

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-26

姓名:孔庆军 最高学位:博士 出生年月:1978年4 月
导师资质: 硕导 职称:教授 邮箱:kqj2929@163.com职务:系主任在系:应用数学系

1999.09—2003.07 曲阜师范大学理学学士
2003.09—2006.07 曲阜师范大学理学硕士
2006.09—2009.07 上海大学理学博士
1. 主持完成国家自然科学基金项目《有限群的共轭类长及其相关问题研究》,22万,批准号**,(2014.1-2016.12);
2. 参加完成国家自然科学基金项目《置换群在组合设计上的应用》,22万,批准号**,(2014.1-2016.12),(排名第二);
3. 参加完成国家自然科学基金项目《局部分析与有限群的共轭类》,25万,批准号**,(2008.1-2010.12),(排名第七);
4. 天津工业大学高等教育教学改革研究项目《基于《高等代数》课程教学方式方法改革的研究》(2017.12-2018.12),0.4万元,主持在研。
5. 天津工业大学学位与研究生教育改革项目《基于激发研究生的学习动力与兴趣的《矩阵论》课程改革的研究》(2018.9-2020.9),1万元,主持在研。
1. Qingjun Kong,Conjugacy class sizes of elements of prime-power order of finite
groups,Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society,44(2):405-408,2018. (SCI)
2. Julian Brough,Qingjun Kong, On vanishing criteria that control finite group structure II, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.,98(2):251-257,2018. (SCI)
3.Qingjun Kong, Xiuyun Guo, On ss-quasinormal or weakly s-permutably embedded subgroups of finite groups, Monatsh. Math., 182(3):637-647,2017.(SCI)
4. Qingjun Kong,A note on elements of prime power index in finite groups,Monatsh. Math.,179(4):577-580,2016. (SCI)
5. Qingjun Kong, Xiuyun Guo,On s-semipermutable or s-quasinormally embedded subgroups of finite groups, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin,58:799-807,2015. (SCI)
6. Qingjun Kong, Finite groups with elements of prime power index,Journal of Algebra and Its Applications,14, **, 2015. (SCI)
7. Qingjun Kong, A note conjugacy class sizes and solvability of finite groups, Monatsh. Math.,177(2):295-299,2015.(SCI)
8. Qingjun Kong, Xiuyun Guo,Finite groups with some semi-p-cover-avoiding or ss-quasinormal subgroups, Bull Korean Math Soc,51(4):943-948,2014. (SCI)
9. Qingjun Kong, Qingfeng Liu, The influence of weakly-supplemented subgroups on the structure of finite groups, Czechoslovak Math. J.,64(1):173-182,2014 . (SCI)
10. Qingjun Kong, On an extension of the Frobeniustheorem about p-nilpotency of a finite group, Monatsh. Math.,175(1):133-138,2014. (SCI)
11. Qingjun Kong, Finite groups with S-quasinormally embedded or SS-quasinormal subgroups,Acta. Math. Hungar.,142(2):459-467,2014.(SCI)
12. Qingjun Kong, Qingfeng Liu, Conjugacy class size conditions which imply solvability,Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.,88:297-300,2013. (SCI)
13. Qingjun Kong,Finite groups with four class sizes of elements of order divisible by at most three distinct primes, Journal of Group Theory,15(5):661-667,2012. (SCI)
14. Qingjun Kong, Conjugacy class sizes and solvability of finite groups,
Monatsh. Math.,168(2):267-271,2012.(SCI)
15. Qingjun Kong,Xiuyun Guo, On an extension of a theorem on conjugacy classes sizes, Israel Journal of Mathematics,179(1):279-284,2010. (SCI)
16.Qingjun Kong,Xiuyun Guo, Notes on conjugacy class lengths of finite groups,
Siberian Mathematical Journal , 51(2) :286-288,2010. (SCI)
17. Qingjun Kong, A note on two Caminas theorems on conjugacy class sizes,
Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, 120(2):139-140,2010.(SCI)
18. Qingjun Kong,Xiuyun Guo,On δ-permutability of maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups,Arch. Math., 91:106-110, 2008.(SCI)
美国数学会评论员,担任国际数学杂志International Journal of Mathematical Physics,Mathematical Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences的编委。

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