姓名:贺晓凌 出生年月:1971.11
技术职务: 副教授 专业及学历:材料学/博士研究生办公电话:
1. 生物材料
2. 智能凝胶
3. 微生物法处理污水
1. 温敏支架材料表面纳微米结构设计及其对细胞行为的调控 国家自然科学基金
2.纳米拓扑智能膜的构建及其对细胞行为影响的研究 天津市自然科学基金
4.肝组织工程用温敏凝胶及其生物相容性研究 天津市高等学校科技发展基金
5.糖化温敏凝胶及其与细胞相互作用研究 国家自然科学基金
6.细胞活化温敏凝胶膜的研究 教育部高校博士点基金
7. 原子转移自由基聚合法制备温敏性聚偏氟乙烯及其成膜过程与分离性能研究国家自然科学基金
8. 分离用温度敏感聚偏氟乙烯中空纤维膜关键技术研究 国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)
1.Xiao-LingHe*, Chao Song, Yuan-Yuan Li,Ning Wang, Lei Xu, Xin Han, Dong-Sheng Wei. Efficient degradation of Azo dyes by a newly isolatedfungus Trichoderma tomentosum undernon-sterile conditions. Ecotoxicology andEnvironmental Safety, 2018,150:232–239.
2.Xiao-LingHe*, Fang Liang, Fu Wang, Liang-ShuaiZou, Jing Wang, Chao-Kai Tang, Kong-YinZhao, Dong-Sheng Wei. Targeted delivery and thermo/pH-controlledrelease of doxorubicin by novel nanocapsules. Journal of Material Science, 2018, 53: 2326–2336.
3.Xiao-LingHe*,Yu-Xin Zhao, Li-Li Ge, Hui-Qin An, Yu Su, Zhen-LiJin, Dong- Sheng Wei, Li Chen. Micropatterned fabrication ofchitosan-based thermoresponsive membranes for improving cell adhesion and geneexpression. Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 2016, 31(4): 373–392.
4.Xiao-LingHe*,Yu-Xin Zhao, Li-Li Ge, Hui-Qin An, Yu Su,Zhen-Li Jin, Dong- Sheng Wei, Li Chen. Designand cytocompatibility of chitosan-based thermoresponsive cell culture plates.
5.Xiao-LingHe*, Li-Li Ge, Ze-Li Liu, Wen-JiaLu, Jia-Quan Li, Yue-Mei Zhao,Xiang-Xu Li, Ning Yang, Li Chen, Dong-Sheng Wei. Glycyrrhetinic acid-basedthermoresponsive hydrogel as a synthetic extracellular matrix for hepatocyteculture and recovery.
6.Xiao-LingHe, Ping-Ping Nie, Bi-Zhou Chen, Xiang-Xu Li, Li Chen. A novelmethod to fabricate thermoresponsive microstructures with improved cell attachment
/detachment properties. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A,2012, 100 A (8):1946–1953.
7.Xiao-LingHe, Ping-Ping Nie, Yan-Kai Sun,Ying Wang, You-Yu Dong, Li Chen. Immobilization of galactose ligands onthermoresponsive culture surface and its
influence on cell adhesion /detachment.
8.Xiao-LingHe, Shen Yu, You-Yu Dong,Fan-Yong Yan, Li Chen. Preparation and properties of a novelthermo-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogel containingglycyrrhetinic acid. Journal of MaterialsScience, 2009,44(15):4078–4086. 9.
10.Yue-MeiZhao, Xiao-ling He *,Jia-Quan Li, Xiang-Xu Li, Li Chen ,Dong-Sheng Wei. Preparation andproperties of thermosensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide -co- glycyrrhetinicacid) microgels for controlled growth factor release. Applied Mechanics andMaterials, 2014,457-458:148–151.