

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-08

姓名: 赵明
性别: 男
职称: 硕士生导师/预聘教师
职务: 专业: 流体力学
所在机构: 天津大学机械工程学院力学系 个人主页:
邮箱: ming.zhao@tju.edu.cn 办公地点:
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: ?2007.8 ~ 2012.6北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院攻读博士学位专业:飞行器设计
?2003.9 ~ 2007.7北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院攻读学士学位专业:飞行器设计与工程

主要学术经历: ?2018.4至今天津大学机械工程学院力学系

主要研究方向: 计算流体力学数值方法、流动控制方法、涡动力学


主要学术兼职: 国际期刊Renewable Energy、Journal of Propulsion and Power、Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy和Science China审稿人;ASME member


主要科研项目: ?2013年作为主要完成人参加国家自然科学基金《叶轮机械流动转捩与分离控制研究》的研究工作;

代表性论著: ?SCI期刊论文
(1)Yihua Cao*, Ming Zhao, and Li Hu. Numerical Simulation of Rotor-Fuselage-Cylinder Interaction in Forward Flight, Journal of Aircraft, 47(4):1426-1430, 2010.(SCI检索)
(2)Yihua Cao, Ming Zhao*. Numerical Simulation of Rotor Flow Field Based on Several Spatial Discretization Schemes, Journal of Aircraft, 49(5):1535-1539, 2012. (SCI检索)
(3)Ming Zhao* and Yihua Cao. Numerical Simulation of Rotor Flow Field Based on Overset Grids and Several Spatial and Temporal Discretization Schemes, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 25:155-163, 2012. (SCI检索)
(4)Ming Zhao, Zhixiang Xiao, and Song Fu*.Predictions of Transition on a Hovering Tilt-Rotor Blade, Journal of Aircraft, 51(6):1904-1913, 2014.(SCI检索)
(5)Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang* and Jianzhong Xu. Numerical Simulation of Flow Characteristics behind the Aerodynamic Performances on an Airfoil with Leading Edge Protuberances, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 11(1): 193-209,2017. (SCI检索)
(6)Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang* and Jianzhong Xu. Analysis of Flow Transition Effects on the Performances of A Wind Power Heat Pump System, Applied Thermal Engineering, 123: 1318-1326, 2017. (SCI检索)
(7)Mingming Zhang, Ming Zhao* and Jianzhong Xu. Vortex Dynamic Analysis of Flow Physics behind the Effect of Leading-edge Protuberances on the Airfoil Aerodynamic Performance, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow (已录用,SCI检索)

(1)赵明*,曹义华. 基于嵌套网格技术和多种空间离散格式的旋翼流场数值模拟. 南京航空航天大学学报,43(3):335-340, 2011.(EI检索)
(2)赵明*,张明明,徐建中. 基于IDDES方法的仿生翼型双周期现象机理研究. 工程热物理学报(已录用,EI检索)
(3)赵明*,张明明,徐建中. 凹凸前缘翼型流场特性的涡动力学分析. 工程热物理学报(已录用,EI检索)
(4)Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang* and Jianzhong Xu. Numerical Study of Flow Physics behind the Aerodynamic Performance on an Airfoil with Leading Edge Tubercles, Journal of Physics (EI检索)
(5)胡利*,曹义华,赵明. 直升机旋翼机身发动机耦合流场数值模拟. 航空动力学报,23(10): 1882-1887, 2008. (EI检索)
(6)Muhammad Afzal*, Cao Yihua, and Zhao Ming. Effect of Turbulence Models on Simulated Iced Aircraft Airfoil, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 80:1140-1147, 2011.(EI检索)
(7)Ismail M.*, Yihua C., Ming Z., and Bakar A. Numerical Study of Airfoils Aerodynamic Performance in Heavy Rain Environment, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 67:1053-1060, 2012. (EI检索)
(8)钟国*,曹义华,赵明. 直升机旋翼积冰的数值模拟. 北京航空航天大学学报, 38(3):330-339, 2012. (EI检索)

(1)胡利,赵明,马超. 直升机旋翼机身流动特性数值模拟,直升机技术,3:41-47,2008.

(1)Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang and Jianzhong Xu. Numerical simulation of wind turbine airfoil flow field based on an IDDES method, North American Wind Energy Academy, Iowa State University, 2017.
(2)Mingming Zhang, Ming Zhao and Jianzhong Xu. Numerical Flow Analysis of Azimuth Dependent Smart Rotor Control, North American Wind Energy Academy, Iowa State University, 2017.
(3)赵明*,张明明,张一楠,徐建中. 风电叶片仿鲸鱼鳍翼型气动性能研究. 工程热物理学会年会,镇江,2017.
(4)赵明*,张明明,徐建中. 5MW智能风电叶片的流动控制机理研究. 工程热物理学会年会,镇江,2017.
(5)Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang* and Jianzhong Xu. An IDDES Method based on a Transition Model and Its Applications in Wind Turbine Airfoil Flow Field Simulation, 6thAsia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, Guangzhou, China, 2016.
(6)赵明*,张明明,徐建中. 凹凸前缘翼型流场特性的涡动力学分析. 工程热物理学会年会,无锡,2016.
(7)Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang* and Jianzhong Xu..Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Leading-Edge Protuberances on Airfoil Stall Performance, TORQUE, Germany, 2016.(EI检索)
(8)Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang* and Jianzhong Xu. Numerical Analysis of Effects of Leading-edge Protuberances at Low Reynolds Number, EWEA, France, 2015.(EI检索)
(9)Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang*and Jianzhong Xu. Numerical Study of Flow Physics behind the Aerodynamic Performance on an Airfoil with Leading Edge Tubercles, ASME-IMECE2016-68107, USA, 2016.(EI检索)
(10)赵明*,张明明,徐建中. 基于IDDES方法的仿生翼型双周期现象机理研究. 工程热物理学会年会,厦门,2015.
(11)Ming Zhao, Zhixiang Xiao, and Song Fu*. Predictions of Transition on a Hovering Tilt-Rotor Blade, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2014: 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting.(EI检索)
(12)Zhongda Xu*, Yihua Cao and Ming Zhao. Parameter Identification of Tailplane Iced Aircraft Based on Maximum Likelihood Method. International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan, China, 2012.(EI检索)
(13)Yihua Cao, Ming Zhao*, and Li Hu. Numerical Simulation of Rotor-Fuselage-Engine Interaction in Forward Flight, the 3rd International Basic Research Conference on Rotorcraft Technology, 283-289, Nanjing, China, October 14-16, 2009.

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