
天津工业大学环境与化学工程学院研究生导师简介-李 渊

天津工业大学 免费考研网/2016-02-05


李渊, 2005 年 6 月毕业于天津大学生物化工专业,并获博士学位。


1 环境优化催化剂的开发及利用

2 生物分离,利用现代生物手段,对生物大分子产品进行高效,快速分离与纯化

3 生物质的深加工与利用

4 绿色催化过程与工艺


1 Li, Yuan , Dong, Xiaoyan, Sun, Yan, High-Speed Chromatographic Purification of Plasmid DNA with a Customized Biporous Hydrophobic Adsorbent, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 27 (2005): 33–39.

2 Li, Yuan , Zhao, Xinqiang, Wang, Yanji, Synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from methanol, propylene oxide and carbon dioxide on KOH/4A molecular sieve catalyst , Applied Catalysis A,General, 279(1-2): 205-208.

3 Li, Yuan , Shi, Qinghong, Sun, Yan, Rapid chiral separation by flow-through chromatography , Chromatographia, 61(2005) 213-217

4 Li, Yuan , Zhao, Xinqiang, Wang, Yanji, Synthesis of propylene carbonate from propylene oxide and carbon dixode, 1# International symposium on green chemistry, Ji'nan, China , May, 2001.

5 Li, Wei, Li, Yuan Sun, Yan, Packed-microtubes model for flowthrough chromatography of protein, Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (2005): 4780-4790.

6 Li, Yuan , Dong, Xiaoyan, Sun, Yan, High-Speed Chromatographic Purification of Plasmid DNA with a Customized Biporous Medium Coupled with Mercaptopyridine, Journal of Applied Ploymer Science

7 Li, Yuan, Zhao, Xinqiang, Wang,Yanji. Synthesis of Propylene Carbonate over Supported catalyst.International Symposium on Green Chemistry in China ,May,2001

8 李渊 , 赵新强 , 王延吉 , KOH/ 4A 分子筛催化剂对环氧丙烷、二氧化碳和甲醇合成碳酸二甲酯反应的催化性能 , 催化学报 (2004)25 8: 633-636

9 李渊 ,赵新强,王淑芳,王延吉,超临界条件下合成碳酸丙烯酯 KI/ γ -Al2O3 催化剂的失活分析。四川大学学报 , 2002,34:41 ~ 43
