satoshi Nakayama, Akinori Irimajiri, Hiroshi Taoka, Satoshi Okada, Leukoaraiosis significantly worsens driving performance of ordinary older drivers, PLOS ONE, 9(10): e108333, pp. 1-7, 2014.
26.Dongxu Su, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew P. Cartmell, On quare-wave-driven stochastic resonance for energy harvesting in a bistable system, AIP Advances, vol. 4, no. 11, 117140, pp. 1-10, 2014.
27.Dongxu Su, Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Matthew P. Cartmell, Investigations of a stiffness tunable nonlinear vibrational energy harvester, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, vol. 14, no. 8, **, pp. 1-14, 2014.
28.Masahiko Aki, Rencheng Zheng, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Kimihiko Nakano, Yoshihiro Suda, Yoshitada Suzuki, Hiroyuki Ishizaki, Hiroki Kawashima, Atsushi Ssakuma, Safety testing of an improved brake system for automatic platooning of trucks, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation System Research, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 98-109, 2014.
29.Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew P. Cartmell, Honggang Hu, Rencheng Zheng, Feasibility of energy harvesting using stochastic resonance caused by axial periodic force, Strojni?ki vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 314-320, 2014.
30.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Yuji Okamoto, Masanori Ohori, Shigeyuki Hori, Yoshihiro Suda, Evaluation of sternocleidomastoid muscle activity of a passenger in response to a car’s lateral acceleration while slalom driving, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 43, no. 4, 405-415, 2013. (Year in Review for 2013)
31.Weijun Tao, Tao Liu, Rencheng Zheng, Hutian Feng, Gait analysis using wearable sensors, Sensors, vol. 12, pp. 2255-2283, 2012.
32.Shigeyuki Yamabe, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Yoshihiro Suda, Physical fatigue comparison of eco-driving and normal driving, JSME Transactions on System Design and Dynamics, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 994-1004, 2011.
33.Kun Liu, Tao Liu, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, Rencheng Zheng, Novel approach to ambulatory assessment of human segmental orientation on a wearable sensor system, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 42, no. 16, pp. 2747-2752, 2009.
34.Rencheng Zheng, Tao Liu, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, Kun Liu, Kinetics analysis of ankle, knee and hip joints using a wearable sensor system, JSME Transactions on Biomechanical Science and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 343-355, 2008.
35.中野公彦,関正寛,貝塚勉,鄭仁成,櫻井俊彰,槇徹雄 ,曲線路走行中の前方注視距離に基づく力覚支援操舵,自動車技術会論文集,vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1273-1278, 2017.
36.張云順, 鄭仁成, 江尻賢治, 蘇東旭, 中野公彦, 低速走行中の車両タイヤ振動におけるエネルギハーベスティングのモデル解析, 日本機械学会論文集(C編), vol. 82, no. 840, 1-11, 2016.
37.李昇勇,中野公彦,大堀真敬,鄭仁成,走行時における大型トラックのヨー慣性モーメントの実時間推定,自動車技術会論文集,vol. 45, no. 6, 1093-1098, 2013.
38.中野公彦,中森大樹,鄭仁成,大堀真敬,須田義大,人間の動きを考慮した倒立振子型 パーソナルモビリティビークルの安定性解析,日本機械学会論文集(C編),vol. 79,no. 801,1427-1440,2013.
39.中村弘毅,中野公彦,鄭仁成,大堀真敬,ステアリングアドミタンス計測による運転者緊張度の推定,自動車技術会論文集,vol. 44, no.2, pp. 659-664, 2013.
40.鄭仁成,山邉茂之,李昇勇,中野公彦,安藝雅彦,須田義大,ドライビングシミュレータによる隊列走行時のドライバの緊急回避行動分析,自動車技術会論文集,vol. 43, no.2, pp. 627-632, 2012.
41.山邉茂之,鄭仁成,中野公彦,安藝雅彦,須田義大,エコドライブにおけるエコドライブ教示とエコ表示計がドライバの運転動作に与える影響 ,日本機械学会論文集(C編), vol. 77, no. 781,3290-3299. 2011.
42.坂井康一,吉田秀範,大口敬,須田義大,池内克史,中野公彦,大石岳史,小野晋太郎,鈴木高宏,平沢隆之,和田健太郎,杉町敏之,鄭仁成,霜野慧亮, 安全?持続可能な交通社会の実現に向けた協調ITSの提言, 生産研究,pp. 1-8, 2016.
43.増井大志,霜野恵亮,鄭仁成,中野公彦, 車内での標識提示がドライバの運転行動に与える影響, 生産研究,vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 71-75, 2016.
44.楊波,鄭仁成, 貝塚勉, 中野公彦, 待ち時間を配慮した車内信号による交差点通行支援の評価, 生産研究,vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 61-65, 2016.
45.山下拓也,荒川大輝,タンジェフリートゥチュアン,鄭仁成,須田義大,日比元明,石原敦,瀬川雅也,押し引き型車両操舵システムとスキッドステアの組み合わせの操作性評価, 生産研究,vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 61-65, 2016.
46.蘇東旭,中野公彦, 鄭仁成,進化可能な双安定系を利用した確率共振におけるエナジーハーベスティングの実現可能性,生産研究,vol. 67, no. 4, pp.375-380, 2015.
47.須田義大, 長谷川史彦, 桑原雅夫, 池内克史, 大口敬, 鈴木高宏, 中野公彦, 小野晋太郎, 大石岳史, 山邉茂之, 大野和則, 西澤真裕, 鄭波, 杉町敏之, 鄭仁成, タンジェフリートゥチュアン, 平沢隆之, 原祐輔, 三谷卓摩, エネルギーモビリティマネジメントシステムの研究開発, 生産研究,vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 81-86, 2015.
48.大島大輔, 山田康右, 竹之内篤, 山下浩行, 中野公彦, 鈴木高宏, 小野晋太郎, 平沢隆之, 洪性俊, 杉町敏之, 鄭仁成, 須田義大, 大口敬, 堀口良太, 白石智良, ドライビングシミュレータに対するニーズ及び先進的関連技術に関する調査研究, 生産研究,vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 87-92, 2015.
49.タン ジェフリートゥ チュアン, 鄭仁成, 須田義大, 石原敦, 瀬川雅也, 革新的なステアリングシステム設計における筋電位計測による人間のステアリング操作の研究, 生産研究,vol. 67, no. 2, pp.167-169, 2015.
50.楊波, 中野公彦, 鄭仁成, 尹遠東, ジョリオントナ, ドライビングシミュレータを用いた車内信号による交差点通行支援の効果評価, 生産研究,vol. 67, no. 2, pp.183-188, 2015.
51.尹遠東, 中野公彦,鄭仁成, 山邉茂之, 車内信号に対するドライバの受容性の評価, 生産研究,vol. 67, no. 2, pp.189-194, 2015.
52.高橋樹生, 中野公彦, 鄭仁成, 大堀真敬, 瀬川雅也, 石原敦, 力覚指示と軌道誘導による車線変更支援, 生産研究,vol.67, no. 2, pp.195-198, 2015.
53.ジョリ オントナ, 中野公彦, 鄭仁成, 楊波, 眠気がドライバのステアリングアドミタンスに与える影響, 生産研究,vol. 67, no. 2, pp.199-204, 2015.
54.中村弘毅,中野公彦,鄭仁成,大堀真敬,ステアリングアドミタンス計測による運転者緊張度の推定,生産研究,vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 219-223, 2014.
55.鄭仁成,中野公彦,山邉茂之,須田義大,自動隊列走行形成中のシステム故障における安全性,生産研究,vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 165-167, 2014.
56.鄭仁成,中野公彦,山邉茂之,小木津武樹,加藤晋,青木啓二,須田義大,瀬川雅也,ドライビングシミュレータを用いた協調型アダプティブクルーズコントロール用ヒューマンマシンインターフェースの評価,生産研究,vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 169-173, 2014.
57.石河宏光,中野公彦,鄭仁成,萩田賢司,木平真,横関俊也,高柳幹彦,矢野健一郎,ドライビングシミュレータを用いたナビゲーションシステムの安全性評価,生産研究,vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 89-94, 2014.
58.山邉茂之,鄭仁成,中野公彦,須田義大,トラックドライビングシミュレータを活用した隊列走行時のドライバ行動に関する研究,生産研究,vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 3-7, 2013.
59.中野公彦,朴啓彰,鄭仁成,方芳,大堀真敬,中村弘毅,熊谷靖彦,岡田浩,寺村一彦,中山哲,入交昭典,田岡浩,岡田訓,実車試験による白質病変を持つ高齢者の運転能力の評価,生産研究, vol. 65, no. 2, pp.135-139, 2013.
60.佐久間皓平,中野公彦,鄭仁成,大堀真敬,折原清,坪内 崇,ドライビングシミュレータを用いたトラックドライバのエコドライブ手法解析,生産研究,vol. 65, no. 2, pp.153-157, 2013.
61.鄭仁成,小野晋太郎,洪性俊,中野公彦,山邉茂之,平沢隆之,須田義大,牧野浩志,池内克史,大口敬,道路基盤地図情報を利用したドライビングシミュレータによる道路交通安全対策の事前評価,生産研究,vol. 65, no. 2, pp.159-163, 2013.
62.鄭仁成,山邊茂之,李昇勇,中野公彦,中村弘毅,安藝雅彦,須田義大,ドライビングシュミレータを用いた複数台のトラックの隊列走行実験,生産研究,vol. 64, no. 2, pp.103-106, 2012.
63.山邊茂之,鄭仁成,李昇勇,中野公彦,安藝雅彦,須田義大,自動運転隊列走行時のドライバ挙動を考慮した隊列車間の検討,生産研究,vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 107-110, 2012.
64.李昇勇,中野公彦,安藝雅彦,山邊茂之,鄭仁成,須田義大,自動隊列走行車両のパラメータ固定,生産研究,vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 111-114, 2012.
65.安藝雅彦,鄭仁成,山邊茂之,中野公彦,李昇勇,須田義大,鈴木儀匡,石坂宏幸,佐久間淳,河島宏紀,ドライバの回避行動分析に基づく隊列走行ブレーキシステムと異常時の安全性評価試験,生産研究,vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 115-119, 2012.
66.中村弘毅,中野公彦,方芳,鄭仁成,大堀真敬,運転者緊張度とステアリンググリップ力の相関に関する考察,生産研究,vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 147-150, 2012.
67.方芳,中野公彦,朴啓彰,熊谷靖彦,鄭仁成,中村弘毅,大堀真敬,田岡浩,岡田訓,音声刺激が高齢ドライバの運転行動に与える影響,生産研究,vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 151-155, 2012.
68.鄭仁成,中野公彦,山邊茂之,李昇勇,安藝雅彦,須田義大,模擬自動隊列走行中のドライバの臨場感の評価,生産研究,vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 259-264, 2011.
69.Kimihiko Nakano, Chu Xin, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Effect of haptic guidance control on driving maneuver after transmission of automated to manual driving, ITS World Congress, Montreal, October 29- November 2, 2017.
70.Bo Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Implementation of in-vehicle traffic light with a real car based on vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, ITS World Congress, Montreal, October 29- November 2, 2017.
71.Koichi Sakai, Hidenori Yoshida, Takashi Oguchi, Yoshihiro Suda, Katsushi, Ikeuchi, Kimihiko Nakano, Takshi, Oishi, Shintaro Ono, Takahiro Suzuki, Takayuki Hirasawa, Kentaro Wada, Toshiyuki Sugimachi, Rencheng Zheng, Keisuke Shimono, Proposal on cooperatives ITS for safe and sustainable transportation in Japan, ITS World Congress, Montreal, October 29- November 2, 2017.
72.Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan, Takuya Yamashita, Rencheng Zheng, Yoshihiro Suda, Motoaki Hibi, Atsushi Ishihara, Assisted human powered vehicle with innovative steering system for sustainable urban mobility, The 23th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, AP-TP0621, pp. 1-12, Melbourne, Australia, 10–14 October, 2016.
73.Kimihiko Nakano, Taishi Masui, Keisuke Shimono, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomo Kaizuka, Effect of the in-vehicle traffic sign on driving behavior and gaze movement, The 23th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, AP-TP0416, pp. 1-11, Melbourne, Australia, 10–14 October, 2016.
74.Joly Antonin, Nakano Kimihiko, Zheng Rencheng, Effect of drowsiness on mechanical arm admittance and consequences on driving performances, The 22nd World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Bordeaux, France, No. 2454, pp.1-11, October 5-9, 2015.
75.Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Yuandong Yin, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Evaluation of safety to display information of traffic signals in vehicles, The 22nd World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Bordeaux, France, No. 2190, pp.1-7, October 5-9, 2015.
76.Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Hiromitsu Ishiko, Yuandong Yin, Masanori Ohori, Evaluation of navigation displays by analysis of gaze direction in a driving simulator, The 21th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Detroit, USA, September 7-11, 2014.
77.Hiroki Nakamura, Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Masanori Ohori, Estimation of a driver's stress based on steering admittance measurement, The 20th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Tokyo, Japan, October 14-18, 2013.
78.Shigeyuki Yamabe, Rencheng Zheng, Takeki Ogitsu, Shin Kato, Keiji Aoki, Kimihiko Nakano, Yoshihiro Suda, Masaya Segawa, An applicable evaluation of human machine interface for cooperative adaptive cruise control of trucks using a truck driving simulator system, The 20th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Tokyo, Japan, October 14-18, 2013.
79.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Yoshihiro Suda, Safety evaluation of system failures in formation and separation processes of automatic platooning of trucks, The 20th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Tokyo, Japan, October 14-18, 2013.
80.Rencheng Zheng, Shintaro Ono, Sungjoon Hong, Kimihiko Nakano, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Takayuki Hirasawa, Hiroshi Makino, Yoshihiro Suda, Katsushi Ikeuchi, Takashi Oguchi, Preliminary evaluation of road-traffic safety countermeasures utilizing national digital map in a driving simulator system, The 20th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Tokyo, Japan, October 14-18, 2013.
81.Hiromitsu Ishiko, Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Kenji Hagita, Makoto Kihira, Toshiya Yokozeki, Motohiko Takayanagi, Kenichiro Yano, Evaluation of safety of car navigation systems using a driving simulator, The 20th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Tokyo, Japan, October 14-18, 2013.
82.Masahiko Aki, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Shigeyuki Ymamabe, Seungyong Lee, Yoshihiro Suda,Yoshitada Suzuki, Hiroyuki Ishizaka, Evaluation of safety of automatic platoon driving with improved brake system, The 19th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, October 22-26, 2012.
83.Shigeyuki Yamabe, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Yoshihiro Suda, Takafumi Takada, Sadahiro Kawahara, Analysis on behaviors of a driver in the system failure in forming automatic platooning of trucks from manual driving, The 19th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, October 22-26, 2012.
84.Rencheng Zheng, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Seungyong Lee, Kimihiko Nakano, Hiroki Nakamura, Masahiko Aki, Yoshihiro Suda, Driver’s behaviors of emergent avoidance during automatic platooning by using a driving simulator, The 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Orlando USA, CD-ROM (TS81_3077), October 16-20, 2011.
85.Seungyong Lee, Kimihiko Nakano, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Rencheng Zheng, Masahiko Aki, Yoshihiro Suda, Simulation platform for automatic platooning using a driving simulator, The 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Orlando, USA, CD-ROM (TS133_3149), October 16-20, 2011.
86.Rencheng Zheng, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Kimihiko Nakano, Hiroki Nakamura, Masahiko Aki, Yoshihiro Suda, Bio-signal indices to evaluate driver stress of automatic platooning, The 17th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Busan, Korea, CD-ROM (T_AP00815), October 25-29, 2010.
87.Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Driver-automation shared control: modeling driver behavior by taking account of reliance on haptic guidance steering, 2018 IEEE Conference on Intelligent and Safety for Robotics, Shenyang, China, pp. 93-98, August 24-27, 2018.
88.Han Zhang, Weijun Tao, Jingjing Huang, Rencheng Zheng, Development of an in-building transport robot for autonomous usage of elevators, 2018 IEEE Conference on Intelligent and Safety for Robotics, Shenyang, China, pp. 44-49, August 24-27, 2018.
89.Hongyu Hu, Zhenhai Gao,Yuhuan Sheng, Fei Gao, Rencheng Zheng, Xingtai Mei, Jin Zhang, A biosignal based driving experience analysis for curved road: an initial implementation, 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Suzhou, China, pp. 13-18, June 26-30, 2018.
90.Bo Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Analysis of driver behaviors while using in-vehicle traffic light with partial deployment of V2I communication, 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Suzhou, China, pp. 19-24, June 26-30, 2018.
91.Kaiming Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Xuewu Ji, Yosuke Nishimura, Kazuya Ando, Application of stackelberg game theory for shared steering torque control in lane change maneuver, 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Suzhou, China, pp. 138-143, June 26-30, 2018.
92.Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, Driver-automation shared control: modeling driver behavior by taking account of reliance on haptic guidance steering, 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Suzhou, China, pp. 144-149, June 26-30, 2018.
93.Hongyu Hu, Zheng Zhu, Zhenhai Gao, Rencheng Zheng, Analysis on biosignal characteristics to evaluate road rage of younger drivers: a driving simulator study, 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Suzhou, China, pp. 156-161, June 26-30, 2018.
94.Zheng Wang, Bo Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsuromu Kaizuka, and Kimihiko Nakano, Analysis of driver visual attention when driving with different levels of haptic steering guidance, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE SMC 2017, Banff, Canada, pp. 123-128, Oct. 5-8, 2017.
95.Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Kimihiko Nakano, The effect of haptic guidance on driver steering performance during curve negotiation with limited visual feedback, 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’2017), Los Angeles, USA, 600-605, June 11-13, 2017.
96.Zheng Wang, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Keisuke Shimono, Kimihiko Nakano, Evaluation of driver steering performance with haptic guidance under passive fatigued situation, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 3334-3339, October 9-12, 2016.
97.Joly Antonin, Zheng Rencheng, Nakano Kimihiko, A scaling method for real-time monitoring of mechanical arm admittance, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1551-1556, October 9-12, 2015.
98.Bo Yang, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Application of in-vehicle traffic lights for improvement of driving safety at unsignalized intersections, 2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Seoul, Korea, pp.628-633, June 28~July 1, 2015.
99.Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Hiromitsu Ishiko, Yuandong Yin, Masanori Ohori, Kenji Hagita, Makoto Kihara, Toshiya Yokozeki, Motohiko Takayanagi, Kenichiro Yano, Gaze measurement to evaluate safety in using vehicle navigation systems, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.4030-4035, San Diego, USA, October 5-8, 2014.
100.Joly Antonin, Nakano Kimihiko, Zheng Rencheng, Variations in driver’s mechanical admittance facing distracting tasks, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.1967-1972, San Diego, USA, October 5-8, 2014.
101.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Shin Kato, Takeki Ogitsu, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Keiji Aoki, Yoshihiro Suda, Human-machine interface system for simulation-based automatic platooning of trucks, Proceedings of the 16th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp.535-539, Hague, Netherlands, October 6-9, 2013.
102.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Yuji Okamoto, Masanori Ohori, Shigeyuki Hori, Yoshihiro Suda, Sternocleidomastoid muscle activity in keeping the head stable while slalom driving, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Anchorage, USA, pp. 1664-1669, October 9-12, 2011.
103.Rencheng Zheng, Tao Liu, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, Kun Liu, In vivo estimation of dynamic muscle-tendon moment arm length using a wearable sensor system, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics , Xi’an, China, pp. 647-652, July 2-5, 2008.
104.Kun Liu, Tao Liu, Kyoko Shibata, Yoshio Inoue, Rencheng Zheng, Novel approach for lower segment orientation in gait analysis using triaxial accelerometers, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Xi’an, China, pp. 488-492, July 2-5, 2008.
105.Tao Liu, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, Rencheng zheng, Measurement of human lower limb orientations and ground reaction forces using wearable sensor system, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, pp.1-6, September 4-7, 2007.
106.Tanat Tunanunkul, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, The Influence of Audio Warning Urgency and Situational Urgency on Collision Avoidance Performance, FAST-zero '17, Nara, September 2017.
107.Dixin Wang, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, A Lane Change Assist System Using V2V Communication and the Cooperation Test, FAST-zero '17, Nara, September 2017.
108.Kefei Hu, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Adaptive Vibration Suppression for Image of Head-up Display Relative to the Background, FAST-zero '17, Nara, September 2017.
109.Edric John Nacpil, Rencheng Zheng, Tsutomu Kaizuka and Kimihiko Nakano, Implementation of a sEMG-machine interface for steering a virtual car in a driving simulator, 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, AHFE 2017, Los Angeles, California, USA, p. 1640, July 17-21, 2017.
110.Kimihiko Nakano, Masahiro Seki, Tatsuya Obana, Tsutomu Kaizuka, Rencheng Zheng, Toshiaki Sakurai, Tetsuo Maki, Influence of curve radius on look-ahead distance and its effect on haptic guidance steering controller, 15th ITS Asia Pacific Forum, pp. 209-218, Hong Kong, China, June 26-29, 2017.
111.Qiong Wu, Xilu Zhao, Rencheng Zheng, Experimental study on a tuned-mass damper of offshore for vibration reduction, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 744(1): 012045, pp. 1-9, 2016.
112.K. Nakano, D. Su, R. Zheng, M. Cartmell, On the influence of nonlinearities on vibrational energy transduction under band-limited noise excitations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 744(1): 012078, pp. 1-12, 2016.
113.Y. Zhang, K. Nakano, R. Zheng, M.P. Cartmell, Adjustable nonlinear mechanism system for wideband energy harvesting in rotational circumstances, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 744(1): 012079, pp. 1-9, 2016.
114.M. Kawano, Y. Zhang, R. Zheng, K. Nakano, B. Kim, Design and manufacture of perpendicular bi-stable cantilever for vibrational energy harvesting on the basis of stochastic resonance, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 660, 012126, 2015.
115.Y. Zhang, R. Zheng, T. Kaizuka, D. Su, K. Nakano, Study on Tire-attached Energy Harvester for Low-speed Actual Vehicle Driving, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660, 012126, 2015.
116.Seungyong Lee, Kimihiko Nakano, Masanori Ohori, Rencheng Zheng, Identification of tire cornering stiffness in lane changes using Dual Kalman filter, 24th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD 2015), Graz, Austria, August 17-21, 2015.
117.M. Kawano, Y. Zhang, R. Zheng, K. Nakano, B. Kim, Feasibility of energy harvesting using vertical bi-stable cantilever with tip mass based on stochastic resonance, 2015 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment, WeB-2-1, Kobe, Japan, June 14-17, 2015.
118.Michitaka Kawano, Yunshun Zhang, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, and Beomjoon Kim, Modelling and fabrication of perpendicular bi-stable cantilever for vibrational energy harvesting grounded on stochastic resonance, Micro and Nano Engineering 2015, Hague, Netherlands, 2015.
119.Zheng Rencheng, Hong Sungjoon, Ono Shintaro, Hirasawa Takayuki, Nakano Kinihiko, A Comparison Study of Right-turn Behaviors with Improvement of Signalize, 14th ITS Asia Pacific Forum, Nanjing, China, April 27-29, 2015.
120.Nakano Kimihiko, Zheng Rencheng, Takahashi Tatsuo, Isihiara Atsushi, Recognition Testing for Lane Change Assist by Haptic Guidance, 14th ITS Asia Pacific Forum, Nanjing, China, April 27-29, 2015.
121.Mengda Liu, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Frequency Up-convert Energy Harvester for Automobiles The 4th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics and Control, pp. 99-102, Busan, Korea, May 21-22, 2015.
122.Yunshun Zhang, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew Cartmell, Energy harvesting from vehicle tyre susing stochastic resonance, The 4th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics and Control, pp. 106-109, Busan, Korea, May 21-22, 2015.
123.Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan, Rencheng Zheng, Toshiyuki Sugimachi, Yoshihiro Suda, Atsushi Ishihara, Masaya Segawa, Assisted Human Powered Vehicle with Innovative Steering System, 12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, pp. 1-6, Tokyo, Japan, September, 2014.
124.Yunshun Zhang, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Feasibility of energy harvesting from a rotating tire based on the theory of stochastic resonance, Power MEMS 2014, Hyogo, Japan, Nov. 2014
125.Joly Antonin, Nakano Kimihiko, Zheng Rencheng, Relationship between gripping force and mechanical arm admittance of a driver under perturbations, 12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, pp. 57-62, Tokyo, Fuchu, September 22-26, 2014.
126.Tatsuo Takahashi, Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Masanori Ohori, Hiroki Nakamura, Masaya Segawa, Trajectory analysis by haptic steering accompanying audio navigation, 12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, pp. 47-50, Fuchu, Japan, September 22-26, 2014.
127.Dongxu Su, Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Matthew P. Cartmell, Stiffness tunable nonlinear vibrational energy harvester with damping control, The 12th International Conference on Motion and Vibration, Sapporo, Japan, August, 2014.
128.Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew P Cartmell, Rencheng Zheng, Honggang Hu, Su Dongxu, Enhancing vibration using stochastic resonance in a bi-stable system for energy harvesting, ENOC 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 6-11, 2014.
129.Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew P. Cartmell, Honggang Hu, Rencheng Zheng, Feasibility study on energy harvesting using stochastic resonance, RASD 2013, Pisa, Italy, July 1-3, 2013.
130.Hiroki Nakamura, Kimihiko Nakano, Takafumi Takagi, Fang Fang, Rencheng Zheng, Masanori Ohori, Sadahiro Kawahara, Effectiveness of haptic guidance steering under distracted situations, 23th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD2013), Quingdao, China, Aug.19-23, 2013.
131.Rencheng Zheng, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Kimihiko Nakano, Toshiyuki Sugimachi, Yoshihiro Suda, Takeshi Watanabe, Shirou Nakano, Lateral control for automatic platooning of trucks on a truck driving simulator, 23th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD2013), Quingdao, China, Aug.19-23, 2013.
132.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, YonggeunYi, Masanori Ohori, Yoshihiro Suda, A novel automatic transport system using personal mobility vehicles, The 3rd Japan-Korea International Joint Symposium on Dynamics& Control, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.33-36, August 27-28, 2013.
133.Hiroki Nakamura, Kimihiko Nakano, Rencheng Zheng, Tatsuo Takahashi, Masanori Ohori, Takahumi Takagi, Shiro Nakano, Evaluation of driving performance with haptic guidance steering under distracted situation, Second International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Toward Zero-Traffic-Accident, Nagoya, Japan, September 22-26, 2013.
134.Dongxu Su, Kimihiko Nakano, Honggang Hu, Matthew P Cartmell, Masanori Ohori, Rencheng Zheng, Further application of stochastic resonance for energy harvesting, ASME Dynamic Systems and control conference, Stanford, USA, October 21-23, 2013.
135.Honggang Hu, Kimihiko Nakano, Matthew P.Cartmell, Rencheng Zheng, Masanori Ohori, An experimental study of stochastic resonance in a bistable mechanical system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 382 (2012) 012024; Proc. of Modern Practicein Stress and Vibration Analysis 2012 (MPSVA), 2012.
136.Kimihiko Nakano, Daiki Nakamori, Masanori Ohori, Rencheng Zheng, Yoshihiro Suda, Evaluation of stability of a two-wheeled inverted pendulum vehicle using rider-vehicle modeling, ASME 5th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference & JSME 11th Motion and Vibration Conference (DSCC-MOVIC2012), Florida, USA, Oct 17-19, 2012.
137.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Seungyong Lee, Masahiko Aki, Yoshihiro Suda, Bio-signal indices to evaluate driver’s sense of presence by simulated driving experiments, Proceedings of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2011), Brussels, Belgium, CD-ROM (669), July 3-7, 2011.
138.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Masanori Ohori, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Hiroki Nakamura, Yoshihiro Suda, Electromyography signal of masseter muscle to evaluate driver stress intensity, The 2nd International Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics and Control, Busan, Korea, pp. 73-76, May 25-27, 2011.
139.Seungyong Lee, Kimihiko Nakano, Shigeyuki Yamabe, Rencheng Zheng, Masahiko Aki, Yoshihiro Suda, Driver-vehicle-traffic environment for simulated automatic platooning, The 2nd International Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics and Control, Busan, Korea, pp. 149-151, May 25-27, 2011.
140.Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, A Novel Position Control Strategy Based on Electrical Energy Comsumption Analysis, Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Tokyo, Japan, CD-ROM (1B21), August 17-20, 2010.
141.Shigeyuki Yamabe, Rencheng Zheng, Kimihiko Nakano, Yoshihiro Suda, Muscle Fatigue Comparison of Eco-driving and Normal Driving, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Tokyo, Japan, CD-ROM (2C25), August 17-20, 2010.
142.Rencheng Zheng, Yoshio Inoue, Kimihiko Nakano, Estimation of dynamic muscular moment arm length of lower limb, Proceedings of 5th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Kyoto, Japan, CD-ROM (58398), August 23-26, 2010.
143.Rencheng Zheng, Tao Liu, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, Kun Liu, Linear-weight-sum method to estimate muscle force based on multiple musculoskeletal model, 4th Asian Conference of Multibody Dynamics, Jeju, Korea, pp. 838-845, August 20-23, 2008.
144.Rencheng Zheng, Tao Liu, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, Calculation of joint moment using wearable sensor systems, 3rd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 192. No. S192, November 5-8, 2007.
145.Rencheng Zheng, Tao Liu, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, Estimation of muscle force during gait using wearable sensor systems, Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Japan, CD-ROM (PA-18) , December 6-8, 2007.
146.中野公彦,関正寛,貝塚勉,鄭仁成,櫻井俊彰,槇徹雄 ,曲線路走行中の前方注視距離に基づく力覚支援操舵,自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集,pp.2677-2682, 2017.
147.中野公彦, 褚鑫,鄭仁成,貝塚勉,力覚操舵支援が自動運転から手動運転への切り替え時に運転操作に与える影響,自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集, pp. 1-4,2016.
149.楊波, 鄭仁成, 霜野慧亮, 中野公彦,車内での信号提示による運転支援法の評価, 自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集, No. **, pp. 415-418, 2015-5.
170.関 正寛,貝塚勉,鄭仁成,櫻井俊彰,槇徹雄,中野公彦, 曲線半径が前方注視距離に与える影響の評価, 第25回交通?物流部門大会, 2016.
171.岩渕拓哉,貝塚勉,鄭仁成,櫻井俊彰,槇徹雄,中野 公彦, 路面反力トルク提示量が運転挙動に与える影響, 第25回 交通?物流部門大会, 2016.
175.張云順,中野公彦,鄭仁成,蘇東旭,低速走行中の車両タイヤ振動におけるエネルギーハーベスティングのモデル解析,Dynamics and Design Conference 2015,No.15-7,2015-08.
176.木平真, 萩田賢司, 横関俊也, 鄭仁成,石河宏光, 中野公彦, スマートフォンによる経路誘導が運転に及ぼす影響の検討, 第35回交通工学研究発表会,pp. 1-4,Tokyo,2015-8.
190.杉町敏之,小野晋太郎,鄭仁成,タン?ジェフリー?トゥ?チュアン,平沢隆之,中野公彦,須田義大,山邊茂之,平時および災害時の先進モビリティにおける人間行動解析システムの研究開発,日本機械学会第22回交通?物流部門大会講演論文集,No.13-63, pp.275-276,2013-12.
191.髙橋樹生,中野公彦,鄭仁成,大堀真敬,中村弘毅,瀬川雅也,力覚操舵制御による進路誘導,日本機械学会第22回交通?物流部門大会講演論文集,No.13-63, pp.277-280,2013-12.
192.石河宏光,中野公彦,鄭仁成,萩田賢司,木平真,横関俊也,ドライビングシュミレータによる車内での情報提示方法の安全性評価,日本機械学会第22回交通?物流部門大会講演論文集,No.13-63, pp.281-284,2013-12.
195.中野公彦,中森大樹,鄭仁成,大堀真敬,須田義大,人間の動きを考慮した倒立振子型パーソナルモビリティビーグルの安定性解析,日本機械学会 Dynamic and Design Conference 2012 USB論文集, No.12-12,2012-09.
196.胡紅鋼,中野公彦,鄭仁成,マシューカートメル,大堀真敬,双安定非線形機械振動系における確率共振,日本機械学会 Dynamic and Design Conference 2012 USB論文集,No.12-12,2012-09.
217.鄭仁成,山邊茂之,中野公彦,大堀真敬,安藝雅彦,須田義大,隊列走行中のドライバのストレス評価,日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演論文集,Vol.7, No.10-1,名古屋,pp.415-416,2010-09.
218.山邊茂之,鄭仁成,中野公彦,安藝雅彦,須田義大,エコドライブ運転に伴うアクセル操作がもたらす下肢筋疲労分析,日本機械学会2010年度年次大会講演論文集,Vol.7,No.10-1,名古屋,pp. 413-414,2010-09.
219.山邊茂之,鄭仁成,中野公彦,安藝雅彦,須田義大,ドライビングシュミレータを用いたエコドライブ教示と燃費計がドライバに与える影響,第19回交通?物流部門大会講演論文集,No. 10-54,論文No. 2108,pp. 355-358,神奈川県川崎市,2010-12.
220.岡本裕司,中野公彦,大堀真敬,須田義大,堀重之,鄭仁成,山口大助,自動車乗車時を模擬した振動に対する胸鎖乳突筋筋電位の応答,第19回交通?物流部門大会講演論文集,No. 10-54,論文No.3104,pp.269-272,神奈川県川崎市,2010-12.
221.鄭仁成,芝田京子,井上喜雄,中野公彦,大堀真敬,人体測定による下肢筋肉のモーメントアーム長の推定,日本機械学会福祉工学シンポジウム2009講演論文集,No. 09-31,pp. 98-100,2009-9.
鄭仁成,中野公彦,電動モータによる位置制御時の消費エネルギー解析, 第52回自動制御連合講演会,No. D4-1,2009-11.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-08
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