

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-26

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日:1979 年 3 月



最高学历:工学博士 毕业学校:中国科学院研究生院手 机:**258 Email: perfect_chn@hotmail.com 常用通讯地址:天津市西青区宾水西道 399 号 (300387)

k 主 要 研 究 领 域

² 智能计算及其应用 生物启发式计算

²物联网技术与应用 电力系统优化 产品优化设计

²物流与供应链管理 生产计划与控制

²复杂系统建模与计算 生物信息学

² 印制电子 3D 打印技术

k 教育经历及工作经历

² 2014.11— 天津工业大学计算机科学与软件学院教授、博导

² 2009.01—2014.10 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所历任助理研究员、副研究员、


² 2005.09—2008.12 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所机械电子工程专业攻读博士

² 2002.09—2005.07 燕山大学计算机软件与理论专业攻读硕士

² 1998.09—2002.07 燕山大学机械工程及其自动化专业攻读学士


² 2012 年1 月,基于生物行为的 RFID 系统优化模型与算法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(**),项目主持人 (在研)

² 2012 年 1 月,基于智能终端的互动社区服务平台与应用示范,国家科技支撑计划项目

(2012BAH15F05),项目主持人 在研

²2012 年 1 月,中国科学院创新促进会人才基金(Y2A**),项目主持人(在研

²2012 年 6 月,乐从家具商贸产业全程电子商务服务平台建设,佛山市院市合作项目

(2012HY100643),项目主持人 (在研)

² 2012 年6 月,基于物联网的家具商贸综合服务平台研发与应用示范,佛山市院市合作项目(2012HY100523),项目主持人 (在研)

² 2011 年 4 月,面向中小企业的云制造服务平台研发及应用,国家 863 计划课题


²2009 年 3 月,基于 RFID 的南通蕾丝妮针织服饰有限公司生产管理系统,企业委托课题


² 2012 年1 月,基于细菌行为模式的复杂系统建模与优化方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(**),第二负责人在研

² 2011 年 10 月,面向乐从家具商贸的物联网服务平台建设,佛山市科技发展专项资金


² 2011 年 6 月,乐从家具物联网服务平台建设,佛山市院市合作项目(2011BY100383), 核心参与人员结题)

² 2009 年 6 月,RFID 标签动态信息实时管理软件的研究与开发(国家 863 项目,


²2007 年 12 月,面向 RFID 的信息集成管理技术研究与开发,国家 863 计划课题


² 2006 年9 月,复杂生产制造过程实时、智能控制与优化理论和方法研究,973 国家重大基础研究项目(2002CB312200),核心参与人员结题

k 发 表 论 文


[1] 生物启发计算—个体 群体 群落演化模型与方法. 朱云龙, 陈瀚宁, 清华大学出版社, 2013 年(ISBN 978-7-302-31908-5).


[1]Chen, H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), Zhu Y.L.et al., Bacterial colony foraging for multi-mode product colour planning,International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2015.(Accepted, SCI IF=3.969)

[2]Ma, L.B., Zhu, Y.L., Hu, K.Y., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), A hybrid artificial bee colonyoptimizer by combining with life-cycle, Powell's search and crossover, AppliedMathematics and Computation, 2015, 252: 133-154, (SCI IF=1.551).

[3]Jing S.K, Ma L.B., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁, 通信作者), A restructured artificial bee colonyoptimizer combining life-cycle, local search and crossover operations fordroplet property prediction in printable electronics fabrication, Journal ofIntelligent Manufacturing, 27 May 2015, pp 1-26, (SCI, IF = 1.731).

[4]He M.W. , Sun L.L., Hu K.Y., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁, 通信作者), Analysis of DoD inkjet printhead performance forprintable electronics fabrication using dynamic lumped element modeling andswarm intelligence based optimal prediction, Journal Central South University.(2015) 22: 3925−3934, (SCI, IF = 0.551).

[5]Chen, H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), Zhu,Y.L. et al. Bacterial Colony Foraging Algorithm: Combining Chemotaxis,Cell-to-cell Communication, and Self-adaptive Strategy, Information Sciences,2014,273: 73-10, (SCI, IF = 3.242).

[6]Chen H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), Zhu Y.L.et al., Multi-Hive Bee Foraging Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimal PowerFlow Considering the Cost, Loss, and Emission, International Journal ofElectrical Power & Energy Systems, 2014, 60: 203-220, (SCI, IF = 3.432).

[7]Chen H.N.(陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L. et al. Multi-colony bacteria foraging optimization with cell-to-cell communication for RFID network planning,Applied Soft Computing, 2010, 10(2): 539-547, (SCI, IF = 2.810).

[8]Chen H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), *Niu, B; Ma, L.B.; Su, W.X.; Zhu, Y.L., Bacterial colonyforaging optimization, Neurocomputing, 2014,137: 268–284, (SCI, IF = 2.083).

[9]Ma, L.B.; Zhu, Y.L.; Hu, K.Y.; *Chen, H.N. (陈瀚宁, 通信作者), Cooperative artificial bee colony algorithm for multi-objectiveRFID network planning, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2014, 42:143–162, (SCI, IF = 2.229).

[10][8] Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L. etal., Multiobjective RFID Network Optimization Using Multiobjective Evolutionary and Swarm IntelligenceApproaches, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 2014: 1–13, (SCI: 608CH, IF=1.383).

[11]Chen H.N. ( 陈瀚宁 ), Zhu Y.L. et al. Bacterial ColonyForaging Optimization.

Neurocomputing. Aug 2012. ( SCI IF=1.58)

[12]Chen H.N.(陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L. A Discrete Multi-swarm Optimizer for RFIDNetwork Scheduling. Journal ofCentral South University. Aug 2012. ( SCI IF=0.564)

[13]Liu W., Niu B., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁, 通讯作者) Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Reader Collision Problem inRFID Network. Journal of Computationaland Theoretical Nanoscience. 2013, 10(12). ( SCI IF= 0.912)

[14]Liu W., Niu B., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁, 通讯作者) Robot Path Planning Using aSelf-adaptive Bacterial Foraging Algorithm. Journalof Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2013, 10(12). (SCI IF= 0.912)

[15]Chen H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), Zhu Y.L.Bacterial Colony Foraging Model: combing chemotaxis, Cell-to-cellCommunication, and Self-adaptive strategy. Journalof Investigative Medicine. 2013, 61(4): S9-S9. ( SCI: 151RJ, IF=1.964)

[16]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L. A LifecycleModel for SimulatingBacterial Colony Evolution. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2013,61(4): S25-S25. ( SCI: 151RJ, IF=1.964)

[17]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L. Bio-inspiredAlgorithm for Optimal Dynamic Deployment of RFID Reader Networks. ElectronicsWorld. 2013, 119(1921): 36-39. ( SCI:074WU, IF=0.013 封面发表)

[18]Ma L.B., Hu K.Y., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁, 通讯作者) Computational Evolutionof

SocialBehavior in Bacterial Colony Optimization Model. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2013, 7(Special Edition):487-493. ( SCI IF=0.065)

[19]Chen H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y., Ding M, Su, W.X. A Novel Bacterial Foraging

AlgorithmFor Multi-working Mode Product Color Planning. Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal. 2012,15(1): 123-130. ( SCI: 912OO, IF=0.358)

[20]Yan X.H., Zhu Y.L., Zhang H., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Niu B. An Adaptive BacterialForaging

OptimizationAlgorithm with Lifecycle and Social Learning. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2012, Article ID 409478,20 pages. (SCI: 043VE IF=1.577)

[21]Shao Y.C., Yao X.J., Tian L.W., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁, 通讯作者) A Multiswarm

Optimizer for Distributed Decision Making in VirtualEnterprise Risk Management. DiscreteDynamics in Nature and Society. 2012, Article ID 904815, 24 pages. (SCI: 954NJ, IF=1.577)

[22]Chen H.N. ( 陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y., Ku T. RFID networkplanning using a

multi-swarmoptimizer. Journal of Network andComputer Applications. 2011, 34(3): 888-901. ( SCI: 745BB, IF=1.467) (引用15 次,GoogleScholar)

[23]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. Adaptive BacterialForaging Optimization.

Abstract and Applied Analysis. 2011,Article ID 108269, 27 pages. ( SCI:867BN, IF=2.221) (引用11 次,GoogleScholar)

[24]Zou W.P., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhang B.W. SolvingMultiobjective Optimization

ProblemsUsing Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. DiscreteDynamics in Nature and Society. 2012, Article ID 409478, 20 pages. (SCI: 867DW IF=1.577) (引用 5 次,GoogleScholar)

[25]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. Discreteand Continuous Optimization based on

Multi-swarm Coevolution. Natural Computing. 2010, 9(3): 659-682.( SCI: 639AH) (引用 8

次,Google Scholar)

[26]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. Multi-colony bacteriaforaging optimization with cell-to-cell communication for RFIDnetwork planning. Applied Soft Computing.2010, 10(2): 539-547. (SCI: 525HT IF=2.140) (引用 40 次,Google Scholar)

[27]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. Hierarchical Swarm Model: A New Approachto

Optimization.Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.2010, Article ID 379649, 30 pages. ( SCI:602NV, IF=1.577) (引用 9 次,GoogleScholar)

[28]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. Virtual EnterpriseRisk Management Using

ArtificialIntelligence. Mathematical Problems inEngineering. 2010, Article ID 572404, 20 pages. ( SCI: 608CA, IF=1.383)

[29]Ding M., Sun W., Chen H.N. (陈 瀚 宁 ). Multi-Working ModesProduct-Color Planning

Based onEvolutionary Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2010, Article ID 871301, 15pages. ( SCI: 608CH, IF=1.383)

[30]Zou W.P., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Sui X. A Clustering Approach Using Cooperative

ArtificialBee Colony Algorithm. Discrete Dynamicsin Nature and Society. 2010, Article ID 459796, 16 pages. (SCI: 698LE, IF=1.577) (引用 17 次,GoogleScholar)

[31]Chen H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. Cooperative Bacterial Foraging Optimization.

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2009, Article ID 815247,17 pages. ( SCI: 517ZD,

IF=1.577) (引用 33 次,Google Scholar)

[32]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L. Optimization based on Symbiotic Multi-species Coevolution.

Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2008, 205(1): 47-60. (SCI: 367XM IF=1.349) (引用

22 次,Google Scholar)

[33]Yan X.H., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. ( 陈瀚宁), Zhang H. Improved bacterialforaging optimization with social cooperation and adaptive step size. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2012,7389: 634-640. (EI: **376063)

[34]Gu Q.W., Yin K., Niu B., ChenH.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ) RFID networks planningusing BF-PSO.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2012, 7390: 181-188. (EI: **354301)

[35]Liu W., Niu, B., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁) Binary artificial bee colony algorithmfor solving 0-1 knapsack problem. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences. 2012, 4(22):464-470. (EI: **835488)

[36]Liu W., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁) BABC: A binary version of artificial bee colony algorithmfor discrete optimization. InternationalJournal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012, 4(14): 307-314. (EI: **422364)

[37]Zhang H., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁) Root growth model for simulation of plant root

system and numerical function optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2012,7389: 641-648. (EI: **376064)

[38]Liu W., ZhuY.L, Niu, B., Chen H.N. ( 陈瀚 宁 ) Optimization Based on Bacterial Colony Foraging. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2012, 304:489-494. (EI: **354521)

[39]Liu W., Niu, B., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁) RFID network scheduling using a discretemulti-swarm optimizer. Advances in Information Sciences and ServiceSciences. 2012, 4(22):429-437.

EI: **835484)

[40]Zou W.P., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. ( 陈瀚 宁 ), Shen H. A novel multi-objective optimization algorithm based onartificial bee colony. Proceedings of2011Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'11. 2011,103-104. (EI: **262688)

[41]Zou W.P., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. ( 陈瀚 宁 ), Ku T. Clustering Approach Based On Von Neumann Topology Artificial BeeColony Algorithm. Proceedings of 2011International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN'11. 2011. (EI)

[42]Zou W.P., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Shen H. Artificial Bee Colony AlgorithmBased

On VonNeumann Topology Structure. Proceedingsof 2010 3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering,ICCEE'10. 2010. (EI)

[43]Zou W.P., Zhu Y.L., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Z. Cooperative approaches to artificial bee

colonyalgorithm. Proceedings of 2010International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, ICCASM'10.2010, 9: 944-948. (EI:**453120)

[44]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. Cooperative bacterial foraging algorithm for global

optimization.Proceedings of 2009 Chinese Control andDecision Conference, CCDC'09. 2009, 3896-3901. (EI: **479734)

[45]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. RFID Networks PlanningUsing a Multi-swarm

Optimizer. Proceedings of 2009 Chinese Control andDecision Conference, CCDC'09. 2009, 3548-3552. (EI: **469749)

[46]Ku T., Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁). A Novel DynamicService Architecture for

RFID andWSNs Applications. Proceedings of the 7thWorld Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA'08. 2008,3275-3278. (EI: **599895)

[47]Zhang D.Y., Zhu Y.L.,Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁). An Algorithm for Deployment of RFID

Readers in EPC Network. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on WirelessCommunications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM'08. 2008. (EI: **835720)

[48]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y., Ku T. Global Optimization Based on Hierarchical

Coevolution Model. Proceedingsof 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC‘08. 2008, 1497-1504.(EI: **709862)

[49]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y., Ku T. PS2O: A Multi-Swarm Optimizerfor

DiscreteOptimization. Proceedings of the 7thWorld Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA'08. 2008,587-592. (EI: **599457)

[50]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L. P RFID Networks Planning Using Evolutionary Algorithms

and Swarm Intelligence. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on WirelessCommunications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM'08. 2008. (EI: **833566)

[51]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu Y.L., Hu K.Y. Self-Adaptation in BacterialForaging Optimization

Algorithm.Proceedings of 2008 3rd InternationalConference on Intelligent System and

Knowledge Engineering, ISKE‘08. 2008, 1026-1031. (EI: **922469)

[52]Chen H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), ZhuY.L., Hu K.Y., He X.X., Niu B. Cooperative Approaches to Bacterial ForagingOptimization. Lecture Notes in ComputerScience. 2008, 5227: 541-548. (EI: **631540)

[53]Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁), Zhu, Y.L., Hu, K.Y., Niu, B. Application of a Multi-Species Optimizer in UbiquitousComputing for RFID Networks Scheduling. Proceedingsof 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation. 2007, 420-425. ( EI:**6604)

[54]Yan X.H., Zhu Y.L., Wu J.W., Chen H.N. (陈瀚宁). An Improved Firefly Algorithmwith Adaptive Strategies. AdvancedScience Letters. 2012, 16(1): 249-254.

[55]Chen H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), ZhuY.L., Hu K.Y., Ku T. Dynamic RFID Network Optimization Using a Self-adaptiveBacterial Foraging Algorithm. 2011, 7(11).

[56]Chen H.N. ( 陈 瀚 宁 ), Zhu,Y.L., Hu, K.Y., Niu, B. RFID Middleware Design: Optimal Scheduling for Networksof RFID Reader Based on Swarm Intelligence. Proceedingsof RFID Academic Convocation III. 2007.


² IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 常年评审专家

²IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 常年评审专家

² IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 常年评审专家

² IEEE Transactions onSystems, Man, and Cybernetics 常年评审专家

² Soft Computing 常年评审专家

²Applied Mathematics and Computation 常年评审专家

² Swarm Intelligence 常年评审专家

² Neurocomputing 常年评审专家

² ISA Transactions 常年评审专家

²Journal of the Franklin Institute 常年评审专家

² Journal of Network and ComputerApplications 常年评审专家

² 控制理论与应用 常年评审专家

² 信息与控制 常年评审专家

²系统工程理论与实践 常年评审专家

² 系统工程与电子技术 常年评审专家

²系统工程学报 常年评审专家

k 获奖及荣誉情况

² 2013 年 4 月获辽宁省“省级科学技术研究成果

² 2013 年 1 月获中科院沈阳自动化研究所“创新 2020 冠名奖-前沿研究奖”

² 2012 年 1 月入选“中国科学院青年创新促进会

²2010 年 1 月获中科院沈阳自动化研究所“知识创新工程冠名奖

²2009 年 10 月获“辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖

²2009 年 8 月获中国科学院沈阳自动化所“优秀博士论文

²2005 年 7 月获燕山大学研究生院“优秀毕业生

²2004 年 7 月获燕山大学研究生院“优秀团干部

²2003 年 7 月获燕山大学研究生院“优秀学生

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