

天津大学 免费考研网/2016-02-03


王娟,女,1984年1月生,博士,天津大学药物科学与技术学院 讲师

   E-mail: drwangjuan@163.com


  2012.10至今 天津大学 药物科学与技术学院 讲师

   2009.9-2012.6 天津大学 药物科学与技术学院 应用化学 工学博士

   2006.9-2009.6 天津中医药大学 中药学院 中药学 医学硕士




? 天津大学自主创新基金“西洋参不定根培养生产活性成分的研究”(编号:2013XQ-0046)


? 国家科技支撑计划子课题“三七组织培养生产活性成分的研究”(编号:2012BAI29B02)

? 中央本级重大增减支项目子课题“乌头等7种濒危中药材的稳定细胞系建立与维护”(编号:**)

? 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目“大规模培养人参、西洋参生物技术及次生代谢调控研究”(编号:2006BAI06A16-02)

? 天津市科技支撑计划重点项目“甘草细胞工业化培养与产品研究”(编号:09ZCKFSH01100)。


[1]   J Wang, SL Man, WY Gao*, LM Zhang, LQ Huang (2013) Cluster analysis of ginseng tissue cultures, dynamic change of growth, total saponins, specific oxygen uptake rate in bioreactor and immuno-regulative effect of ginseng adventitious root. Industrial crops and products 41:57-63

[2]   J Wang, J Zhang, WY Gao*, Q Wang, SS Yin, H Liu, SL Man (2013) Identification of triterpenoids and flavonoids, step-wise aeration treatment as well as antioxidant capacity of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. cell. Industrial crops and products 49: 675? 681

[3]   J Wang, WY Gao*, LM Zhang, LQ Huang (2013) Establishment and Quality Assessment of Tissue Cultures in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. 169:588?594

[4]   J Wang, WY Gao*, SL Man, LM Zhang, LQ Huang (2013). Comparison of ginsenoside composition in native roots and cultured callus cells of Panax quinquefolium L. Acta Physiol Plant. 35:1363?1366

[5]   J Wang, WY Gao*, BM Zuo, LM Zhang, LQ Huang (2013) Effect of methyl jasmonate on the ginsenoside content of Panax ginseng adventitious root cultures and on the genes involved in triterpene biosynthesis. Research on chemical intermediates. 39:1973?1980

[6]   J Wang, WY Gao*, J Zhang, BM Zuo, LM Zhang, LQ Huang (2012). Advances in Study of Ginsenoside Biosynthesis Pathway in Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. Acta Physiol Plant 34: 397-403 

[7]   J Wang, WY Gao*, BM Zuo, H Liu, LM Zhang, LQ Huang (2012) Gradually scale-up culture in a bioreactor promotes radical scavenging activity of Panax ginseng (C. A. Meyer) adventitious roots on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl. Plant growth regulation 67:101-105 

[8]   J Wang, WY Gao*, J Zhang, BM Zuo, LM Zhang, LQ Huang (2012) Production of ginsenoside and polysaccharide by two-stage cultivation of Panax quinquefolium L. cells. In vitro C&D biology 48:107?112  

[9]   J Wang, WY Gao*, J Zhang, T Huang, TT Wen, LM Zhang, LQ Huang (2011) Production of saponions and polysaccharide in the presence of lactoalbumin hydrolysate in Panax quinquefolium L.cells cultures. Plant Growth Regul 63:217?223  

[10] J Wang, WY Gao*, J Zhang, T Huang, TT Wen, LQ Huang (2011) Combination effect of lactoalbumin hydrolysate and methyl jasmonate on ginsenoside and polysaccharide production in Panax quinquefolium L. cells cultures. Acta Physiol Plant 33: 861?866  

[11] J Wang, WY Gao*, J Zhang, T Huang, Y Cao, YX Zhao (2010) Dynamic change of metabolites and nutrients in suspension cells of Panax Quinquefolium L. in bioreactor. Acta Physiol Plant 32:463?467 

[12] J Wang, WY Gao*,Q Wang, SL Man, LM Zhang. Influence of step-wise aeration treatment on biomass and bioactive compounds of Panax ginseng adventitious root in balloon-type bubble bioreactor. Res Chem Intermed. DOI 10.1007/s11164-013-1215-z

[13] SL Man, J Wang, WY Gao*, SB Guo, YY Li, LM Zhang, PG Xiao (2013) Chemical analysis and anti-inflammatory comparison of the cell culture of Glycyrrhiza with its field cultivated variety. Food Chemistry 136: 513?517

[14] J Zhang, WY Gao*, J Wang, XL Li (2012) Effects of sucrose concentration and exogenous hormones on growth and periplocin accumulation in adventitious roots of Periploca sepium Bunge Acta Physiol Plant 34:1345?1351

[15] J Zhang, WY Gao*, J Wang, XL Li (2011) Effects of explant types and media salt strength on growth and secondary metabolite accumulation in adventitious roots of Periploca sepium Bunge. Acta Physiol Plant 33:2447?2452

[16] T Huang, WY Gao*, J Wang, Y Cao, YX Zhao, LQ Huang, CX Liu (2010) Selection and optimization of a high-producing tissue culture of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer Acta Physiol Plant 32:765?772

[17] T Huang, WY Gao*, J Wang, YX Zhao, LQ Huang, CX Liu (2010) Cultivation and quality assessment of tissue cultures in Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. Minerva Biotechnologica 22(2): 39-45

[18] X Li, WY Gao*, J Wang, QQ Jiang, LQ Huang (2010) Comparison of the morphological, crystalline, and thermal properties of different crystalline types of starches after acid hydrolysis. STARCH-STARKE 62 (12): 686-696


[1]  高文远, 黄滔, 王娟. 人参不定根组织培养方法. 申请号:**9.6

[2]  高文远, 卞爱华, 王娟, 曹宇. 甘草细胞产业化的培养方法. 申请号:**4.4

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