姓名: 潘杰 出生年月:1975.09
技术职务:副教授 专业及学历: 生物化工制药,博士电子邮箱: panjie@tjpu.edu.cn
2010/10–至今, 天津工业大学,化学与化学工程学院,副教授, 硕士生导师;
2005/07–2010/04, 新加坡国立大学,化学与生物分子工程学院,博士;
2001/09–2004/01, 天津大学,化学工程学院,硕士学位;
1995/09–1999/07, 西北大学,化学工程学院,本科,学士学位
国家自然科学基金,**,酶响应多功能纳米药物载体的制备及其在肿瘤联合化疗中的应用,2017/01-2017/12,10 万元,已结题,主持。
1.Jie Pan*, Pei-Jiao Li,Yi Wang, Lu Chang, Dong Wan* and Hao Wang*, Active targeted drug delivery of MMP-2 sensitive polymeric nanoparticles, Chemical Communications, 2018,DOI: 10.1039/C8CC05504A. (JIF=6.290, 通讯作者,第一单位).
2.Wei-Jiao Liu, DiZhang, Li-Li Li, Zeng-Ying Qiao, Ju-Chen Zhang, Ying-Xi Zhao, Guo-Bin Qi, Dong Wan,Pan Jie*, Hao Wang*, In Situ construction andcharacterization of chlorin- based supramolecular aggregates in tumor cells, ACS applied materials & interfaces,2016, 8 (35): 22875–22883. (JIF=8.097, 通讯作者,第一单位).
3.Wan Dong, Liu Weijiao, Wang Lei, Wang Hao and Pan Jie*, Fluoridated hydroxyapatite: Eu3+nanorods-loaded folate-conjugated D-α-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate (VitaminE TPGS) micelles for targeted imaging of cancer cells, Nanotechnology, 2016,27(10):105703. (JIF=3.404,通讯作者,第一单位).
4.Lili Wang, YuangangLiu, Chuanbin Chong, Jing Wang, ZhiqiangShi*, Pan Jie*, Phenolicformaldehyde resin/graphene composites as lithium-ion batteries anode, Materials letters, 2016,170: 217-220. (JIF=2.687,通讯作者,第一单位).
5.Pan Jie*, Wei-Jiao Liu, Chao Hua, Li-Li Wang, Dong Wan*, Jun-Bo Gong*, Polymeric nanocomposites loaded withfluoridated hydroxyapatite Ln3+ (Ln = Eu orTb)/iron oxide for magnetic targeted cellular imaging, Cancer Biology & Medicine, 2015,12 (3):175-183. (JIF=4.607,第一兼通讯作者).
6. JuChen Zhang, Zeng-YingQiao,Pei-Pei Yang, Pan Jie*, Lei Wang*, Hao Wang*, Recent
advancesin near-infrared absorption nanomaterials as photoacoustic contrast agents forbiomedical imaging, Chinese Journal ofChemistry, 2015,33(1):35-52. (JIF=2.378, 通讯作者, 第一单位).
7.Pan Jie*, ZhangJuchen, Wang Lili, Wan Dong*, Synthesis of Iron Oxide coated Fluoridated HAp/Ln3+(Ln=Eu or Tb) nanocomposites for Biological Applications, Chemical Communications,2014,50:14010-14012. (JIF=6.290,第一兼通讯作者).
8. Pan Jie#, Wan Dong#, uxia Bian, Yugao Guo,Fengmin Jin, Tuo Wang, Gong Jinlong*,
Reductionof nonspecific binding for cellular imaging using quantum dots conjugated withvitamin E, AICHE Journal,2014, 60 (5) :1591-1597. (JIF=3.326).
9.Pan Jie, Sunhongfan, Wan Dong, Bian Yuxia, Gong Jinlong*, Fluorescent hydroxyapatite-loaded biodegradable polymer nanoparticles with folate decoration for targetedimaging, AICHE Journal, 2013,59 (12):4494-4501. (JIF=3.326).
10.Pan Jie, Wan Dong, Gong Jinlong*, PEGylated liposome coated QDs/mesoporoussilica core- shell nanoparticlesfor molecular imaging, ChemicalCommunications, 2011, 47:3442-3444.(JIF=6.290).
11.Pan Jie, Liu Yutao, Feng SS*,Multifunctional nanoparticles of biodegradable copolymer blend for cancer diagnosis and treatment, Nanomedicine, 2010, 5 (3):347-360. (JIF=5.005).
12.Pan Jie, Feng SS*, Targetingand imaging cancer cells by folate decorated, quantum dots loadednanoparticles of biodegradable polymers, Biomaterials,2009,30:1176-1183. (JIF=8.806). (Ranked bySienceDirect.com as Top 25 HottestPaper at 17th position in the journal of Biomaterials, Q1 2009)
13.Pan Jie, Wan Yan, Feng SS*,Formulation, characterization and in vitro evaluation of quantumdots-loaded poly(lactide)-vitamin E TPGS nanoparticles for cellular andmolecular imaging, Biotechnology andBioengineering,2008,101(3):622-633.(JIF=3.952).
14.Pan Jie,Feng SS*,Targeted deliveryof paclitaxel using folate-decorated poly (lactide)-vitaminE TPGS nanoparticles, Biomaterials,2008, 29:2663-2672. (JIF=8.806). (Ranked bySienceDirect.com as Top 25 HottestPaper at 6th position in the journal of Biomaterials, Q22008)
15.Li-Li Li, Sheng-LinQiao, Wei-Jiao Liu, Yang Ma, Dong Wan, Pan Jie and Hao Wang*, Intracellularconstruction of topology-controlled polypeptide nanostructures with diversebiological functions, Nature Communications, 2017,1276. (JIF=12.353).
16.Li Kai, Pan Jie,Feng SS, Liu Yutao, Liu Bin*, Generic Strategy of Preparing FluorescentConjugated-Polymer-Loaded Poly(DL-lactide-co-Glycolide) Nanoparticles for Targeted Cell Imaging, Advanced Functional Materials,2009,19 (22):3535-3542. (JIF=13.325).