

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-26

姓名:雷锦志(曾用名雷锦誌)最高学位:博士 出生年月:1974年6月
导师资质: 博导 职称:教授 邮箱:jzlei@tiangong.edu.cn


1991—1995 北京航空航天大学 本科,应用数学
1995—1998 北京航空航天大学 硕士,应用数学
1998—2001 北京航空航天大学 博士,一般力学
2001—2003 清华大学数学科学系
2003—2019 清华大学周培源应用数学研究中心
2020— 天津工业大学数学科学学院
2004.8—2005.7 美国加州大学Irvine 分校 访问助理教授
2005.7—2005.12 McGill University 访问****
2018.1—2019.12 自然科学基金重大研究计划重点集成项目,题目“干细胞增殖的计算建模及其在癌症演变动力学的应用”
2015.1—2017.12 自然科学基金重大研究项目培育项目,题目“成体干细胞再生与分化调控的逆向建模”
2013.1—2016.12 自然科学基金面上项目,题目“造血系统动力学分析与控制策略研究”
2007.1—2009.12 自然科学基金青年项目,题目“影响果蝇成虫盘发育的基因网络的数学模型”,

Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering 编委
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 编委
Zentralblatt MATH, AMS Math 评论员

主要从事数学理论和系统生物学方面的研究,到目前共发表SCI 论文60 余篇,研究论文发表于PNAS, Phy Rev Lett, Cancer Research, J Theor Biol, SIAM J Math Anal, J Diff Equ 等国际期刊,共被引用600 多次,出版了一本系统生物学著作,主持国家自然科学基金项目四项,并被邀请在2019 年国际生物数学大会(SMB2019)做大会报告。
详细论文发表和引用情况:Research ID: B-3818-2010

1. Jinzhi Lei, Simon A. Levin*, Qing Nie, Mathematical model of adult stem cell regeneration with cross-talk between genetic and epigenetic regulation, PNAS, 2014, E880-E887.
2.Zhen Wang, Xiong Li, Jinzhi Lei*, Moment boundedness of linear stochastic delay differential equations with distributed delay. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 124(2014), 586-612.
3. Jinzhi Lei, On a classification of polynomial differential operators with respect to the type of first integrals. J Differential Equations, 260(2016), 1993-2025.
4.Jinzhi Lei, Wing-Cheong Lo, Qing Nie*, Mathematical models of morphogen dynamics and growth control, Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 1(2016), 427-471.
5.Yucheng Guo, Qing Nie, Adam L. MacLean, Yanda Li, Jinzhi Lei*, Shao Li*, Multiscale modeling of inflammation-induced tumorigenesis reveals competing oncogenic and oncoprotective roles for inflammation. Cancer Research, 77(2017), 6429-6441.
6.Vincent Lemaire, Chiu Fan Lee, Jinzhi Lei, Raphael Metivier, Leon Glass*, Sequential recruitment and combinatorial assembling of multiprotein complexes in transcriptional activation, PRL, 96, 198102(2006).
7. Zhuge, C., C Mackey, M., Lei, J.?, 2019. Origins of oscillation patterns
in cyclical thrombocytopenia. J. Theor. Biol, 462, 432-445.
8. Yu, Y., Situ, Q., Jia, W., Li, J., Wu, Q.?, Lei, J.?, 2018. Data driven mathematical modelling reveals the dynamic mechanism of MSC-induced neovascularization. The FASEB Journal, fj.R (2018). doi:10.1096/fj.R.
9. Jiao, X., Lei, J.?, 2018. Dynamics of gene expression based on epigenetic modifications. Communications in Information and Systems, 18, 125148.
10. Hao, L., Yang, Z., Lei, J.?, 2018. Underlying mechanisms of cooperativity, input specificity, and associativity of long-term potentiation through a positive feedback of local protein synthesis. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 12, 25.
11. Song, Y., Situ, F., Zhu, H., Lei, J.?, 2018. To be the Prince to wake up Sleeping Beauty: the rediscovery of the delayed recognition studies. Scientometrics, 117, 9-24.
12. Huang, R., Lei, J.?, 2018. Dynamics of gene expression with positive feedback to histone modifications at bivalent domains. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 32, **.
13. Hao, L., Yang, Z., Gong, P., Lei, J.?, 2018. Maintenance of postsynaptic neuronal excitability by a positive feedback loop of postsynaptic BDNF expression. Congitive Neurodynamics, 12(4), 403-416, doi:10.1007/s11571- 018-9479-z.
14. Lei, J., Chen, D. B.?, Nie, Q.?, 2018. A single-cell epigenetic model for parental psychological stress-induced transgenerational reprogramming in offspring. Biology of Reproduction, 96(6), 846-855, doi:10.1093/biolre/ioy050.
15. Shi, B., Guo, X., Yang, Y., Xiong, Y., Wang, J., Hayahshi, K., Lei, J., Zhang, L.?, Jiao, Y.?, 2018. Feedback from lateral organs controls shoot apical meristem growth by modulating auxin transport. Dev. Cell, 44(2), 204-216.
16. Xia, W., Lei, J.?, 2018. Formulation of the protein synthesis rate with sequence information. Math. Biosci. Eng., 15(2), 507-522.
17. Song, S., Ren, H., Lei, J.?, 2017, Collaborations between CpG sites in DNA methylation. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 31, **.
18. Situ, Q., Lei, J.?, 2017. A mathematical model of stem cell regeneration with epigenetic state transitions. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 14(5-6), 1379-1397.
19. Li, J., Du, M-M., Wang, R., Lei, J.?, Wu, Y.?, 2016. Astrocytic gliotransmitter: diffusion dynamics and induction of information processing on tripartite synapses. Int. J. Bif. Chaos, 26, **.
20. Lei, J., Lo, W-C., Nie, Q., 2016. Mathematical models of morphogen dynamics growth control. Ann. Math. Sci. Appl., 1, 427-471.
21. Wang, R., Li, J., Du, M., Lei, J.?, Wu, Y.?, 2016. Transition of spatiotemporal patterns in neuronal networks with chemical synapses. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 40, 80-88.
22. Jin, H., Lei, J.?, 2016. A hybrid model of molecular regulation and population dynamics for yeast autophagy. J. Theor. Biol., 402, 45-53.
23. Zhuge, C., Sun, X., Chen, Y., Lei, J.?, 2016. PDCD5 interacts with p53 and functions as a regulator of p53 dynamics in the DNA damage response. J Theor. Biol. 388, 1-10.
24. Lei, J., 2015. The modeling and analysis of biochemical reaction systems. J Jianxi Normal Univ. 2015(03):230-239.
25. Xie, J., Xiang, C., Ma, J., Tan, J., Wen, T., Lei, J., Nie, Q.?, 2015. An adaptive hybrid algorithm for global network alignment. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IEEE/ACM Transcations. vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1. doi:10.1109-TCBB.2015.**.
26. Bi, Y., Yang, Z., Zhuge, C., Lei, J.?, 2015. Bifurcation analysis and potential landscape of the p53-Mdm2 oscillator regulated by the co-activator programmed cell death 5. Chaos, 25, 113103.
27. Hao, L., Yang, Z., Lei, J.?, 2015. Bifurcation analysis of a delay differential equation model associated with the induction of long-term memory. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 81, 162-171.
28. Ma, S., Zhu, K., Lei, J.?, 2015. Bistability and state transition of a delay differential equation model of neutrophil dynamics. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 25, **.
29. Zhang, X., Jin, H., Yang, Z., Lei, J.?, 2014. Effects of elongation de- lay in transcription dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 11, 1431-1448.
30. Jin, H., Lei, J.?, 2014. A mathematical model of cell population dynamics with autophagy response to starvation. Mathematical Bioscience, 258, 1- 10.
31. Wang, Z., Li, X., Lei, J.?, 2014. Moment boundedness of linear stochastic delay differential equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamics System-B, 19, 2963-2991.
32. Jin, H., Lei, J.?, 2014, Modeling stochastic biochemical reaction with deterministic delay differential equations. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 9, 79-91.
33. Yvinec, R., Zhuge, C., Lei, J., Mackey, M., 2014. Adiabatic reduction of a model of stochastic gene expression with jump Markov process, J. Math. Biol., 68, 1051-1070.
34. Zhuge, C., Sun, X., Lei, J.?, 2013. On positive solutions and the Omega limit set for a class of delay differential equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamics System-B, 18, 2487-2503.
35. Lei, J., Wang, D., Song, Y., Nie, Q., Wan, F.?, 2013. Robustness of morphogen gradients with “bucket brigade” transport through membrane- associated non-receptors. Discrete and Continuous Dynamics System-B, 18, 721-739.
36. Brooks, G., Langlois, G., Lei, J.?, Mackey, M., 2012. Neutrophil dynamics after chemotherapy and G-CSF: The role of pharmacokinetics in shaping the response. J. Theor. Biol. 315, 97-109.
37. Lei, J., 2012. Recent progress in hematological dynamics. Advances in Mechanics, 42, 294-313.
38. Naqib, F., Quail, T., Musa, L., Vulpe, H., Nadeau, J., Lei, J., Glass, L.?, 2012. Tunable oscillations and chaotic dynamics in systems with localized synthesis. Phys. Rev. E, 84, 046210.
39. Bernard, S., Pujo-Menjouet, L., Colijn, C., Lei, J., Mackey, M.C.?, 2012. Mathematical modeling of hematopoiesis. UNECO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (In press).
40. Zhuge, C., Lei, J.?, Mackey, M.C., 2012. Neutrophil dynamics in response to chemotherapy and G-CSF. J. Theor. Biol., 293, 111-120.
41. Zhuge, C., Chang, Y., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Lei, J., 2011. PDCD5-regulated cell fate decision after UV-irradiation induced DNA damage. Biophys. J., 101, 2582-2591.
42. Lei, J.?, Mackey, M.C., 2011. Deterministic Brownian motion generated from differential delay equations. Phys. Rev. E., 84, 041105.
43. Hong, L.?, Lei, J., 2011. A general shape equation for local regular structure of bimolecular chains. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems Biology, ISB 2011, 144-148.
44. Sun, X.?, Lei, J., Perc, M., Kurths, J., Chen, G., 2011. Burst synchronization transitions in a neuronal network of subnectworks. Chaos, 21, 016110.
45. Gu, C., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Lei, J.?, 2011. A trigger model of TNF sig-
naling induced apoptosis. BMS Systems Biology, 5 (Suppl 1):S13, doi:10.1186/1752- 0509-5-S1-S13.
46. Chu, J.?, Lei, J.?, Zhang, M.?, 2011. Lyapunov stability for conservative systems with lower degrees of freedom. Discrete and Continuous Dynamics System-B, 16, 423-443.
47. Lei, J., 2012. Stochastic modeling in system biology. J. Adv. Math. Appl.,1, 76-88. arXiv:1104:4524.
48. Lei, J., Wan, F., Lander, A., Nie, Q.?, 2011, Robustness of signaling gradient in drosophila wing imaginal disc. Discrete and Continuous Dynamics System-B, 16, 835-866.
49. Lei, J., Systems Biology–Modeling, Analysis, Simulation. Shanghai Scientific Press, Shanghai, 2010.
50. Sun, X.?, Lei, J., Perc, M., Lu, Q., Lv, S., 2010. Effects of channels noise on firing coherence of small-world Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal networks. Eur. Phys. J. B, 79, 61-66.
51. Lei, J.?, Huang, K., 2010. Protein Folding: A perspective from statistical physics. In Protein Folding,Eric C. Walters ed., NOVA Publishers, 2010, pp. 579-604.
52. Gu, C., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Lei, J.?, 2010. A mathematical model of Fas signaling induced apoptosis. The 4th International Conference on Computational Systems Biology.
53. Lei, J.?, Mackey, M., 2010. Multistability in an age-structured model of hematopoiesis: Cyclical neutropenia, J. Theor. Biol. 270, 143-153.
54. Ma, S., Wang, X., Lei, J., Feng, Z.?, 2010. Dynamics of the delay hematological cell modell. Inter. J. Biomathematics. 3, 105-125.
55. Lei, J.?, 2010. Probability distribution of the radius of gyration of freely jointed chains. J. Chem. Phys. 133, 104903.
56. Lei, J., 2010. Mathematical model of the Dpp gradient formation in Drosophila wing imaginal disc (in Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin. 55, 984-991.
57. Lei, J.?, Song, Y., 2010. Mathematical model of the formation of morphogen gradients through membrane-associated non-receptors. Bull. Math. Biol. 72, 805-829.
58. Lei, J.?, Huang, K., 2009. Elastic energy of proteins and the stages of protein folding. Europhys. Lett. 88, 68004.
59. Lei, J., He, G., Liu, H., Nie, Q.?, 2009. A delay model for noise-induced bi-directional switching. Nonlinearity 22, 2845-2859.
60. Chu, J., Lei, J., Zhang, M.?, 2009. The stability of the equilibrium of a nonlinear planar system and application to the relativistic oscillator. J. Diff. Equs. 247, 530-542.
61. Hong, L.?Lei, J.?, 2009. Scaling law for the radius of gyration of proteins and its dependence on hydrophobicity. J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 47, 207-214.
62. Lei, J., 2009. Stochasticity in single gene expression with both intrinsic and extrinsic noise and fluctuation in kinetic parameters. J. Theor. Biol. 256, 485-492.
63. Hong, L.?Lei, J.?, 2008. Statistical mechanical model for helix-sheet-coil transitions in homopolypeptides. Phys. Rev. E 78, 051904.
64. Lei, J.?, Huang, K., 2008. Dynamics of Alpha-Helix formation in the CSAW model. Euro. Phys. J. E. 27, 197-204.
65. Lei, J.?, Mackey, M.C.?, 2007. Stochastic differential delay equation: Moment stability and its application to the hamatopoietic stem cell regulation system. SIAM. J. Appl. Math. 67(2007), 387-407.
66. Lemaire, V., Lee, C.F. Lei, J., Metivier, R., Glass, L., 2006. Sequential recruitment and combinational assembling of multiprotein complexes in transcriptional activation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96(19), 198102.
67. Lei, J., Santoprete, M.?, 2006. Rosette Central Configurations, Degenerate Central Configurations and Bifurcation. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 94, 271-287.
68. Lei, J., Torres, P.J.?, 2006. L1 criteria for stability of periodic solutions of a newtonian equation. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 140-2, 359-368.

69. Lei, J.?, Yang, L., 2005. Algebraic multiplicity and the Poincare problem. In Differential equations with symbolic computation, Wang Dong- ming, Zheng Zhiming (Eds), Chapter 9, Birkauser.
70. Lei, J., Torres, P.J., Zhang, M.?, 2005. Twist Character of the Fourth Order Resonant Periodic Solution. J. Dynam. Diff. Eqs. 17(1), 21-50.
71. Lei, J.?, Li, X., 2003. Some dynamical properties of the stadium billiard. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 189(1-2), 49-60.
72. Lei, J., Li, X., Yan, P., Zhang, M.?, 2003. Twist character of the least amplitude periodic solution of the forced pendulum. SIAM J. Math. Anal.35, 844-867.
73. Lei, J., Zhang, M.?, 2002. Twist property of periodic motion of an atom near a charged wire. Lett. Math. Phys. 60(1), 9-17.

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