
天津工业大学环境与化学工程学院研究生导师简介-潘 杰

天津工业大学 免费考研网/2016-02-05


姓 名: 潘杰
E-mail: panjie@tjpu.edu.cn

1995-1999 西北大学,化学工程本科。2001-2003年天津大学化工学院攻读硕士学位,研究方向为药物工业结晶过程研究。2005-2009年新加坡国立大学化学与生物分子工程学院攻读博士学位,从事药物缓控释,以及基于量子点的纳米粒肿瘤成像研究。2010年进入天津工业大学环化学院制药工程系工作。目前已经在Chemical Communications,Biomaterials,Nanomedicine,Advanced Functional Materials等著名国际期刊发表多篇论文,SCI影响因子超过51,被引用次数278次(他引271次),单篇最高引用次数71次。其中以第一作者在Biomaterials期刊上发表的两篇论文曾被ScienceDirect评为TOP 25 HOTTEST PAPER。


授权专利: 抗肿瘤的pH敏感缓释植入剂及制备方法(No. **4.9),潘杰、万冬等。


1. Pan Jie, Wan Dong, Wang Xun*, Gong Jinlong*, Preparation of fluorescent hydroxyapatite-loaded biodegradable polymer nanoparticles with folate decoration for targeted imaging of cancer cells, submitted.

2. Pan Jie, Wan Dong, Gong Jinlong*, PEGylated liposome coated QDs/mesoporous silica core-shell nanoparticles for molecular imaging,Chemical Communications, 47 (2011):3442-3444. (JIF=6.169).

3. Pan Jie, Liu Yutao, Feng SS*,Multifunctional nanoparticles of biodegradable copolymer blend for cancer diagnosis and treatment, Nanomedicine, April 2010, Vol. 5, No. 3, Pages 347-360. (JIF=5.055).

4. Pan Jie, Feng SS*, Targeting and imaging cancer cells by folate decorated, quantum dots loaded nanoparticles of biodegradable polymers, Biomaterials, 30 (2009) :1176-1183. (JIF=7.404).

5. Pan Jie, Wan Yan, Feng SS*, Formulation, characterization and in vitro evaluation of quantum dots-loaded poly(lactide)-vitamin E TPGS nanoparticles for cellular and molecular imaging, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2008, 101(3) :622-633. (JIF=3.946).

6. Pan Jie, Feng SS*, Targeted delivery of paclitaxel using folate-decorated poly (lactide)-vitamin E TPGS nanoparticles, Biomaterials,29 (2008) :2663-2672. (JIF=7.404).

7. Li Kai, Pan Jie, Feng SS, Liu Yutao, Liu Bin*,Generic Strategy of Preparing Fluorescent Conjugated-Polymer-Loaded Poly(DL-lactide-co-Glycolide) Nanoparticles for Targeted Cell Imaging, Advanced Functional Materials, 19 (22), pp. 3535-3542. (JIF=10.179).

8. Liu Yutao, Pan Jie, Feng SS*, Nanoparticles of lipid monolayer shell and biodegradable polymer core for controlled release of paclitaxel: Effects of surfactants on particles size, characteristics and in vitro performance, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 395(1-2), pp. 243-250. (JIF=3.869).

9. Liu Yutao, Li Kai, Pan Jie, Liu Bin, Feng SS*, Folic acid conjugated nanoparticles of mixed lipid monolayer shell and biodegradable polymer core for targeted delivery of Docetaxel, Biomaterials, 31 (2), pp. 330-338. (JIF=7.404).

10.潘杰, 王静康*,头孢曲松钠的结晶热力学研究,化学工业与工程, 2003, 20(6): 337-341。

11.郭志超,王静康, 李鸿,陈巍,张缨,潘杰,李斌,超声波对结晶过程部分热力学和动力学性质的影响, 河北化工, 2003(2): 1-4。
