本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-22
1987.9 - 1991.7 东北师范大学化学系获化学专业理学学士学位
1991.9 - 1994.7 东北师范大学化学系物理化学专业理学硕士学位1994.7 - 1997.7 东北师大化学学院, 助教
1997.7 -2003,11 东北师大化学学院, 讲师
1999.9 - 2003.7 东北师大化学学院无机化学专业理学博士学位2003.11-2009.5 天津工业大学材料化工学院, 副教授2009.5-2010.12 天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院,副教授2010.12-至今天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院,教授
1. 国家自然科学基金新型杂自旋分子磁性材料的分子设计与性能研究,No: **
2. 教育部留学归国基金利用超分子技术构造杂化分子磁性材料
3. 教育部霍英东教育基金项目电磁活性有机功能材料的分子设计与性能研究,No: 71013
4. 国家自然科学基金项目利用超分子技术与无机离子构造有机或分子铁磁材料No: **。获2002年吉林省科学技术进步三等奖5.国家自然科学基金项目“具有“化学键作用”梯度过渡层双重界面的设计及复合材料界面性能调控机理研究“, No:** 6.国家自然科学基金项目“基于酸性离子液体溶解/催化双重作用的壳聚糖可控性降解规律研究”,项目批准号 .横向课题“聚片氟乙烯长丝研制开发”
东北师大校内基金利用水热法合成并计算普鲁士蓝类分子基铁磁体2. 天津工业大学校内基金项目“分子磁体的基础研究”3. 天津工业大学校内重点项目“纳米材料对涤纶的抗静电功能改性”4.横向课题“新型杂多酸纳米催化剂用于处理染料废水的小试与中试工艺的研发”5.天津工业大学校内教改项目“《仪器分析》中大型仪器实验与理论教学的有机结合”6. 天津市教委项目“低价铜催化制备蒽醌染料工艺的研究”7. 横向课题“新型纳米氧化物催化剂处理染料废水的技术研发”
1.Ning Zhang, Deqing Chu , Limin Wang,One‐step synthesis of novel flower‐like Sn‐doped ZnO architectures with enhanced photocatalytic activity, Surf Interface Anal,52(2020)91–97.
2.Zhiqiang Wu, Limin Wang, Graphene oxide (GO) doping hexagonal flower-like ZnO as potential enhancer of photocatalytic ability, Materials Letters,234 (2019) 287–290.
3.Zhiqiang Wu, Limin Wang, Graphene oxide (GO) doped CeO2as potentialenhancer of methyl orange degradation, Fullerenes, NanotubesandCarbonNanostructures,27(4)(2019)344–350.
4.Zhiqiang Wu, Limin Wang , Graphene oxide (GO)-doping SnO2flower-like structure to enhance photocatalytic activity, Fullerenes, NanotubesandCarbonNanostructures,27(5)(2019)387–394.
5.Xiangyu chen,Deqing Chu , Limin Wang , Facile synthesis of hierarchical hexagonal flower-like WO3·0.33H2O nanostructures with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity, Fullerenes, NanotubesandCarbonNanostructures, 27(10)( 2019) 755–761.
6.Xiangyu chen,Deqing Chu , Limin Wang , One-step and green synthesis of novel hierarchical hydrangea flower-like CuO nanostructures with enhanced photocatalytic activity, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,106 (2019) 194–199.
7.Guowei Wang , Limin Wang, and Zhiqiang Wu,Hydrothermal Synthesis of Novel Hierarchical,Flower-Like SnO2with Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,19(2019)1–7.
8.Guowei Wang , Limin Wang, and Zhiqiang Wu Synthesis of Ce-doped GN/ZnO architectures with enhanced photocatalytic activity,Fullerenes, NanotubesandCarbonNanostructures,27(1)(2019) 28–32.
9.Guowei Wang , Limin Wang ,Different morphologies of strontium carbonate in water/ethylene glycol and their photocatalytic activity, Fullerenes, NanotubesandCarbonNanostructures,27(1)(2019) 46-51.
10.Guowei Wang , Limin Wang Hydrothermal synthesis of hierarchical flower-like α-CNTs/SnO2architectures with enhanced photocatalytic activity, Fullerenes, NanotubesandCarbonNanostructures,27(1)(2019) 10-13.
11.Xiangyu chen,Deqing Chu , Limin Wang ,Hydrogen peroxide-assisted synthesis of novel three-dimensional octagonal-like CuO nanostructures with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity, Journal of Molecular Structure,1157 (2018) 337-340.
12.Xiangyu chen,Deqing Chu , Limin Wang ,Surfactant-free synthesis of novel hierarchical dahlia-like SnO2nanostructures with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,768 (2018) 517-524.
13.Guowei Wang , Limin Wang , Hydrothermal synthesis of rose-like AgVO3/Bi2WO6heterojunctions with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity,Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,103 (2018) 323–328.
14.Zhenfeng Wang, Deqing Chu , Limin Wang,EDTA-assisted synthesis of camellia-like WO 3·0.33H 2 O architectures with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity,Catalysis Communications,88 (2017) 1–4.
15.Zhenfeng Wang, Deqing Chu , Limin Wang,Facile synthesis of hierarchical double-shell WO 3 microspheres with enhanced photocatalytic activity,Applied Surface Science,396 (2017) 492–496.
16.Xiangyu chen,Deqing Chu , Limin Wang,One-step synthesis of novel hierarchical flower-like SnO2nanostructures with enhanced photocatalytic activity,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,729 (2017) 710-715.
17.Lipeng Wang , Limin Wang , Deqing Chu, Tartaric acid-assisted synthesis of Ag3PO4hollow microspheres with enhanced photocatalytic properties, Catalysis Communications,88 (2017) 53–55.
18.Zhenfeng Wang, Deqing Chu , Limin Wang ,Synthesis of dysosma pleiantha-like hierarchical ZnO nanostructures with enhanced photocatalytic activity,Materials Letters,169 (2016) 99–102.
19.Lufeng Yang , DeqingChu , LiminWang,CuO core–shell nanostructures: Precursor-mediated fabrication andvisible-light induced photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants,Powder Technology,287 (2016) 346–354.
20.Lufeng Yang , DeqingChu , LiminWang ,Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of chrysanthemum-like Cu2O/Carbon Nanotubes nanocomposites,Ceramics International,42(2016)2502–2509.
21.Lufeng Yang , DeqingChu , LiminWang ,Microemulsion-mediated synthesis of sedum rubrotinctum shaped Cu2O architecture with efficient sunlight driven photocatalytic activity,RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 960–966.
22.Lufeng Yang , DeqingChu , LiminWang,Facilesynthesisofporous flower-like SrCO3nanostructures by integratingbottom-upandtop-downroutes,Materials Letters,167(2016)4–8.
23.Lufeng Yang , DeqingChu , LiminWang , Enhanced photocatalytic activity of porous cuprous oxide dodecahe- dron nanocrystals synthesized by solvothermal method,Materials Letters,159(2015)172–176.
24.Lufeng Yang , DeqingChu , LiminWang,Porous hexapod CuO nanostructures: precursor-mediated fabrication, characterization, and visible-light induced photocatalytic degradation of phenol,Materials Letters,160(2015)246–249.
25.Yongfang Zhang, Limin Wang, Deqing Chu,Fabrication of coupled twin-shaped hollow hemispherical calcium molybdate via a facile ultrasound-assisted approach, CrystEngComm,17 (2015)2444.
26.Zhong-Chao Ma, Li-Min Wang, De-Qing Chu, Hong-Ming Sun, Ao-Xuan Wang,Fabrication of α-MoO3nanobelts membrane showing a three-dimensional cross-linked nano-scale network structure for water and oil mixture separation, RSC Advances,5(2015)27398.
27.Zhong-Chao Ma, Li-Min Wang,De-Qing Chu, Hong-Ming Sun and Ao-Xuan Wang,Template-free synthesis of complicated doublewall Cu2O hollow spheres with enhanced visible photocatalytic activities,RSC Adv., 5(2015)8223.
28.Hongming Sun, LiminWang, DeqingChu, ZhongchaoMa, AoxuanWang, Facile template-free hydrothermal fabrication of ZnO hollow microspheres for gas sensing applications,Ceramics International,40(2014)16465–16473.
29.Hongming Sun , LiminWang, DeqingChu , ZhongchaoMa, AoxuanWang,FacilefabricationofmultishelledCr2O3hollowmicrospheres with enhancedgassensitivity, MaterialsLetters,140(2015)158–161.
30.Hongming Sun, Limin Wang, Deqing Chu, Zhongchao Ma, Aoxuan Wang,Synthesis of porous Cr2O3hollow microspheres via a facile template-free approach,Materials Letters,140(2015)35-38.
31.Ao-Xuan Wang, De-Qing Chu, Li-Min Wang, Bao-Guang Mao,Preparation and characterization of novel spica-like hierarchical vaterite calcium carbonate and a hydrophilic poly(vinylidene fluoride)/calcium carbonate composite membrane,CrystEngComm,16(24)(2014)5198-5205.
32.Ao-Xuan Wang, De-Qing Chu, Li-Min Wang, Bao-Guang Mao,Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of copper hollow microspheres: icrostructure, formation mechanism and compression plasticity,RSC Advances,4(2014)7545-7548.
33.Qiu-Hong Li, Li-Min Wang, De-Qing Chu,Cylindrical stacks and flower-like tungsten oxide microstructures:Controllable synthesis and photocatalytic properties,Ceramics International,40(2014)4969–4973.
34.Bao-GuangMao,De-QingChu, Li-MinWang, Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of sea urchin-like Cu2O architectures,Materials Letters,109(2013)62-65.
35.Chu, De-Qing; Mao, Bao-Guang; Wang, Li-Min,Microemulsion-based synthesis of hierarchical 3D flowerlike CuO nanostructures, Materials Letters, 105(2013)151-154.
Bao-GuangMao,De-QingChu, ao-xuanWang, Li-MinWang, Fabrication of flowerlike vaterite calcium carbonate mesocrystals by self-assembly of primary cigarsEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 35(2013)5958-5963.
Li-MinWang, Hong-MingSun,Zhong-ChaoMa,Ao-XuanWang, Preparation of hierarchical CuO nanoparticles and their photocatalytic activity, Advanced Materials Research,785-786(2013)378-381.
Chu De-qing, Mao Bao-guang, Wang Li-min, BP neural network predicting the rate of photo-catalytic degradation,Advances in Chemistry Research II, 554-556(2012)1624-1627.
Zhiri Yu, Deqing Chu, Qiuhong Li, Limin Wang, Synthesis of MoO3nanostructures and their photocatalytic properties,Advanced Engineering Materials II,535-537(2012)345-348.
Dong Yun-na, Chu De-qing, Wang Li-min, Synthesis and photocatalytic characterization of porous cuprous oxide,Advances in Chemistry Research II, 554-556(2012)628-631.
Limin Wang, Zhongcai Du, Qiang Li, Simeng Wei,Preparation and photocatalytic activity of heteropoly acids/polyvinylidene fluoride thin film,Materials Processing Technology II, 538-541(2012)158-161.
王立敏,付维贵,王虹,李伟,李先锋,何本桥, 仪器分析实验教学改革研究,第二届高等教育理工类教学研讨会,2012,1542-1545.
Wang Li-min,Chu De-qing, Study on structure properties of pyridine ionic liquids of different acid-based chain lengths,Advanced Materials Research,298(2011)51-55.
Su Liangci, Wang Li-min, Study on the synthesis and photocatalytic performance of molybdovanadosilicic acids, 2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering,2011,4541-4543.
Wang Li-min, Xia Chuan, Theory study on structure property of N-ethyl morpholinium ionic liquid of different alkyl length, Advanced Materials Research,301-303(2011)170-174.
Chu, Deqing; Dong, Yunna; Yu, Zhiri; Su, Liangci; Wang, Limin, Preparation, characterization and catalytic properties of the different types of nanometer crystal manganese dioxide, Advanced Materials Research, 287-290(2011)708-711.
Wang Li-min,Chu De-qing, Theory Study of Different Substituent Length on Structure Property of N-methyl Morpholinium Ionic Liquid, 2010 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, 2010,3122-3125.
Wang Li-min, Quantum Chemical Study on Structure Property of Double Anion Pyridinum Ionic Liquid, 2010 International Conference on Methanic Automation and Control Engineering, 2010, 4306-4309.
Chu De-qing, Wang Li-min, Preparation of Nanocrystalline Cu2O and its Catalytic Performance for Degradation of Methyl Orange, 2010 International Conference on Methanic Automation and Control Engineering, 2010, 4278-4281.
Xia Chuan, Wang Li-min,Study on Structure Property of Different Cation and Anion Morpholinium Ionic Liquid, 2010 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, 2010, 5651-5654.
Sun Hong-wei,Chu De-qing, Liu Li, Wang Li-min, Preparation of nanocrystalline Cu2O and its catalytic degradation of methylene blue, The 4thInternational Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2010.
Li Long, De-qing Chu, and Li-min Wang, Quantum Chemical Study on Structure Properties of Pyridine Ionic Liquids of Different Chain Lengths Substituent Group, Advanced Materials Reseach, 113-114(2010)1968-1971.
Li Liu, Li-min Wang and De-qingChu, Photodegradation of Neutral Red Using Heteropoly Acid Supported {(NH4)6H5[Mo4V9O40]·23H2O /TiO2} as the Photocatalyst, Advanced Materials Reseach, 113-114(2010)2045-2048.
SU Liangci,CHU Deqing, WANG Limin, Photodegradation of Methyl Orange Using Solution Supported Heteropoly Acid (H3PW6Mo6O40/TiO2)as the Photocatalysis, Proceedings of the 3RDInternational conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge transfer, 2010, 399-404.
SU Peng,CHU Deqing, WANG Limin, Studies on Catalytic Activity of nanocrystalline Manganese Oxide Prepared by Different Methods on Degrading Methylene Blue, Proceedings of the 3RDInternational conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge transfer,2010,405-408.
储德清,谢世伟,刘丽,孙洪伟,王立敏, 不同烷基链长的吗啉型离子液体结构性能的理论研究, 东北师大学报(自然科学版),42(3)(2010)108-113.
Li-Min WANG, De-Qing Chu, Coordination polymer {[Cu(im)2]3K[β-Mo8O26]}n,Mendeleev Commun,18(2008)133-134.
WANG, Li-Min, CHU, De-Qing , ZHANG, Jing-Ping, WANG, Rong-Shun Theory study on biradical systems with quinoline as coupling unit, J. Mol. Sci, 23(1)(2007)9-12.
储德清, 王立敏,以杂环做端基的高自旋双自由基分子的理论研究,东北师大学报(自然科学版)39(1)(2007)81-83.
储德清, 王立敏,聚羧烷基吡咯导电性能的计算,天津工业大学学报, 26(2)(2007)36-38.
De-QingCHU, Li-MinWANG, Jing-PingZHANG,Rong-ShunWANG, Theoretical Design of High-spin Organic Molecules with -?N-N- as a Spin-containing Fragment and Heterocycles as an End Group,Chin. J. Chem.,24(2006)1648-1652.
De-QingCHU, Li-MinWANG, Jing-PingZHANG,Rong-ShunWANG,Theoretical Design of High-spin Organic Molecules with -?N-S- as a Spin-containing Fragment and a Heterocycle as an End Group, Chem. Res. Chinese U.,22(5)(2006)631-634.
Li-minWANG, De-qingCHU, Theoretical Design of High-spin Biradical Molecules with Heterocycles as Coupling Unit, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 16(2006)s715.
储德清, 王立敏,对吡啶的邻间对位的双自由基体系的理论研究,天津工业大学学报, 25(2006)43.
王立敏, 张景萍, 构象对同位乙烯双自由基体系基态多重度及其稳定性影响的理论研究, 高等学校化学学报,25(5)(2004)913-916.
王晓红, 王立敏, CoW11Ti/淀粉纳米复合物的合成与表征, 高等学校化学学报, 24(12)(2003)2158-2160.
王立敏,张景萍,王荣顺,以杂环为铁磁耦合单元的双中心双自由基高自旋有机分子的理论研究, 化学学报,61(6)(2003)808-811.
Wang L.M., Zhang J.P., Wang R.S, Theoretical design of high-spin organic molecules with heterocycles as ferromagnetic coupling units,Chem. Research inChineseUniversity, 19(4)(2003)508-511.
王立敏,张景萍,王荣顺,以2,2′-联吡啶为耦合单元的双自由基体系的理论研究, 分子科学,2(2003)73-76.
王立敏,张景萍,王荣顺,含杂环并具有高自旋基态的双自由基体系的理论设计, 师大学报,2(2003)47-51.
Wang Limin, Zhang Jingping, Wang Rongshun, Study on the effect of conformation for the spin multiplicity in m-phenylene type biradicals by different approaches,Chem. Research in Chinese University, 19(4)(2003)489-493.
Zhang J.P., Wang L.M., Zhang H., Wang R.S., Ab initio study for the effect of hydrogen bonds in the intermolecular interaction between high-spin molecules, Syn. Met., 137(2003)1349-1350.
Zhang J.P., Wang L.M., Wang R.S., Koga N., The effective position of radical substitution on pyridine ligands for the exchange interaction in 1:2 complexes of paramagnetic ion and organic radicals: a DFT study, Syn. Met.,137(2003)1355-1356.
Zhang J.P., Lv J.J., Wang L.M. et al. The theoretical investigation of interaction between mono organic radicals and paramagnetic ions through bipyridine ligands, Syn. Met.,137(2003)1347-1348.
De-QingChu, Cheng-Ling Pan, Li-Min Wang et al. The synthesis and structural characterization of a novel layered compound [Na0.5FeMoH1.5O5]n, Inorganic Chemistry Communication, 5(2002)989.
De-Qing Chu, Cheng-Ling Pan, Li-Min Wang and Ji-Qing Xu, Synthesis and structural characterization of {[Fe(OH)(H2bta)](H2O)}n(3-D) ( H2bta=benzen etetracar- boxylic acid), Mendeleev Commun, 2002, 207.
Zhang J.P., Wang L.M., Wang R.S., The Effective Position of Radical Substitution on Pyridine Ligands for the Exchange Interaction in Complexes Composed of Paramagnetic Ion and Organic Radicals by DFT Approach, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 23(2002)170-172.
Li-Min Wang, De-Qing Chu, Chen-Ling Pan, The synthesis and characteri-zation of cross-packed 1-D coordination polymer [Co2(C2O4)2(C4H6N2)4]H2O(C4H6N2 = 4-methylimidazo), Mendeleev Commun, 2002, 235.
王立敏,张景萍,王荣顺, 具有不同端基及高自旋基态的双自由基体系的理论设计,高校化学学报,23(2002)362-365.
相关话题/天津工业大学 材料科学与工程学院
尹翠玉,女,1962年8月出生。博士,教授。1985年毕业于天津纺织工学院化学纤维专业,2003年获东华大学材料科学与工程硕士学位;2006年获东华大学材料科学与工程工学博士学位。1985年7月至2008年7月在河南工程学院(原河南纺织高等专科学校)工作,先后任化纤教研室主任、教务处副处长,河南省纺 ...天津工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-22天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱庆霞教授
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丁长坤,男,1978年8月5日出生。毕业于天津工业大学,研究生学历,博士学位,博士后,副教授,硕士研究生导师。教育背景及工作经历:1997.09-2001.07,天津工业大学高分子材料与工程专业(本科)2001.07-2002.07,浙江锦达新材料股份有限公司(技术员)2003.09-2006.03 ...天津工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-22天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈华艳副研究员
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杜润红,女,博士,天津工业大学,副教授联系方式:jduonline@qq.com科研方向:膜分离工程:膜的传质机理;过程优化及应用(水处理、气体分离、清洁能源生产、天然产物提取,生物医药)高分子材料:高分子设计、合成及改性;结构-性能关系;分离膜研制教育背景:2008博士加拿大滑铁卢大学化学工程20 ...天津工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-22天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-高海燕博士
高海燕,女,博士学位,硕士生导师,入选天津市131第三层次人才。天津市贝特瑞新能源科技有限公司优秀科技特派员。2014年6月毕业于南开大学无机化学专业,同年六月加入天津工业大学。主要从事锂离子电池,Li-S电池、超级电容器等储能材料与器件研究。发表SCI论文三十余篇。申请发明专利8项。获得第二届全国 ...天津工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-22天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-付维贵副教授
付维贵:女,2010年毕业于南开大学物理科学学院,理学博士,现天津工业大学材料学院,副教授。研究方向为功能高分子材料、功能陶瓷膜材料、核磁共振波谱及计算机模拟。E-mail:tjfwg@hotmail.com主持及参与科研项目:1.2014.01-2016.12PNIPA/Clay纳米复合水凝胶中超 ...天津工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-22天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-纪秀杰副教授
个人简介纪秀杰,女,博士,博士后,副教授,硕士生导师。2007年博士毕业于天津大学,2008年至今在天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院从事教学与科研工作,致力于复合材料、纳米材料、天然高分子材料、新型离子液体的制备及其在能源、环境、医药、化工及国防等领域的应用研究,承担国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基 ...天津工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-22天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-侯彦辉副教授
个人资料姓名:侯彦辉邮箱:houyh1977@163.com博士:南开大学高分子化学研究所专业:高分子化学与物理硕士:郑州大学化学系专业:无机化学学士:郑州大学材料工程系专业:高分子材料科学与工程研究方向烯烃催化聚合、有机光电功能材料主持项目基于接枝负载技术的后过渡金属催化剂制备高支化聚乙烯应用研究 ...天津工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-22